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100%{ top:325px; opacity:0; z-index:0; }
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100%{ top:-325px; opacity:0; z-index:-1; }
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40% { top:0px; opacity:1; }
44% { top:0px; opacity:1; }
56% { top:0px; opacity:1; }
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61% { top:-325px; opacity:0; z-index:-1; }
100%{ top:-325px; opacity:0; z-index:-1; }
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0% { top:-325px; opacity:0; }
56% { top:-325px; opacity:0; }
60% { top:0px; opacity:1; }
64% { top:0px; opacity:1; }
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81% { top:-325px; opacity:0; z-index:-1; }
100%{ top:-325px; opacity:0; z-index:-1; }
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80% { top:0px; opacity:1; }
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17%, 37%, 57%, 77%, 97% { width:100%; opacity:0.3; }
18%, 38%, 58%, 78%, 98% { width:100%; opacity:0; }
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17%, 37%, 57%, 77%, 97% { width:100%; opacity:0.3; }
18%, 38%, 58%, 78%, 98% { width:100%; opacity:0; }
<div class='container'>
<div id='content-slider'>
<div id='slider'>
<div id='mask'>
<li class='firstanimation' id='first'>
<a href='http://www.blakhollywood.com/2014/10/sad-day-for-la-bamba-fans-everywhere.html'>
<img alt='RIP' src='http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff501/basdgds/a_600x315_zpsdbf722cd.jpg'/>
<div class='tooltip'>
<h1>Elizabeth Peña 09/23/59 ~ 10/16/2014</h1>
<li class='secondanimation' id='second'>
<a href='http://www.blakhollywood.com/2014/10/nick-cannon-amber-roses-so-called.html'>
<img alt='Only Friends' src='http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff501/basdgds/rsz_mgid-uma-image-mtv_zps53a1e92c.jpg'/>
<div class='tooltip'>
<h1>Nick: I'm Just The Manager</h1>
<li class='thirdanimation' id='third'>
<a href='http://www.blakhollywood.com/2014/09/cause-birdman-is-really-worth-it-right.html'>
<img alt='Ke Ke n Em' src='http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff501/basdgds/Kimoralee_zps6c04da83.jpg'/>
<div class='tooltip'>
<h1>Over Birdman Though?</h1>
<li class='fifthanimation' id='fifth'>
<a href='http://www.blakhollywood.com/2014/09/yikes-if-you-aint-hit-then-dont-lie.html'>
<img alt='Dont Lie to Kick It' src='http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff501/basdgds/rsz_screen-shot-2014-09-22-at-102744-pm_zps8277626f.jpg'/>
<div class='tooltip'>
<h1>No Tha snip He Did Not!!!</h1>
<div class='progress-bar'/>
Why doesn't this slider work in IE? I was able to figure out why it wasn't working in Chrome and I fixed that part, but I'm unable to understand why it doesn't work in IE. It seems like it won't load the pictures. I'm going to play around with it a little, because it may be that the position problem, i.e. picture loading in some other part. Anyway, can any of you please help me with this? I'm using CSG networks as a tester.
1 个解决方案
For your progress bar, you show the -moz and -webkit prefixed animation but nothing else. Those won't work in IE.
Animations don't work at all in IE less than version 10.
Also this is invalid HTML.
<div class='progress-bar'/>
The div element is not self-closing so you must have the closing end tag </div>
You should validate your HTML and CSS to check for other errors.
For your progress bar, you show the -moz and -webkit prefixed animation but nothing else. Those won't work in IE.
Animations don't work at all in IE less than version 10.
Also this is invalid HTML.
<div class='progress-bar'/>
The div element is not self-closing so you must have the closing end tag </div>
You should validate your HTML and CSS to check for other errors.