
时间:2021-10-02 13:14:05

I've gotten as far as this:


private Properties logoUrls = new Properties();
logoUrls.load(new FileInputStream("channelLogos.properties"));

where channelLogos.properties is in the same directory as my JSP. I get a FileNotFound exception. Where does my app actually think I mean by "channelLogos.properties", if not the same directory as the JSP? How can I determine the correct path to load the properties file?


5 个解决方案


This will do the job:


<%@page import="java.io.InputStream" %>
<%@page import="java.util.Properties" %>

    InputStream stream = application.getResourceAsStream("/some.properties");
    Properties props = new Properties();

Anyway I really think you should have the properties file in the classpath and use a servlet



I'd like to highly recommend reading about Model 2 Servlets. I recommend it to everyone who's still doing Model 1 Servlets, that is, doing "real work" in a JSP.

我强烈建议您阅读有关Model 2 Servlets的内容。我向所有仍在使用Model 1 Servlet的人推荐它,也就是说,在JSP中做“真正的工作”。

As to your question: First, throw the properties file in your classpath, then read the file using getResourceAsSttream:



There are many options, of course, and everyone will have their favorite.



When you say "same directory as JSP", what exactly do you mean by that? That your JSP sits somewhere in, say, /mywebapp/somefolder/my.jsp with mywebapp being your application root and your properties file is /mywebapp/somefolder/channelLogos.properties?


If so, then most likely they're NOT in the same directory. JSP has been compiled and where it is actually located may vary depending on servlet container. Your best bet is to use ServletContext.getRealPath() as suggested by pkaeding with properties file path relative to webapp context as an argument. Using the above example:

如果是这样,那么很可能他们不在同一个目录中。 JSP已经编译,它实际所在的位置可能因servlet容器而异。最好的办法是使用ServletContext.getRealPath(),如pkaeding所建议的,将相对于webapp上下文的属性文件路径作为参数。使用上面的例子:

private Properties logoUrls = new Properties();
logoUrls.load(new FileInputStream(servletContext.getRealPath("/somefolder/channelLogos.properties")));

That said, keep in mind that if you insist on putting your properties in the same folder as JSP you should take care to restrict it from being publicly accessible (unless that's the intention).



Take a look at ServletContext.getRealPath(). That should give you the full path to the properties file.



JSP runs in servlet container, so its current working directory is defined by the container. Typically it is the directory where container is installed or its bin directory. In any case it is not the place where you want to store your custom properties file.


There are 2 typical approaches to do what you need.


The first approach is good if your file is a part of your application and you never change it on deployment. In this case read it from resources:



or even better




The second approach is good if you want to change your properties file on deployment environment


*. In this case put it somewhere in the file system outside your container. For example /opt/mycompany/conf/myproperties.properties on linux or at any other location you like. Now you should use absolute path when creating FileInputStream.


To make system better configurable you should not write the path to configuration file inside the code. Better approach is to pass it to application using system properties, e.g. add parameter like -Dmycompany.conf=/opt/mycompany/myprops.properties when you are running your application server. When you want to read the file do the following:

为了使系统更易于配置,您不应该在代码中编写配置文件的路径。更好的方法是使用系统属性将其传递给应用程序,例如在运行应用程序服务器时添加类似-Dmycompany.conf = / opt / mycompany / myprops.properties的参数。如果要读取文件,请执行以下操作:

new FileInputStream(System.getProperties("mycompany.conf"))

Now configuration of your system can controlled independently by deployer.



This will do the job:


<%@page import="java.io.InputStream" %>
<%@page import="java.util.Properties" %>

    InputStream stream = application.getResourceAsStream("/some.properties");
    Properties props = new Properties();

Anyway I really think you should have the properties file in the classpath and use a servlet



I'd like to highly recommend reading about Model 2 Servlets. I recommend it to everyone who's still doing Model 1 Servlets, that is, doing "real work" in a JSP.

我强烈建议您阅读有关Model 2 Servlets的内容。我向所有仍在使用Model 1 Servlet的人推荐它,也就是说,在JSP中做“真正的工作”。

As to your question: First, throw the properties file in your classpath, then read the file using getResourceAsSttream:



There are many options, of course, and everyone will have their favorite.



When you say "same directory as JSP", what exactly do you mean by that? That your JSP sits somewhere in, say, /mywebapp/somefolder/my.jsp with mywebapp being your application root and your properties file is /mywebapp/somefolder/channelLogos.properties?


If so, then most likely they're NOT in the same directory. JSP has been compiled and where it is actually located may vary depending on servlet container. Your best bet is to use ServletContext.getRealPath() as suggested by pkaeding with properties file path relative to webapp context as an argument. Using the above example:

如果是这样,那么很可能他们不在同一个目录中。 JSP已经编译,它实际所在的位置可能因servlet容器而异。最好的办法是使用ServletContext.getRealPath(),如pkaeding所建议的,将相对于webapp上下文的属性文件路径作为参数。使用上面的例子:

private Properties logoUrls = new Properties();
logoUrls.load(new FileInputStream(servletContext.getRealPath("/somefolder/channelLogos.properties")));

That said, keep in mind that if you insist on putting your properties in the same folder as JSP you should take care to restrict it from being publicly accessible (unless that's the intention).



Take a look at ServletContext.getRealPath(). That should give you the full path to the properties file.



JSP runs in servlet container, so its current working directory is defined by the container. Typically it is the directory where container is installed or its bin directory. In any case it is not the place where you want to store your custom properties file.


There are 2 typical approaches to do what you need.


The first approach is good if your file is a part of your application and you never change it on deployment. In this case read it from resources:



or even better




The second approach is good if you want to change your properties file on deployment environment


*. In this case put it somewhere in the file system outside your container. For example /opt/mycompany/conf/myproperties.properties on linux or at any other location you like. Now you should use absolute path when creating FileInputStream.


To make system better configurable you should not write the path to configuration file inside the code. Better approach is to pass it to application using system properties, e.g. add parameter like -Dmycompany.conf=/opt/mycompany/myprops.properties when you are running your application server. When you want to read the file do the following:

为了使系统更易于配置,您不应该在代码中编写配置文件的路径。更好的方法是使用系统属性将其传递给应用程序,例如在运行应用程序服务器时添加类似-Dmycompany.conf = / opt / mycompany / myprops.properties的参数。如果要读取文件,请执行以下操作:

new FileInputStream(System.getProperties("mycompany.conf"))

Now configuration of your system can controlled independently by deployer.

