1) 设计FSM图
2) smc配置文件
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ColorTable.sm // -- ColorTable State Map for C++ classes auto-generation // // 1) generate c++ classes: // $ java -jar Smc.jar -c++ ColorTable.sm // // 2) generate graphviz dot graph: // $ java -jar Smc.jar -graph -glevel 1 ColorTable.sm // // see also: // http://graphviz.org/ // // Author: cheungmine // Copyright 2015-?, All rights reserved. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// %class ColorTable %header ColorTable.h %start ColorTableMap::Vacancy %map ColorTableMap %% /** * State { * Transition [Guard Condition] * EndState { * Action(s) * } * * Transition [context.getOwner().is_valid()] * EndState { * Action(s) * } * ... * } */ //==> ColorTableMap::Vacancy Vacancy Entry { enterVacancy(); } Exit { leaveVacancy(); } { // Expose Transitions to other parts if necessary shuffle ShuffleFilled { shuffle(); } } //==> ColorTableMap::ShuffleFilled // only swappable state ShuffleFilled Entry { enterShuffleFilled(); } Exit { leaveShuffleFilled(); } { // !!can swap here!! swap [ context.getOwner().swap_done() ] Filled { } swap ShuffleFilled { // set stack top sub sm: SwapMap } } //==> ColorTableMap::FallenOver FallenOver Entry { enterFallenOver(); } Exit { leaveFallenOver(); } { // Expose Transitions to other parts if necessary fill [ context.getOwner().is_empty() ] Vacancy { } fill Filled { fill(); } } //==> ColorTableMap::Filled Filled Entry { enterFilled(); } Exit { leaveFilled(); } { erase [ context.getOwner().can_erase() ] Unfilled { erase(); } erase Vacancy { empty(); } } //==> ColorTableMap::Unfilled Unfilled Entry { enterUnfilled(); } Exit { leaveUnfilled(); } { fall Fallen { fall(); } } //==> ColorTableMap::Fallen Fallen Entry { enterFallen(); } Exit { leaveFallen(); } { erase [ context.getOwner().can_erase() ] Unfilled { erase(); } erase FallenOver { empty(); } } %%
3) ColorTable.h和ColorTable.cpp
/** * ColorTable.h * 2015-02-01 * cheungmine, all rights reserved. * * col-> * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * row |00 |01 |02 |03 |04 |05 |06 | * | | | | | | | | | * v | | | | | | | | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |26 | * | |(xp,yp)| | | | | | height * | | . | | | | | | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * |30 |31 |32 |33 |34 |35 |36 | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * y |40 |41 |42 |43 |44 |45 |46 | * ^ | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | | * | o-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | origin width * +------------>x * (0,0) * */ #ifndef __COLORTABLE_H__ #define __COLORTABLE_H__ #include "cocos2d.h" USING_NS_CC; #include "ColorTable_sm.h" class ColorTable : public Node { public: // Global Settings: static const int ColorTable_NumRows = 5; static const int ColorTable_NumCols = 7; static const int ColorTable_NumCells = ColorTable_NumRows*ColorTable_NumCols; static const int ColorTable_NumColors = 4; static const int ColorTable_ColorsPal[ColorTable_NumColors+1]; // colors palette // Construct and Deconstruct ColorTable() : swap_done_(false), _fsm(0), _DeltaTime(0.1f), _NumRows(ColorTable_NumCols), _NumCols(ColorTable_NumRows), _NumCells(ColorTable_NumCells) { } // Public Types: enum EnumColor { INVALID = 0, RED = 1, GREEN = 2, BLUE = 3, YELLOW = 4 }; // Public Inline Methods: inline int index(int row, int col) const { return (col*_NumCols + row); } inline int color(int row, int col) const { return table_[index(row, col)]; } inline int result(int row, int col) const { return results_[index(row, col)]; } public: // Public Methods: CREATE_FUNC(ColorTable); virtual bool init(); bool is_empty(); bool can_erase(); bool swap_done(); void shuffle(); void empty(); void erase(); void fall(); void fill(); void print(); public: // Public Callbacks: void enterVacancy(); void leaveVacancy(); void enterShuffleFilled(); void leaveShuffleFilled(); void enterFallenOver(); void leaveFallenOver(); void enterFilled(); void leaveFilled(); void enterUnfilled(); void leaveUnfilled(); void enterFallen(); void leaveFallen(); // Public Events: void onIdleVacancy(float dt); void onIdleShuffleFilled(float dt); void onIdleFallenOver(float dt); void onIdleFilled(float dt); void onIdleUnfilled(float dt); void onIdleFallen(float dt); private: // Private Methods: void init_table(); void exit(); private: // Private Members: ColorTableContext * _fsm; const int _NumRows; const int _NumCols; const int _NumCells; const float _DeltaTime; bool swap_done_; int table_[ColorTable_NumCells]; int results_[ColorTable_NumCells]; }; #endif // __COLORTABLE_H__
/** * ColorTable.cpp * 2015-02-01 * cheungmine, all rights reserved. * */ #include "ColorTable.h" const int ColorTable::ColorTable_ColorsPal[ColorTable_NumColors+1] = {'O', 'R', 'G', 'B', 'Y'}; /////////////////////////// Private Methods //////////////////////////// void ColorTable::init_table() { int fixed[] = { 1,1,3,1,2, 3,2,1,1,4, 2,2,4,3,3, 1,3,3,4,1, 3,4,4,2,4, 2,2,4,1,1, 2,1,1,2,4 }; int at = 0; int * p = table_; while (p - table_ < _NumCells) { *p++ = fixed[at++]; } } /////////////////////////// Public Callbacks /////////////////////////// void ColorTable::enterVacancy() { empty(); this->schedule(schedule_selector(ColorTable::onIdleVacancy), _DeltaTime); } void ColorTable::leaveVacancy() { exit(); } void ColorTable::enterShuffleFilled() { this->schedule(schedule_selector(ColorTable::onIdleShuffleFilled), _DeltaTime); } void ColorTable::leaveShuffleFilled() { exit(); } void ColorTable::enterFallenOver() { this->schedule(schedule_selector(ColorTable::onIdleFallenOver), _DeltaTime); } void ColorTable::leaveFallenOver() { exit(); } void ColorTable::enterFilled() { this->schedule(schedule_selector(ColorTable::onIdleFilled), _DeltaTime); } void ColorTable::leaveFilled() { exit(); } void ColorTable::enterUnfilled() { this->schedule(schedule_selector(ColorTable::onIdleUnfilled), _DeltaTime); } void ColorTable::leaveUnfilled() { exit(); } void ColorTable::enterFallen() { this->schedule(schedule_selector(ColorTable::onIdleFallen), _DeltaTime); } void ColorTable::leaveFallen() { exit(); } //////////////////////////// Public Events //////////////////////////// void ColorTable::onIdleVacancy(float dt) { _fsm->shuffle(); } void ColorTable::onIdleShuffleFilled(float dt) { } void ColorTable::onIdleFallenOver(float dt) { } void ColorTable::onIdleFilled(float dt) { } void ColorTable::onIdleUnfilled(float dt) { } void ColorTable::onIdleFallen(float dt) { } /////////////////////////// Public Methods //////////////////////////// bool ColorTable::init() { _fsm = new ColorTableContext(*this); _fsm->setDebugFlag(true); _fsm->enterStartState(); return true; } void ColorTable::exit() { this->unscheduleAllCallbacks(); } bool ColorTable::is_empty() { for (int index = 0; index < _NumCells; ++index) { if (table_[index] != INVALID) { return false; } } return true; } bool ColorTable::can_erase() { return false; } bool ColorTable::swap_done() { return swap_done_; } void ColorTable::shuffle() { init_table(); } void ColorTable::empty() { for (int cell = 0; cell < _NumCells; ++cell) { table_[cell] = INVALID; results_[cell] = 0; } } void ColorTable::erase() { } void ColorTable::fall() { } void ColorTable::fill() { } void ColorTable::print() { #if defined(COCOS2D_DEBUG) && defined(WIN32) FILE * fp = fopen("c:/temp/color-table.prt", "a+"); if (fp) { fprintf(fp, "\n>>>> %s {", _fsm->getState().getName()); fprintf(fp, "\n---- TABLE ----\n"); for (int row = 0; row < ColorTable_NumRows; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < ColorTable_NumCols; ++col) { int v = color(row, col); fprintf(fp, " %c", ColorTable_ColorsPal[v]); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fprintf(fp, "\n---- RESULTS ----\n"); for (int row = 0; row < ColorTable_NumRows; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < ColorTable_NumCols; ++col) { int v = result(row, col); fprintf(fp, " %d", v); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fprintf(fp, "}\n"); fclose(fp); } #endif }
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