1、 安装好ORACLE10g服务端。
2、 使用ORAHOME目录下的"Configurationand Migration Tools"下的"Database Configuration Assistant"工具
3、 选择"创建数据库"。
4、 选择数据库模板
5、 Oracle数据库实例名6、 设置管理员密码为manager
7、 创建数据库east1
8、 点击退出,完成oracle数据库的创建。
conn sys/manager@east1 as sysdba
create temporary tablespace temp01tempfile 'D:\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\east1\dat\tsp_temp01.dbf' SIZE3G extent management local;
create tablespace tsp_east LOGGINGDATAFILE 'D:\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\east1\dat\east_data01.dbf' SIZE3G EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO;
create tablespace MISDATA LOGGINGDATAFILE 'D:\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\east1\dat\east_data02.dbf' SIZE3G EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO;
create tablespace MISINDEX LOGGINGDATAFILE 'D:\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\east1\dat\east_data03.dbf' SIZE2G EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO;
create user MIS identified by MISdefault tablespace MISDATA temporary tablespace temp01;
grant connect,resource,unlimited tablespace,selectany table to MIS;
alter user MIS quota unlimited onMISINDEX;
alter user MIS quota unlimited onMISDATA;
create user dssadm identified bydssadm default tablespace tsp_east temporary tablespace temp01;
grant connect,resource to dssadm;
create user cxwh identified by cxwhdefault tablespace tsp_east temporary tablespace temp01;
grant connect,select any table tocxwh;
create user appuser identified byappuser default tablespace tsp_east temporary tablespace temp01;
grant connect,resource,unlimitedtablespace,select any table to appuser;
create user etluser identified byetluser default tablespace tsp_east temporary tablespace temp01;
grant execute any procedure,executeany type,global query rewrite,resumable,drop any table,select anysequence,select any transaction,select anydictionary,connect,resource,unlimited tablespace to etluser;
create user jobuser identified byjobuser default tablespace tsp_east temporary tablespace temp01;
grant connect,resource,execute anyprocedure,select any table,unlimited tablespace ,drop any table,alter any indexto jobuser;
create user bakuser identified bybakuser default tablespace tsp_east temporary tablespace temp01;
grant sysdba to bakuser;
--alter database datafile'/oradata/cfpdss/dat/system01.dbf' resize 1G;
--alter database datafile'/oradata/cfpdss/dat/sysaux01.dbf' resize 1G;
--alter database datafile'/oradata/cfpdss/dat/undotbs01.dbf' resize 2G;
alter database default temporarytablespace temp01;
alter user appuser quota unlimitedon tsp_east;
alter user jobuser quota unlimitedon tsp_east;
alter user etluser quota unlimitedon tsp_east;
imp appuser/appuser@east1 file=E:\east.dmp FULL=y