I am using '$' notation in mybatis query:
<select id="queryOrgs" resultMap="orgLiteMap" parameterType="gov.cbrc.gzbanking.data.QueryRequest" >
select id, name from sys_orgs
<if test="filter != null">where id like #{filter, jdbcType=INTEGER} or name like #{filter, jdbcType=INTEGER}</if>
<if test="order != null">order by ${order}</if>
limit #{offset, jdbcType=INTEGER},#{fetch, jdbcType=INTEGER}
the order parameter can be something like "id desc", do I need to worry about sql injection here? We know that mybatis uses PreparedStatement
, if mybatis call PreparedStatement#executeQuery()
against "select" statement, or the jdbc driver implementation does't allow multiple statements in one call, then sql injection is impossible, am I right?
order参数可以是“id desc”之类的东西,我需要担心sql注入吗?我们知道mybatis使用PreparedStatement,如果mybatis对“select”语句调用PreparedStatement#executeQuery(),或者jdbc驱动程序实现在一次调用中不允许多个语句,那么sql注入是不可能的,我是对的吗?
If that is possible for sql injection in my case, what's the verified way to prevent it ?
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Is that enough to check order
parameter has a sql delimiter?
2 个解决方案
If order
comes directly from the user, you can get into trouble. You should never trust user input.
To respond to your questions:
- If you don't allow multiple queries you will get an exception if you try running more than one, yes;
- checking for an SQL delimiter might be enough, might not;
Using ${}
exposes you to SQL injection if you send the user input unchanged to the SQL. The above two methods are fragile:
如果将用户输入不变地发送到SQL,则使用$ {}会向您公开SQL注入。以上两种方法都很脆弱:
- you can easily forget to configure the connection or a colleague of yours might turn it on because he/she needs to execute multiple queries in one statement and they were not aware about this particular statement
- hackers might be smarter than checks you have in place (e.g have you considered testing for
too? What else might an attacker attempt?).
Always perform your own escapes and checks and send a value you control, not something received from the user. Have all the correct values in your code and send that instead. It's then just a matter of determining which one the user wanted and fallback to a default if you can't determine it, something like:
String userChoice = order.toLowerCase();
String safeOrder = null;
if ("id desc".equals(userChoice)) {
safeOrder = "id desc";
} else if ("id asc".equals(userChoice)) {
safeOrder = "id asc";
} else if ("name desc".equals(userChoice)) {
safeOrder = "name desc";
} else {
// if no clean match then maybe user tried something fishy...
// ... go with some default
safeOrder = "id desc"; // or null or whatever you like...
then in your mapping you do:
<if test="safeOrder != null">order by ${safeOrder}</if>
See https://mybatis.github.io/mybatis-3/sqlmap-xml.html. section 'String Substitution' for offical comment on that.
请参阅https://mybatis.github.io/mybatis-3/sqlmap-xml.html。 “字符串替换”部分对此有正式评论。
It's not safe to accept input from a user and supply it to a statement unmodified in this way. This leads to potential SQL Injection attacks and therefore you should either disallow user input in these fields, or always perform your own escapes and checks.
If order
comes directly from the user, you can get into trouble. You should never trust user input.
To respond to your questions:
- If you don't allow multiple queries you will get an exception if you try running more than one, yes;
- checking for an SQL delimiter might be enough, might not;
Using ${}
exposes you to SQL injection if you send the user input unchanged to the SQL. The above two methods are fragile:
如果将用户输入不变地发送到SQL,则使用$ {}会向您公开SQL注入。以上两种方法都很脆弱:
- you can easily forget to configure the connection or a colleague of yours might turn it on because he/she needs to execute multiple queries in one statement and they were not aware about this particular statement
- hackers might be smarter than checks you have in place (e.g have you considered testing for
too? What else might an attacker attempt?).
Always perform your own escapes and checks and send a value you control, not something received from the user. Have all the correct values in your code and send that instead. It's then just a matter of determining which one the user wanted and fallback to a default if you can't determine it, something like:
String userChoice = order.toLowerCase();
String safeOrder = null;
if ("id desc".equals(userChoice)) {
safeOrder = "id desc";
} else if ("id asc".equals(userChoice)) {
safeOrder = "id asc";
} else if ("name desc".equals(userChoice)) {
safeOrder = "name desc";
} else {
// if no clean match then maybe user tried something fishy...
// ... go with some default
safeOrder = "id desc"; // or null or whatever you like...
then in your mapping you do:
<if test="safeOrder != null">order by ${safeOrder}</if>
See https://mybatis.github.io/mybatis-3/sqlmap-xml.html. section 'String Substitution' for offical comment on that.
请参阅https://mybatis.github.io/mybatis-3/sqlmap-xml.html。 “字符串替换”部分对此有正式评论。
It's not safe to accept input from a user and supply it to a statement unmodified in this way. This leads to potential SQL Injection attacks and therefore you should either disallow user input in these fields, or always perform your own escapes and checks.