
时间:2021-12-17 12:43:29

I'm a T-SQl and database newbie, and a little confused. In the T-SQL book I'm reading it says that a USE statement is written to set the database context of the session. Does that mean that there can be more than one database in an instance of SQL-server and the USE statement tells SQL server which database the query will be on?


7 个解决方案



It's not quite as simple as that. Yes, a server can have multiple databases, but I would caution against using a USE statement unless all of your queries are that way.


Every connection to SQL server has a "current database". That means that any query run over that connection will use that database (though it's possible to access information from other databases by explicitly indicating this with dot notation). The USE statement changes the current database for the connection, so if one statement expects to run in the MyDatabase database (but doesn't specify it with a USE MyDatabase statement) and another query executes Use OtherDatabase, then the first query will fail when run.

与SQL Server的每个连接都有一个“当前数据库”。这意味着在该连接上运行的任何查询都将使用该数据库(尽管可以通过使用点表示法明确指示来访问其他数据库中的信息)。 USE语句更改连接的当前数据库,因此如果一个语句期望在MyDatabase数据库中运行(但未使用USE MyDatabase语句指定它)而另一个查询执行Use OtherDatabase,则第一个查询将在运行时失败。

For instance:

  • Connect to SQL Server to the MyDatabase database
  • 连接到SQL Server到MyDatabase数据库

  • Execute the following query:
  • 执行以下查询:

select * from sometable


  • Execute the next query:


    use OtherDatabase

    select * from othertable


If we try to execute the first query again it will fail (assuming that sometable doesn't also exist in OtherDatabase) because we've changed the context of the connection with the USE statement. The upshot here is that the USE statement is connection-wide, not specific to an individual query.


In software development, the more common approach is to maintain a connection to the server for each database you plan to query against. That means that the query against MyDatabase will use a different connection than the one used by the query for OtherDatabase. This helps mitigate the possibility of a change in query context causing queries to fail.




Yes, there can be more than one database on a SQL Server instance.

是的,SQL Server实例上可以有多个数据库。



Yes, an instance of SQL Server can maintain many databases. You can also specify your database in the connection string in an applciation.

是的,SQL Server的一个实例可以维护许多数据库。您还可以在applciation中的连接字符串中指定数据库。

In Management Studio, when you change the database in the drop down menu it automatically runs the USE command for the currently selected window.

在Management Studio中,当您在下拉菜单中更改数据库时,它会自动为当前选定的窗口运行USE命令。



Yes you are correct. There may be more than one DB per server instance.


Using "USE", lets the server know which database you are refering to by default. You may however make reference to any database (of that instance), by explicitly specifying the database.


The syntax is database.schema.sqlobject (sqlobject is table, view, SP etc.)


For example:

SELECT * FROM myDbOfBirds.dbo.MigratoryTable

or even

USE myDbOfBirds
-- note how we don't explicity qualify MigratoryTable table (can but do not have to)
-- but that we do so for the Country table  (have to)
FROM MigratoryTable  MT
JOIN MyOtherDB.dbo.Country C ON C.CountryCode = MT.CountryCode
WHERE MigrationMonth = 11

It is important to understand that, like many other settings, USE is a connection-wide setting, which affects all pieces of logic sharing the same connection. For this reason, USE's usage is either reserved to ad-hoc types of queries, or when there is a single user of the connection (or when several users of said connections are known to exclusively reference a single database)




Most often your DB is specified via the connection (or connection string); you can use the USE statement to specify a change in the query context.




Yes, a SQL Server can host many databases. The USE statement instructs SQL Server to execute following statements in the context of the specified database.

是的,SQL Server可以托管许多数据库。 USE语句指示SQL Server在指定数据库的上下文中执行以下语句。

The USE statement is often used to help prevent queries from "accidentally" running in the wrong database. For example, before running a script that creates or deletes tables, you might want to add a USE statement at the top to mitigate the risk of accidentally running the script in the master database.


That said, in most scenarios a USE statement is not necessary, because the connection string used to connect to the server will also include the database.




you typically do not need to use the "use" statement, because the database name is usually included in the connection string. you can use that if you want to switch databases tho.


sql server can support many databases accessible through the same server. the use statement tells the server what database context your connection will be using.

sql server可以支持许多可通过同一服务器访问的数据库。 use语句告诉服务器您的连接将使用哪个数据库上下文。

the maximum number of databases per instance of SQL Server is 32,767.

每个SQL Server实例的最大数据库数为32,767。



It's not quite as simple as that. Yes, a server can have multiple databases, but I would caution against using a USE statement unless all of your queries are that way.


Every connection to SQL server has a "current database". That means that any query run over that connection will use that database (though it's possible to access information from other databases by explicitly indicating this with dot notation). The USE statement changes the current database for the connection, so if one statement expects to run in the MyDatabase database (but doesn't specify it with a USE MyDatabase statement) and another query executes Use OtherDatabase, then the first query will fail when run.

与SQL Server的每个连接都有一个“当前数据库”。这意味着在该连接上运行的任何查询都将使用该数据库(尽管可以通过使用点表示法明确指示来访问其他数据库中的信息)。 USE语句更改连接的当前数据库,因此如果一个语句期望在MyDatabase数据库中运行(但未使用USE MyDatabase语句指定它)而另一个查询执行Use OtherDatabase,则第一个查询将在运行时失败。

For instance:

  • Connect to SQL Server to the MyDatabase database
  • 连接到SQL Server到MyDatabase数据库

  • Execute the following query:
  • 执行以下查询:

select * from sometable


  • Execute the next query:


    use OtherDatabase

    select * from othertable


If we try to execute the first query again it will fail (assuming that sometable doesn't also exist in OtherDatabase) because we've changed the context of the connection with the USE statement. The upshot here is that the USE statement is connection-wide, not specific to an individual query.


In software development, the more common approach is to maintain a connection to the server for each database you plan to query against. That means that the query against MyDatabase will use a different connection than the one used by the query for OtherDatabase. This helps mitigate the possibility of a change in query context causing queries to fail.




Yes, there can be more than one database on a SQL Server instance.

是的,SQL Server实例上可以有多个数据库。



Yes, an instance of SQL Server can maintain many databases. You can also specify your database in the connection string in an applciation.

是的,SQL Server的一个实例可以维护许多数据库。您还可以在applciation中的连接字符串中指定数据库。

In Management Studio, when you change the database in the drop down menu it automatically runs the USE command for the currently selected window.

在Management Studio中,当您在下拉菜单中更改数据库时,它会自动为当前选定的窗口运行USE命令。



Yes you are correct. There may be more than one DB per server instance.


Using "USE", lets the server know which database you are refering to by default. You may however make reference to any database (of that instance), by explicitly specifying the database.


The syntax is database.schema.sqlobject (sqlobject is table, view, SP etc.)


For example:

SELECT * FROM myDbOfBirds.dbo.MigratoryTable

or even

USE myDbOfBirds
-- note how we don't explicity qualify MigratoryTable table (can but do not have to)
-- but that we do so for the Country table  (have to)
FROM MigratoryTable  MT
JOIN MyOtherDB.dbo.Country C ON C.CountryCode = MT.CountryCode
WHERE MigrationMonth = 11

It is important to understand that, like many other settings, USE is a connection-wide setting, which affects all pieces of logic sharing the same connection. For this reason, USE's usage is either reserved to ad-hoc types of queries, or when there is a single user of the connection (or when several users of said connections are known to exclusively reference a single database)




Most often your DB is specified via the connection (or connection string); you can use the USE statement to specify a change in the query context.




Yes, a SQL Server can host many databases. The USE statement instructs SQL Server to execute following statements in the context of the specified database.

是的,SQL Server可以托管许多数据库。 USE语句指示SQL Server在指定数据库的上下文中执行以下语句。

The USE statement is often used to help prevent queries from "accidentally" running in the wrong database. For example, before running a script that creates or deletes tables, you might want to add a USE statement at the top to mitigate the risk of accidentally running the script in the master database.


That said, in most scenarios a USE statement is not necessary, because the connection string used to connect to the server will also include the database.




you typically do not need to use the "use" statement, because the database name is usually included in the connection string. you can use that if you want to switch databases tho.


sql server can support many databases accessible through the same server. the use statement tells the server what database context your connection will be using.

sql server可以支持许多可通过同一服务器访问的数据库。 use语句告诉服务器您的连接将使用哪个数据库上下文。

the maximum number of databases per instance of SQL Server is 32,767.

每个SQL Server实例的最大数据库数为32,767。