从子模态控制器(ui bootstrap)调用父控制器方法

时间:2022-11-21 19:41:14

So here is the condition i m having trouble with , its like i have parent controller and a child controller which is a modal controller , i have a method in parent controller which i want to call from child modal controller, i dont know what i m missing but thats what i have tried.


  App.controller('MailFolderController', ['$scope', '$http', '$timeout', '$stateParams', '$window', 'mails', '$interval', function ($scope, $http, $timeout, $stateParams, $window, mails, $interval) {

$scope.check = function(){
    console.log("call parent ==========>")

  App.controller('orderCancellationController', ['$scope', '$modal', function ($scope, $modal) {

    $scope.open = function (mail) {
        var modalInstance = $modal.open({
            templateUrl: '/orderCancellationBox.html',
            controller: ModalInstanceCtrl,
            resolve: {
                mail: function () {
                    return mail;

    // Please note that $modalInstance represents a modal window (instance) dependency.
    // It is not the same as the $modal service used above.

    var ModalInstanceCtrl = function ($scope, $modalInstance, mail) {

        $scope.mail = mail;
        $scope.submit = function () {

        $scope.cancel = function () {
    ModalInstanceCtrl.$inject = ["$scope", "$modalInstance", 'mail'];



but it gives me an error no such function , i m getting error on check method, i want to call this check method from modal instance controller , but unable to do , please help.


2 个解决方案




Modal in bootstrap has an 'scope' option,


scope - a scope instance to be used for the modal's content (actually the $modal service is going to create a child scope of a provided scope). Defaults to $rootScope

scope - 要用于模态内容的范围实例(实际上$ modal服务将创建提供范围的子范围)。默认为$ rootScope

using scope: $scope should allow you to use methods defined in your parent controller

使用范围:$ scope应该允许您使用父控制器中定义的方法


    $scope.open = function (mail) {
    var modalInstance = $modal.open({
        templateUrl: '/orderCancellationBox.html',
        controller: ModalInstanceCtrl,
        scope: $scope,
        resolve: {
            mail: function () {
                return mail;



Resolve $scope in $modal and simply call $scope.parent.check , and you are done !!

在$ modal中解析$ scope并简单地调用$ scope.parent.check,你就完成了!




Modal in bootstrap has an 'scope' option,


scope - a scope instance to be used for the modal's content (actually the $modal service is going to create a child scope of a provided scope). Defaults to $rootScope

scope - 要用于模态内容的范围实例(实际上$ modal服务将创建提供范围的子范围)。默认为$ rootScope

using scope: $scope should allow you to use methods defined in your parent controller

使用范围:$ scope应该允许您使用父控制器中定义的方法


    $scope.open = function (mail) {
    var modalInstance = $modal.open({
        templateUrl: '/orderCancellationBox.html',
        controller: ModalInstanceCtrl,
        scope: $scope,
        resolve: {
            mail: function () {
                return mail;



Resolve $scope in $modal and simply call $scope.parent.check , and you are done !!

在$ modal中解析$ scope并简单地调用$ scope.parent.check,你就完成了!