如何将对象ID从Angular.js传递给Django Rest Framework

时间:2022-01-14 12:29:38

Using Django Rest Framework I have defined two serializers:

使用Django Rest Framework我已经定义了两个序列化器:

class ServiceSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = ServiceType
        fields = '__all__'

class CompanyShortListSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):

    services = ServiceSerializer(many=True)

    class Meta:
        model = Company
        fields = ( 'id','name', 'address', 'cost_per_patient', 'cost_per_month', 'renting_fee', 'services')

Where the ServiceType model consists of three fields:


class ServiceType(models.Model):
     serviceName = EncryptedCharField(max_length=100, blank=True)
     servicePrice = EncryptedFloatField(null=True, blank=True)
     company = models.ForeignKey(Company, related_name = 'services')

No need to mention the Company model since it's not important here.


Using Angular I would like to update companies by e.g. removing a given service from a defined Company.


The data in my $http.PUT related to services looks like this:

我的$ http.PUT中与服务相关的数据如下所示:

   *ommitting the others for brevity*


Please note that the id is sent in this object. However when I try to do this:


 def update(self, instance, validated_data):
    # Updates and exisitng Company with several services 
    instance.name = validated_data['name']
    instance.address = validated_data['address']
    instance.cost_per_patient = validated_data['cost_per_patient']
    instance.renting_fee = validated_data['renting_fee']

    # create or update page instances that are in the request
    for service in validated_data['services']:
        updatedService = ServiceType(id=service['id'], serviceName = service['serviceName'], servicePrice = service['servicePrice'], company=instance)

    return instance

The line id=service['id'] creates an error since service does not contain the id field. What this function receives is on Ordered Dictionary like this:

行id = service ['id']会产生错误,因为服务不包含id字段。这个函数收到的是在Ordered Dictionary上,如下所示:

OrderedDict([(u'serviceName', u'Terapia'), (u'servicePrice', 100.0), (u'company ', <Company: Test 1>)]), 
OrderedDict([(u'serviceName', u'Terapia par'), (u'servicePrice', 150.0), (u'company', <Company: Test 1>)]), 
OrderedDict([(u'serviceName ', u'Terapia po angielsku'), (u'servicePrice', 120.0), (u'company', <Company: Test 1>)])

What is wrong - why is the ID not passed to the serializer and how to fix that? Thanks in advance for your help!

有什么问题 - 为什么ID没有传递给序列化程序以及如何解决?在此先感谢您的帮助!

1 个解决方案



After carefully analyzing this point I started a new question about the serializer and id field which can be seen here which I basically managed to eventually solve :) Ufff!

在仔细分析了这一点后,我开始了一个关于序列化器和id字段的新问题,这里可以看到我基本上设法最终解决了:) Ufff!



After carefully analyzing this point I started a new question about the serializer and id field which can be seen here which I basically managed to eventually solve :) Ufff!

在仔细分析了这一点后,我开始了一个关于序列化器和id字段的新问题,这里可以看到我基本上设法最终解决了:) Ufff!