Flask -从角$http.post()获取POST数据

时间:2021-10-31 12:17:07

In a very basic test web app I am making, I am using angular to run a function when a form is submitted. The function asynchronously posts data to a simple api I built which is supposed to input data into a database dependent on the POST information it receives. It seems like the POST is working correctly on the front end, however I cannot access request.json from Flask at all or get any of the post data. I feel like this problem may be something simple I have overlooked but as of now I cannot figure it out at all. Here is some of the code:




$scope.submitAddMsg = function (){
        var data = {'author': $scope.msgauthor, 'message': $scope.msgmsg};
        $http.post('/addMessage', data, {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}).
        success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
        error(function(data, status, headers, config) {

Flask view function for /addMessage


@app.route('/addMessage', methods=['POST'])
def addMessage():
    #results in 'None type not iterable'
    #response = request.form.get('author')

    #results in a 400 error
    #response = request.get_json()

    #results in a 400 error
    #response = request.get_json()

    #results in 'author' not defined
    #name = request.args.get('author')
    #return jsonify(author = author)

    return str(jsonify(response))

I cannot stop getting errors as if the request is not what I think it should be, is there something else I should be doing to properly handle this? Because I cannot access any POST information when using Angular to send the POST or even a REST Client with payload exactly how the angular is sending data.


Here is the JavaScript console to see what data, status, headers, and config ends up being in the success function that runs after the POST:


<Response 46 bytes [200 OK]>
testbase.js:53 200
testbase.js:54 function (c){a||(a=Xc(b));return c?(c=a[z(c)],void 0===c&&    (c=null),c):a}
testbase.js:55 Object {method: "POST", transformRequest: Array[1],     transformResponse: Array[1], headers: Object, url: "/addMessage"…}data:     Objectheaders: ObjectAccept: "application/json, text/plain, */*"Content-Type:     "application/json"__proto__: Objectmethod: "POST"transformRequest:     Array[1]transformResponse: Array[1]url: "/addMessage"__proto__: Object

Any help on getting this working right is much appreciated, let me know if you need more information


2 个解决方案



you can use request.data to get the raw post data.


you can also set the silent Flag of get_json to True so you can get the exact message of failure.


from the docs


get_json(force=False, silent=False, cache=True)

get_json(力= False,沉默= False,缓存= True)

force – if set to True the mimetype is ignored.
silent – if set to False this method will fail silently and return False.
cache – if set to True the parsed JSON data is remembered on the request.

参数:force -如果设置为True, mimetype将被忽略。如果设置为False,该方法将静默失败并返回False。缓存——如果设置为True,则会在请求中记住解析过的JSON数据。



Try adding app.debug = True before you start the app and try again.

在启动应用程序之前,尝试添加app.debug = True,然后再试一次。

You can also try: message = request.json.get('message')

您也可以尝试:message = request.json.get('message')

And I would also try putting this in your route






you can use request.data to get the raw post data.


you can also set the silent Flag of get_json to True so you can get the exact message of failure.


from the docs


get_json(force=False, silent=False, cache=True)

get_json(力= False,沉默= False,缓存= True)

force – if set to True the mimetype is ignored.
silent – if set to False this method will fail silently and return False.
cache – if set to True the parsed JSON data is remembered on the request.

参数:force -如果设置为True, mimetype将被忽略。如果设置为False,该方法将静默失败并返回False。缓存——如果设置为True,则会在请求中记住解析过的JSON数据。



Try adding app.debug = True before you start the app and try again.

在启动应用程序之前,尝试添加app.debug = True,然后再试一次。

You can also try: message = request.json.get('message')

您也可以尝试:message = request.json.get('message')

And I would also try putting this in your route


