jQuery Mobile关闭对话框并加载不同的页面

时间:2022-04-10 19:40:08

In jQuery mobile, is it possible when a user opens a new page (lets say example.html), to

在jQuery mobile中,当用户打开一个新页面(比如example.html)时,它是否可能

  • fade in a dialog box (with example.html in the background)
  • 淡入对话框(在后台使用example.html)
  • after 3 seconds the dialog box fades out and
  • 3秒后,对话框淡出并且
  • example.html is now visible
  • example.html现在可见

I've setup the dialog but not sure what to do to fade in/fade out the dialog box.


<div data-role="page">
// page

<div data-role="dialog">
  // dialog box fades in, 3 seconds later, fade out

2 个解决方案



Annotate the page and the dialog with a unique id and bind something like this to the pageshow event of the page:


jQuery('#myPageId').bind('pageshow', function() {
    var me = jQuery(this);
    var dialogShown = me.data('dialogShown');
    var dialog = jQuery('#myDialogId');
    if(!dialogShown) {
        me.data('dialogShown', true);
        dialog.one('pageshow', function() {
            setTimeout(function() { window.history.back(); }, '3000');
        jQuery.mobile.changePage(dialog, {transition: 'fade'}); 



Use the fadeOut method and you should be able to fade the dialog. Then set a timer to call that 3 seconds after the page has loaded.




Annotate the page and the dialog with a unique id and bind something like this to the pageshow event of the page:


jQuery('#myPageId').bind('pageshow', function() {
    var me = jQuery(this);
    var dialogShown = me.data('dialogShown');
    var dialog = jQuery('#myDialogId');
    if(!dialogShown) {
        me.data('dialogShown', true);
        dialog.one('pageshow', function() {
            setTimeout(function() { window.history.back(); }, '3000');
        jQuery.mobile.changePage(dialog, {transition: 'fade'}); 



Use the fadeOut method and you should be able to fade the dialog. Then set a timer to call that 3 seconds after the page has loaded.
