
时间:2022-06-02 11:28:56

Before I upgrade to R-2.14, I want to take the opportunity to rationalise the folder structure of my installed packages.


At the moment I use the R default, i.e. all new installed packages goes to R_LIBS_USER. However, I really distinguish between two classes of package:


  • Packages I use repeatedly to do my work, e.g. plyr, data.table, etc.
  • 我重复使用的包来完成我的工作,例如plyr,数据。表等。
  • Packages I install just to experiment with (often to replicate a question or answer on *)
  • 我安装的包只是为了试验(通常是为了在*上复制一个问题或答案)

Since install.packages offers one the option to specify a lib argument, this is clearly possible.


Is there an easy way to manage package locations, e.g. by creating some sensible settings / wrapper function in .RProfile or RProfile.Site?


4 个解决方案



Hadley's excellent package devtools provides a function dev_mode.


Here you can find an example usage: https://gist.github.com/1150934




dev_mode(TRUE, path = "anywhere-you-want-to-install")

is a powerful way.




There are numerous options for that. The first thing I did was adapt my Rprofile.site to contain the following line, making my default library path a directory not included in my R installation.



This makes D:/R/Library my default path without losing the other paths. You can add two paths to that one, say D:/R/Library/Work and D:/R/Library/Test. The one that's put in the first position is the default one used if you don't specify lib in install.packages().


Then you can assign two variables in your .Rprofile.site. These ones are assigned in the base namespace, and hence always accessible and not removed by ls(). Something like

然后,您可以在. rprofile.site中分配两个变量。它们在基本名称空间中分配,因此总是可访问的,不会被ls()删除。类似的

 .libwork <- 'D:/R/Library/Work'
 .libtest <- 'D:/R/Library/Test'

which allows you to install packages like:



There are other options too I guess, but this is how I would roll.




You are supposed to be able to specify several library paths/trees via a colon separated list of paths in the Environmental Variable R_LIBS. I couldn't get this to work reliably on R 2.13.1-patched - it only ever takes the first entry. I got R_LIBS and R_LIBS_USER to work reliably on my system - I normally only set the former.

您应该能够通过环境变量R_LIBS中的冒号分隔的路径列表来指定几个库路径/树。我无法让它在r2 2.13.1补丁上可靠地工作——它只需要第一个条目。我让R_LIBS和R_LIBS_USER在我的系统上可靠地工作——我通常只设置前者。

.libPaths() can add new paths to set of library trees searched. I'd just add the appropriate calls to .libPaths(new) in my .Rprofile to add the relevant trees for each session. Then you can choose where to install packages at install time - i.e. which tree to use.

libpaths()可以向搜索的库树集添加新路径。我只需在. rprofile中添加对. libpaths (new)的适当调用,以便为每个会话添加相关的树。然后,您可以选择在安装时安装包的位置——即使用哪个树。



To answer, I have to give a bit of context.


For the purposes of reproduceability, I try to script things, including my entire R setup. I have a script "initializeR.r" that, among other things, installs packages, and I've arranged packages in bundles, such as those relating to cacheing, those relating to visualization, sampling, spatial stats, etc. - my own little task views, if you will.


For instance, here is a snippet:


# Profiling & testing
Packages$CodingTools = c("codetools","debug", "profr","proftools","RUnit")

I combine some of the bundles into a "Major" packages (or primary) list and others go into the "Secondary" list. I am sure to install everything on the primary list - these are needed to have a reasonable R environment, to use my own scripts, functions, and packages, etc. (Btw, some packages are assigned to multiple bundles, but only a few; I de-dupe before processing an aggregated list.)


I then specify a platform specific default library, and install to there. However, this capability is extensible and this idea can be extended to include optional locations for each package bundle (or package): just map from bundle name, e.g. "CodingTools" to a unique directory (library path), say "D:/R/Library/CodingTools". This can be done in the initialization script, with matching lists & default options, or the locations could be stored elsewhere, such as a hash table, JSON, or a database.

然后我指定一个特定于平台的默认库,并将其安装到那里。但是,这个功能是可扩展的,这个想法可以扩展为包含每个包(或包)的可选位置:只需从包名映射,例如。"编码工具"到一个唯一的目录(库路径),说"D:/R/ library /CodingTools"。这可以在初始化脚本中完成,使用匹配列表和默认选项,或者可以将位置存储在其他地方,例如散列表、JSON或数据库。

As others have said, the default library paths need to be communicated to R. That can be done in .RProfile.site. In my case, I have another script that is used to initialize the R instance as I'd like it. I try to avoid external parameter files that are read by R (e.g. .Rprofile), and instead do all initializations via function calls in my own package (though the parameters are still external). This tends to make it easier for me to debug and reproduce my work. So, my library paths can be included in the same kind of JSON where my data file locations are specified.

正如其他人所说,需要将默认库路径传递给r,这可以在. rprofile .site中完成。在我的例子中,我有另一个脚本,用于初始化我想要的R实例。我尽量避免使用R读取的外部参数文件(例如. rprofile),而是在我自己的包中通过函数调用进行所有的初始化(尽管参数仍然是外部的)。这使得调试和复制我的工作变得更容易。因此,我的库路径可以包含在指定数据文件位置的同一种JSON中。

Personally, I want to get away from defining the bundles inside the script and instead use JSON, as I can more easily create different JSON files for different setup configurations. I already do this for most other purposes of reproducible work.




Hadley's excellent package devtools provides a function dev_mode.


Here you can find an example usage: https://gist.github.com/1150934




dev_mode(TRUE, path = "anywhere-you-want-to-install")

is a powerful way.




There are numerous options for that. The first thing I did was adapt my Rprofile.site to contain the following line, making my default library path a directory not included in my R installation.



This makes D:/R/Library my default path without losing the other paths. You can add two paths to that one, say D:/R/Library/Work and D:/R/Library/Test. The one that's put in the first position is the default one used if you don't specify lib in install.packages().


Then you can assign two variables in your .Rprofile.site. These ones are assigned in the base namespace, and hence always accessible and not removed by ls(). Something like

然后,您可以在. rprofile.site中分配两个变量。它们在基本名称空间中分配,因此总是可访问的,不会被ls()删除。类似的

 .libwork <- 'D:/R/Library/Work'
 .libtest <- 'D:/R/Library/Test'

which allows you to install packages like:



There are other options too I guess, but this is how I would roll.




You are supposed to be able to specify several library paths/trees via a colon separated list of paths in the Environmental Variable R_LIBS. I couldn't get this to work reliably on R 2.13.1-patched - it only ever takes the first entry. I got R_LIBS and R_LIBS_USER to work reliably on my system - I normally only set the former.

您应该能够通过环境变量R_LIBS中的冒号分隔的路径列表来指定几个库路径/树。我无法让它在r2 2.13.1补丁上可靠地工作——它只需要第一个条目。我让R_LIBS和R_LIBS_USER在我的系统上可靠地工作——我通常只设置前者。

.libPaths() can add new paths to set of library trees searched. I'd just add the appropriate calls to .libPaths(new) in my .Rprofile to add the relevant trees for each session. Then you can choose where to install packages at install time - i.e. which tree to use.

libpaths()可以向搜索的库树集添加新路径。我只需在. rprofile中添加对. libpaths (new)的适当调用,以便为每个会话添加相关的树。然后,您可以选择在安装时安装包的位置——即使用哪个树。



To answer, I have to give a bit of context.


For the purposes of reproduceability, I try to script things, including my entire R setup. I have a script "initializeR.r" that, among other things, installs packages, and I've arranged packages in bundles, such as those relating to cacheing, those relating to visualization, sampling, spatial stats, etc. - my own little task views, if you will.


For instance, here is a snippet:


# Profiling & testing
Packages$CodingTools = c("codetools","debug", "profr","proftools","RUnit")

I combine some of the bundles into a "Major" packages (or primary) list and others go into the "Secondary" list. I am sure to install everything on the primary list - these are needed to have a reasonable R environment, to use my own scripts, functions, and packages, etc. (Btw, some packages are assigned to multiple bundles, but only a few; I de-dupe before processing an aggregated list.)


I then specify a platform specific default library, and install to there. However, this capability is extensible and this idea can be extended to include optional locations for each package bundle (or package): just map from bundle name, e.g. "CodingTools" to a unique directory (library path), say "D:/R/Library/CodingTools". This can be done in the initialization script, with matching lists & default options, or the locations could be stored elsewhere, such as a hash table, JSON, or a database.

然后我指定一个特定于平台的默认库,并将其安装到那里。但是,这个功能是可扩展的,这个想法可以扩展为包含每个包(或包)的可选位置:只需从包名映射,例如。"编码工具"到一个唯一的目录(库路径),说"D:/R/ library /CodingTools"。这可以在初始化脚本中完成,使用匹配列表和默认选项,或者可以将位置存储在其他地方,例如散列表、JSON或数据库。

As others have said, the default library paths need to be communicated to R. That can be done in .RProfile.site. In my case, I have another script that is used to initialize the R instance as I'd like it. I try to avoid external parameter files that are read by R (e.g. .Rprofile), and instead do all initializations via function calls in my own package (though the parameters are still external). This tends to make it easier for me to debug and reproduce my work. So, my library paths can be included in the same kind of JSON where my data file locations are specified.

正如其他人所说,需要将默认库路径传递给r,这可以在. rprofile .site中完成。在我的例子中,我有另一个脚本,用于初始化我想要的R实例。我尽量避免使用R读取的外部参数文件(例如. rprofile),而是在我自己的包中通过函数调用进行所有的初始化(尽管参数仍然是外部的)。这使得调试和复制我的工作变得更容易。因此,我的库路径可以包含在指定数据文件位置的同一种JSON中。

Personally, I want to get away from defining the bundles inside the script and instead use JSON, as I can more easily create different JSON files for different setup configurations. I already do this for most other purposes of reproducible work.
