
时间:2022-04-08 11:15:00

I am trying to connect to my remote MySQL server, using the following code. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong as the replacement of database connection info with variables doesn't seem to be working.


   using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;       

   string db_Server = "";
   string db_Name   = "myDatabase";
   string db_User   = "myUser";
   string db_Pass   = "myPassword";

   // Connection String
   MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection("server = {0}; database = {1}; uid = {2}; pwd = {3}", db_server, db_Name, db_User, db_Pass);

As a PHP developer, I prefer to use the code above instead of the deliberate casting below:


   MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection("server=; database=myDatabase; uid=myUser; pwd=myPassword");

But as you can see in this image, I am getting a lot of red squiggles: http://screencast.com/t/xlwoG9by


3 个解决方案



Order of your parameter is wrong, it should be:


db_server, db_Name, db_User, db_Pass

Currently it is:


"server = {0}; database = {1}; uid = {2};   pwd = {3}"
       db_Server         db_User   db_Pass   db_Name

So your statement should be:


MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(string.Format(
"server = {0}; database = {1}; uid = {2}; pwd = {3}", 
db_Server,db_Name, db_User, db_Pass));

EDIT: based on the comments and discussion, the error you are getting is that you are trying all the stuff at class level. You should have these lines inside a method and call that method where you need it. Something like:


class MyClass
    string db_Server = "";
    string db_User = "myUser";
    string db_Pass = "myPassword";
    string db_Name = "myDatabase";

    public MySqlConnection GetConnection()
        MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(string.Format(
                   "server = {0}; database = {1}; uid = {2}; pwd = {3}",
                    db_Server, db_Name, db_User, db_Pass));
        return myConnection;



Would you mind clicking this link, it tackles all about the creation of connection string of MySql Server :)

你能不能点击这个链接,它解决了MySql Server连接字符串的创建问题:)



 MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(string.Format("server = {0}; database = {1}; uid = {2}; pwd = {3}", db_Server, db_User, db_Pass, db_Name))

string.Format() is missing




Order of your parameter is wrong, it should be:


db_server, db_Name, db_User, db_Pass

Currently it is:


"server = {0}; database = {1}; uid = {2};   pwd = {3}"
       db_Server         db_User   db_Pass   db_Name

So your statement should be:


MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(string.Format(
"server = {0}; database = {1}; uid = {2}; pwd = {3}", 
db_Server,db_Name, db_User, db_Pass));

EDIT: based on the comments and discussion, the error you are getting is that you are trying all the stuff at class level. You should have these lines inside a method and call that method where you need it. Something like:


class MyClass
    string db_Server = "";
    string db_User = "myUser";
    string db_Pass = "myPassword";
    string db_Name = "myDatabase";

    public MySqlConnection GetConnection()
        MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(string.Format(
                   "server = {0}; database = {1}; uid = {2}; pwd = {3}",
                    db_Server, db_Name, db_User, db_Pass));
        return myConnection;



Would you mind clicking this link, it tackles all about the creation of connection string of MySql Server :)

你能不能点击这个链接,它解决了MySql Server连接字符串的创建问题:)



 MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(string.Format("server = {0}; database = {1}; uid = {2}; pwd = {3}", db_Server, db_User, db_Pass, db_Name))

string.Format() is missing
