I'm fairly sure that a big part of the reason I'm failing to find answers with Google is because I don't know the correct terminology to describe my problem.
I know the following form well:
UPDATE Table t
SET t.description = Concat(ot.text, ' text')
FROM Table
INNER JOIN Other_Table ot ON t.id = ot.id
WHERE conditions;
What I'm trying to accomplish is more like:
UPDATE Table t
SET t.description = Concat(item, ' text')
INNER JOIN (SELECT item FROM ('list', 'of', 'items'))
WHERE conditions;
In other words I have an "anonymous table", or a list of explicit strings specified in the query, rather than stored in a table, and I want them to be picked one at a time and concatenated with some string literal and to update a row.
So imagine I have a table of product information. I want to update this table so the "description" column contains "This product is color!". I'm looking for something like:
UPDATE Products p
SET p.desc = Concat('This product is ', color, '!')
INNER JOIN (SELECT color FROM ('blue', 'red', 'green'))
WHERE p.sku in (111, 112, 113);
I'm using Access 2010 and connecting to a SQL Server 2008 DB.
我正在使用Access 2010并连接到SQL Server 2008数据库。
2 个解决方案
SQL Server 2008 allows to use the VALUES clause as a table source:
SQL Server 2008允许使用VALUES子句作为表源:
CREATE TABLE products([desc] NVARCHAR(MAX),sku int)
SET p.[desc] = 'This product is '+ C.color+ '!'
FROM Products p
INNER JOIN (VALUES(111,'blue'),(112, 'red'),(113, 'green')) AS c(sku,color)
ON p.sku = c.sku
WHERE p.sku in (111, 112, 113);
I'm not sure I got you right, but try smth like this
update Products p set
p.desc = Concat('This product is ', C.color, '!')
from p
inner join
select 'blue' as color, 111 as id union all
select 'red' as color, 112 as id union all
select 'green' as color, 113 as id
) as C on C.id = p.sku
where p.sku in (111, 112, 113);
SQL Server 2008 allows to use the VALUES clause as a table source:
SQL Server 2008允许使用VALUES子句作为表源:
CREATE TABLE products([desc] NVARCHAR(MAX),sku int)
SET p.[desc] = 'This product is '+ C.color+ '!'
FROM Products p
INNER JOIN (VALUES(111,'blue'),(112, 'red'),(113, 'green')) AS c(sku,color)
ON p.sku = c.sku
WHERE p.sku in (111, 112, 113);
I'm not sure I got you right, but try smth like this
update Products p set
p.desc = Concat('This product is ', C.color, '!')
from p
inner join
select 'blue' as color, 111 as id union all
select 'red' as color, 112 as id union all
select 'green' as color, 113 as id
) as C on C.id = p.sku
where p.sku in (111, 112, 113);