Angular ui-router无法解析命名依赖项

时间:2022-03-20 11:36:18

I recently migrated from ui-router 0.0.1 to 0.2.0. Since the migration, ui-router fails to resolve named dependencies that needs to be injected into a view's controller. Here's the sample code which works fine with ver 0.0.1 but fails in ver 0.2.0

我最近从ui-router 0.0.1迁移到0.2.0。自迁移以来,ui-router无法解析需要注入视图控制器的命名依赖项。这是示例代码,它与ver 0.0.1一起工作正常但在ver 0.2.0中失败

angular.module( 'sample.test', [

.config(function config($stateProvider) {
    $stateProvider.state( 'mystate', {
      url: '/mystate',
      resolve: {i18n: 'i18nService'},
      views: {
        'main': {
          controller: 'MyCtrl',
          templateUrl: 'templates/my.tpl.html'

.controller('MyCtrl', ['i18n', function(i18n) {
   // fails to resolve i18n

i18nService is a simple service that return a promise


angular.module('i18nService', [])
.factory('i18nService', ['$http', '$q', function($http, $q) {
  var deferred = $q.defer();

  return deferred.promise;

I get the error "Unknown provider: i18nProvider <- i18n" when using v0.2.0

使用v0.2.0时,我收到错误“Unknown provider:i18nProvider < - i18n”

If i change the resolve config to:


      resolve: {
        i18n: function(i18nService) {
          return i18nService

everything works fine. Is this an expected behaviour, or am I missing some configuration?


Here's the plunker:

这里是plunker: = preview

1 个解决方案



This is a bug that was fixed last month:


I don't believe it's in any currently released version, but you could either get the latest from github or make the change yourself in your js file. It's simply changing key to value in that one line (you can see it in the github commit).


A workarround is to just not change the name for now.... do


resolve :{
  i18nService: 'i18nService'

Then inject i18nService to your controller instead of i18n. It's a bit of a hack, but it does work (it injects the resolved service not the promise).




This is a bug that was fixed last month:


I don't believe it's in any currently released version, but you could either get the latest from github or make the change yourself in your js file. It's simply changing key to value in that one line (you can see it in the github commit).


A workarround is to just not change the name for now.... do


resolve :{
  i18nService: 'i18nService'

Then inject i18nService to your controller instead of i18n. It's a bit of a hack, but it does work (it injects the resolved service not the promise).
