来自windowTemplate的$ uibModal调用范围函数

时间:2021-08-15 11:37:55

I have a windowTemplate to wrap my modals into. What I'd like to achieve is to extend the wrapper with custom functionality. I added two new buttons to the wrapper a close button and a help button. The close button uses the built-in close function while the help should use my function which I added to the scope.


1: the windowTemplate (we put our modals into this wrapper)


<div modal-render="{{$isRendered}}" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" class="modal"
     modal-in-class="in" ng-click="($event.target===$event.currentTarget) && close($event)"
     ng-style="{'z-index': 1050 + index*10, display: 'block'}">
  <div class="modal-dialog {{size ? 'modal-' + size : ''}}">
    <div class="modal-content">

      <!-- This is one of the added buttons -> close -->
      <aside><a class="modal-close" ng-click="close($event)"></a></aside>
      <div class="modal-content-body" modal-transclude></div>

      <!-- this is another added item, a pager, works just great -->
      <aside class="modal-pager">#{{$parent.modalId}}</aside>

      <!-- this is the help button, won't call openHelp :( -->
      <aside class="modal-help"><a ng-click="$parent.openHelp($parent.modalId, $event)"></a></aside>


2: within a general modalFactory


    const scope = Object.assign(this.$rootScope.$new(), descriptor.scope || {}, { openHelp: this.openHelp });
    let modalInstance = this.$modal.open({
        scope, // the scope here will contain the modalId and the function (openHelp) I'd like to call from the wrapper
        resolve: {

The problem is that I can't call the function from the template. Moreover if I debug my code, I debug ui-bootstraps open method where it creates a new scope from my pushed-down scope I can call my function just fine. If I call modalOptions.$parent.openHelp() then I get the desired functionality. modalOptions is ui-bootstrap internals. $parent is needed because (in ui-bootstrap-tpls.js) var modalScope = (modalOptions.scope || $rootScope).$new();. Can anyone help me out with this? :)

问题是我无法从模板中调用该函数。此外,如果我调试我的代码,我调试ui-bootstraps open方法,它从我的下推范围创建一个新的范围我可以调用我的函数就好了。如果我调用modalOptions。$ parent.openHelp()然后我得到了所需的功能。 modalOptions是ui-bootstrap内部。需要$ parent,因为(在ui-bootstrap-tpls.js中)var modalScope =(modalOptions.scope || $ rootScope)。$ new();.任何人都可以帮我解决这个问题吗? :)

1 个解决方案



Answering my own question

Blah.. -.- I found out why this wasn't working. So TL;DR

Blah .. -.-我发现了为什么这不起作用。所以TL; DR

<aside class="modal-help"><a ng-click="$parent.openHelp($parent.modalId, $event)"></a></aside>

line was the reason. More precisely I attached style rules to the modal-help class and because I accidentally put the class on the aside tag not on the anchor tag the anchor had no dimensions (no width, no height, no value) so I suspect that when I was clicking on the icon the event's target was the aside tag and it bubbled up from there on. Basically I was never clicking on the anchor tag with the click handler. Sigh'. Just place the modal-help class on the a tag.


Meanwhile, I was coming up with an alternative solution which is still too hacky :D


  • Add a "data-modal-identifier" attribute to the most outer container on the wrapper, assign e.g {{$parent.modalId}} value to it, just to make sure you will be able to query for it.
  • 将“data-modal-identifier”属性添加到包装器上最外层的容器中,为其分配例如{{$ parent.modalId}}值,以确保您能够查询它。

  • In the factory subscribe to the rendered event of the instance modalInstance.rendered.then(...)
  • 在工厂中订阅实例modalInstance.rendered.then(...)的渲染事件

  • When the modal was rendered search for the DOM elem of the wrapper: document.querySelector(`div[data-modal-identifier="${scope.modalId}]"`);
  • 当渲染模态时,搜索包装器的DOM元素:document.querySelector(`div [data-modal-identifier =“$ {scope.modalId}]”`);

  • With event delegation subscribe for the click event and call the openHelp func if the event source was our help icon.
  • 使用事件委托订阅click事件并调用openHelp func,如果事件源是我们的帮助图标。



Answering my own question

Blah.. -.- I found out why this wasn't working. So TL;DR

Blah .. -.-我发现了为什么这不起作用。所以TL; DR

<aside class="modal-help"><a ng-click="$parent.openHelp($parent.modalId, $event)"></a></aside>

line was the reason. More precisely I attached style rules to the modal-help class and because I accidentally put the class on the aside tag not on the anchor tag the anchor had no dimensions (no width, no height, no value) so I suspect that when I was clicking on the icon the event's target was the aside tag and it bubbled up from there on. Basically I was never clicking on the anchor tag with the click handler. Sigh'. Just place the modal-help class on the a tag.


Meanwhile, I was coming up with an alternative solution which is still too hacky :D


  • Add a "data-modal-identifier" attribute to the most outer container on the wrapper, assign e.g {{$parent.modalId}} value to it, just to make sure you will be able to query for it.
  • 将“data-modal-identifier”属性添加到包装器上最外层的容器中,为其分配例如{{$ parent.modalId}}值,以确保您能够查询它。

  • In the factory subscribe to the rendered event of the instance modalInstance.rendered.then(...)
  • 在工厂中订阅实例modalInstance.rendered.then(...)的渲染事件

  • When the modal was rendered search for the DOM elem of the wrapper: document.querySelector(`div[data-modal-identifier="${scope.modalId}]"`);
  • 当渲染模态时,搜索包装器的DOM元素:document.querySelector(`div [data-modal-identifier =“$ {scope.modalId}]”`);

  • With event delegation subscribe for the click event and call the openHelp func if the event source was our help icon.
  • 使用事件委托订阅click事件并调用openHelp func,如果事件源是我们的帮助图标。