
时间:2021-12-17 11:18:11

This is a bit more abstract than the usual questions which I know goes against the spirit of things, but I'm hoping that I can still get a good response.


Here's the issue. We have a fairly complex web application that is written in PHP. The purpose is relatively unimportant, but simply put: We are using Comet / AJAX / JSON / JavaScript / PHP / MySQL (NO jQuery, however, native JavaScript only) to render controls that display data in real time. Throughout this application we are rendering popup modals using native JavaScript. It's fairly complex logic that tests for the existence of a modal with the same name on the page and prevents creating new versions of the same, and of course once created a layer is created to prevent interacting with links beneath.

这是问题所在。我们有一个用PHP编写的相当复杂的Web应用程序。目的是相对不重要,但简单地说:我们使用Comet / AJAX / JSON / JavaScript / PHP / MySQL(没有jQuery,但只有原生JavaScript)来呈现实时显示数据的控件。在整个应用程序中,我们使用本机JavaScript渲染弹出模式。这是一个相当复杂的逻辑,它测试页面上是否存在具有相同名称的模态,并阻止创建相同名称的新版本,当然,一旦创建,就会创建一个图层以防止与下面的链接进行交互。

The issue is that we have at least one modal that can be called multiple times before it is rendered on the page due to the time it takes the AJAX call to collect data from the database and assemble it for presentation. If a user were to 'double click' on said link they would be presented with two modals, one on top of the other. I've been able to actually render 8-10 of these. Interacting with the topmost modal appears to be broken because the user is actually effecting collapsible headers on the bottom-most modal. Once you start closing the dialog boxes and get to the bottom you can see where you've clicked.


So, my issue is this: What is the best way to prevent this behavior?


I've considered simply adding a function to the onClick event that would remove the onClick attribute from the link after the first click with a minor timeout (say 500ms). I've also considered trying to implement bit testing logic that would count clicks and only actually first the event after the first click and reset when the modal is closed.


What I'm wondering is if someone has any thoughts or suggestions or even has tackled a similar issue and has some insight on best practices to accomplish my goal in this instance.


Thank you very much.


2 个解决方案



You can unregister the click handler once it fired:


var element = ...,
myClickHandler = function(event) {
    // ...
    element.removeEventListener('click', myClickHandler, false);
    // ...

element.addEventListener('click', myClickHandler, false);



In this case, I found the simplest solution to be the best but I would still love to hear other feedback if'n it's out there.


In this case I found that the order of operations was the issue. I was awaiting the AJAX response to generate the body html for this modal. I changed the order to instead create the modal immediately using <p>Loading...</p> within the body of the modal. Then, when the AJAX was completed and I had my new body text, I just injected it into the modal's content area with a neat bit of code and Bob's your Uncle, we had jackpot.

在这种情况下,我发现操作的顺序是问题。我正在等待AJAX​​响应为这个模态生成body html。我改变了顺序,而是立即使用

Loading ... 在模态体内创建模态。然后,当AJAX完成并且我有了我的新正文时,我只是将它注入模态的内容区域,并且有一些整齐的代码,Bob是你的叔叔,我们有累积奖金。



You can unregister the click handler once it fired:


var element = ...,
myClickHandler = function(event) {
    // ...
    element.removeEventListener('click', myClickHandler, false);
    // ...

element.addEventListener('click', myClickHandler, false);



In this case, I found the simplest solution to be the best but I would still love to hear other feedback if'n it's out there.


In this case I found that the order of operations was the issue. I was awaiting the AJAX response to generate the body html for this modal. I changed the order to instead create the modal immediately using <p>Loading...</p> within the body of the modal. Then, when the AJAX was completed and I had my new body text, I just injected it into the modal's content area with a neat bit of code and Bob's your Uncle, we had jackpot.

在这种情况下,我发现操作的顺序是问题。我正在等待AJAX​​响应为这个模态生成body html。我改变了顺序,而是立即使用

Loading ... 在模态体内创建模态。然后,当AJAX完成并且我有了我的新正文时,我只是将它注入模态的内容区域,并且有一些整齐的代码,Bob是你的叔叔,我们有累积奖金。