
时间:2022-06-01 16:58:02

We have dynamic templates. Inside ng-repeat I am using ng-bind-html which calls a method that returns HTML, but the expressions in that HTML were not rendering. Any idea why?


<div ng-bind-html="vm.getSimpleLayoutHtml(item)" class="ng-binding ng-scope">
    <div class="col-xs-4" ng-if="item.Account.Name">{{ item.Account.Name }}</div>

Here is the controller:


function TestController($scope, resource,$sce)
    var vm= this; 
    vm.getSimpleLayoutHtml = function (item) { 
        var result = resource.getLayout(item.attributes.type, "Simple"); 
        return $sce.trustAsHtml(result.Html); 

1 个解决方案


Give a try to ng-HtmlCompiler @

试试ng-HtmlCompiler @


Give a try to ng-HtmlCompiler @

试试ng-HtmlCompiler @