
时间:2021-12-19 11:22:18

Total noob here.


I am in the process of building my hobby website and feel that I could, with some hard work, create a fully functional site. However, I am rather stuck on modal popout window.


I understand the basics of getting one to work, i.e. download jquery or related java library, attach said library to webpage in the section. Apply modal popout in similar way making sure to include the CSS for it.


I can get it to function in my site, so with Shadowbox I managed to get it to actually popout. Where I am stuck, with Shadowbox in particular, is actually putting stuff inside the modal popout. I am really only interesting putting text in the modal popout with maybe a link or small picture to compliment the text.


What is hindering me is my lack of knowledge. This may be either a lack of understanding with regards to class attributes or href attributes, or a lack of knowledge. The only progression I have made with this is simply because of the copy and paste, and some image path manipulation with Shadowbox. I am still horribly confused as to how the script activates, what tags/attributes I need to make to ensure data within a is included in the modal popout window.


I would really like to have a modal popout like this http://typedeskref.com/ but feel that this is far, far beyond me.


In summary: I don't know how to put text/images inside of a modal popout. I don't know how a modal popout is activated and how to ensure I can control what is kept inside of it. The reason why I say this is because the limited sucess I have had with Shadow box is because it has somehow managed to pick up everything that is on my site, images, links etc. So when the modal popout is opened, there is my site, in modal form.

总结:我不知道如何将文本/图像放在模态弹出窗口内。我不知道如何激活模态弹出窗口以及如何确保我可以控制其中保留的内容。我之所以这么说是因为我使用Shadow box有限的成功是因为它以某种方式设法拾取我网站上的所有内容,图片,链接等等。所以当打开模态弹出窗口时,有我的网站,以模态形式。

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I really appreciate any help or advice you can give me. Even a shove in the direction where such information can be located would be great!


p.s. I am using dreamweaver cs5

附:我正在使用dreamweaver cs5

1 个解决方案



Depends on how crazy and amazing you want your dialogs to be. It could be something as simple as downloading jQuery UI Dialogs (http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/) and then doing this.

取决于你想要对话的疯狂和惊人。它可能像下载jQuery UI Dialogs(http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/)然后执行此操作一样简单。

<div id="dialog">Hello</div>
<a id="button1">One</a>
<a id="button2">Two</a>

// Do the setup when the page has loaded
$(function() {

   // Create the dialog, don't show it on page load

   // Button One will show the dialog
   $("#button1").click(function() { $("#dialog").dialog("open"); });

   // Button Two changes the content, THEN shows the dialog.
   $("#button2").click(function() { 

It's a starting point. Same dialog, changing the content, triggered by clicking a link. That library has all manner of options (animations, etc) and you can style it to whatever look-and-feel you like.


Here is a demo: http://jsfiddle.net/dYMvH/




Depends on how crazy and amazing you want your dialogs to be. It could be something as simple as downloading jQuery UI Dialogs (http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/) and then doing this.

取决于你想要对话的疯狂和惊人。它可能像下载jQuery UI Dialogs(http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/)然后执行此操作一样简单。

<div id="dialog">Hello</div>
<a id="button1">One</a>
<a id="button2">Two</a>

// Do the setup when the page has loaded
$(function() {

   // Create the dialog, don't show it on page load

   // Button One will show the dialog
   $("#button1").click(function() { $("#dialog").dialog("open"); });

   // Button Two changes the content, THEN shows the dialog.
   $("#button2").click(function() { 

It's a starting point. Same dialog, changing the content, triggered by clicking a link. That library has all manner of options (animations, etc) and you can style it to whatever look-and-feel you like.


Here is a demo: http://jsfiddle.net/dYMvH/
