
时间:2022-04-18 10:57:12

well, this is going to be tough... hope the gurus come up with a solution!


This is tough to explain, but here goes..


I have two elements:


#elem1 {
.anim {
  -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.5s ease;
  -moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.5s ease;
  -ms-transition: transform 0.5s ease;
  -o-transition: -o-transform 0.5s ease;
  transition: transform 0.5s ease;
.overr {
  -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
  -webkit-perspective: 1000;
$('#btn a').click(function(){
 currentPos = $(window).scrollTop();
 $('#elem1).attr('style', 'top:' + currentPos + 'px;');

 setTimeout(function() {
  $('#elem1').attr('style', 'top:0');
  $(window).scrollTop( 0 );
  }, 500)

<div id="elem1" class="anim">content here</div>
<div id="elem2">content 2 here></div>

What I am trying to achieve here is this: Element 2 is not styled at all, just a plain element. Clicking the button, gets #elem2 position, brings #elem1 like a drawer from the left so that it's top is at the current position of the screen, #elem2 is then hidden, #elem1 goes to top and screen scrolls up.


The result is, that I am on the same page, load a whole different content on top of the bottom one, I can scroll without overscroll (which is DESPERATELY needed on the iphone - moves away the top and bottom bars - actually this is the reason I need this).

结果是,我在同一页面上,在底部加载了一个完全不同的内容,我可以滚动而不会过度滚动(这在iPhone上需要很多 - 移开顶部和底部的条形 - 实际上这是我之所以需要这个)。


The problem is that the screen flickers at the last $(window).scrollTop( 0 ) - the damn screen flickers. If I initiate the script at the top of the page, it doesn't flicker.

问题是屏幕闪烁在最后的$(窗口).scrollTop(0) - 该死的屏幕闪烁。如果我在页面顶部启动脚本,它不会闪烁。

a) I tried changing the order of the script, but changing things don't give me the needed results. b) Changing the transition effect to 'linear' makes this better, but you can still see it.

a)我尝试改变脚本的顺序,但改变的东西并没有给我所需的结果。 b)将过渡效果更改为“线性”会使这更好,但您仍然可以看到它。

I know this thing is tough, but hopefully someones help me with this!


edit: What it looks like is that $('#elem2').toggle(0) and $(window).scrollTop( 0 ) trigger at the same time, so in the instant it flickers looks like it also brings #elem2 at the top, that's why it flickers... :/ I wasted like 4 hours on this so far :(

编辑:它看起来是$('#elem2')。toggle(0)和$(window).scrollTop(0)同时触发,所以在瞬间它闪烁看起来它也带来#elem2 at顶部,这就是为什么它闪烁......:/我到目前为止浪费了4个小时:(

edit2: even removing completely the animated transitions, still does the flicker. off I go to sleep, can't stay awake any longer.. hopefully I get a morning present :/


6 个解决方案



If it's a white flash, this is actually a css3 issue. I've had this happen in the past, try to add this.


-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;

to both the .anim and .overr classes.




Have you considered using the animate function? It is possible to implement this such that the subsequent style changes will not take place until after the previous animation has completed. Obviously you could nest as many animations as necessary (I've only nested a couple below for illustrative purposes) which removes the problems occurring when multi-tasking.


<style type="text/css">
    #elem1 {
<input id="btnA" type="button" value="Click Me" />
<div id="elem1">Element 1</div>
<div id="elem2">Element 2</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $('#btnA').click(function () {
        currentPos = $(window).scrollTop();
            { left: 0 }
            , {
                duration: 500
                , easing: "linear"
                , complete: function () {
                        { top: 0 }
                        , {
                            duration: 0
                            , complete: function () {

References: http://api.jquery.com/animate/



not sure if this will help you but i had a similar issue with ios scroll animations. I solved it by using the scrollTo plug in and setting the axis eg:


$.scrollTo(target, 400, {offset:-60, axis:'y'});

this was the only thing I found that would stop the flicker.




My solution is not directly related but it includes both flickering fixed elements and scrollTop() so I'm sure Google will take someone here.


I put the animation in the step in stead of straight up animating the scrollTop property. Hope that helps.


var position_st = $(window).scrollTop();
var position_en = $(scroll_to_selection).offset().top;

    textIndent: 100
}, {
    duration: 750,
    step: function(num) {

        var val = (num / 100 * (position_en - position_st)) + position_st;

        $('html, body').scrollTop(val);

    complete: function() {

            textIndent: 0




Unfortunately the way the iOS processes element transitions is kinda weird. They "refresh" at the end of a scroll. The only way I know how to avoid this is with somewhat static elements such as nav bars or floating footers. Where they do not use any javascript or CSS to change the way they are presented. I know this isn't a solution but hopefully this helps you better understand the iOS webkit :)

不幸的是,iOS处理元素转换的方式有点奇怪。它们在滚动结束时“刷新”。我知道如何避免这种情况的唯一方法是使用某些静态元素,如导航栏或浮动页脚。他们不使用任何JavaScript或CSS来改变他们的呈现方式。我知道这不是一个解决方案,但希望这有助于您更好地理解iOS webkit :)



I wanted to scroll to the top of a page with 0ms animation, but it would most times give a flicker after the scroll - on ios 8.3. I went back to adding an animation of 400ms and ditched ScrollTo for this:

我想用0ms动画滚动到页面的顶部,但是在滚动后的ios 8.3上大多数时间都会闪烁。我回去添加一个400ms的动画并抛弃了ScrollTo:

$('html, body').animate({
    scrollTop: 0
}, 400);

Getting 0 flicker now.. and a nicely animated scroll to the top of the page. 1000ms was jerky. hope this helps someone.

现在获得0闪烁..以及一个精美的动画滚动到页面顶部。 1000毫秒是生涩的。希望这有助于某人。



If it's a white flash, this is actually a css3 issue. I've had this happen in the past, try to add this.


-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;

to both the .anim and .overr classes.




Have you considered using the animate function? It is possible to implement this such that the subsequent style changes will not take place until after the previous animation has completed. Obviously you could nest as many animations as necessary (I've only nested a couple below for illustrative purposes) which removes the problems occurring when multi-tasking.


<style type="text/css">
    #elem1 {
<input id="btnA" type="button" value="Click Me" />
<div id="elem1">Element 1</div>
<div id="elem2">Element 2</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $('#btnA').click(function () {
        currentPos = $(window).scrollTop();
            { left: 0 }
            , {
                duration: 500
                , easing: "linear"
                , complete: function () {
                        { top: 0 }
                        , {
                            duration: 0
                            , complete: function () {

References: http://api.jquery.com/animate/



not sure if this will help you but i had a similar issue with ios scroll animations. I solved it by using the scrollTo plug in and setting the axis eg:


$.scrollTo(target, 400, {offset:-60, axis:'y'});

this was the only thing I found that would stop the flicker.




My solution is not directly related but it includes both flickering fixed elements and scrollTop() so I'm sure Google will take someone here.


I put the animation in the step in stead of straight up animating the scrollTop property. Hope that helps.


var position_st = $(window).scrollTop();
var position_en = $(scroll_to_selection).offset().top;

    textIndent: 100
}, {
    duration: 750,
    step: function(num) {

        var val = (num / 100 * (position_en - position_st)) + position_st;

        $('html, body').scrollTop(val);

    complete: function() {

            textIndent: 0




Unfortunately the way the iOS processes element transitions is kinda weird. They "refresh" at the end of a scroll. The only way I know how to avoid this is with somewhat static elements such as nav bars or floating footers. Where they do not use any javascript or CSS to change the way they are presented. I know this isn't a solution but hopefully this helps you better understand the iOS webkit :)

不幸的是,iOS处理元素转换的方式有点奇怪。它们在滚动结束时“刷新”。我知道如何避免这种情况的唯一方法是使用某些静态元素,如导航栏或浮动页脚。他们不使用任何JavaScript或CSS来改变他们的呈现方式。我知道这不是一个解决方案,但希望这有助于您更好地理解iOS webkit :)



I wanted to scroll to the top of a page with 0ms animation, but it would most times give a flicker after the scroll - on ios 8.3. I went back to adding an animation of 400ms and ditched ScrollTo for this:

我想用0ms动画滚动到页面的顶部,但是在滚动后的ios 8.3上大多数时间都会闪烁。我回去添加一个400ms的动画并抛弃了ScrollTo:

$('html, body').animate({
    scrollTop: 0
}, 400);

Getting 0 flicker now.. and a nicely animated scroll to the top of the page. 1000ms was jerky. hope this helps someone.

现在获得0闪烁..以及一个精美的动画滚动到页面顶部。 1000毫秒是生涩的。希望这有助于某人。