i have to redirect to a different view if authenticated and I need to send JSON data containing the userid and username to be used by AngularJS.
The Redirect
works but I am not sure how to send the authenticated user information as JSON data to the client-side.
Can some one help me?
Here are some code that I have in MVC side...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Security;
using TVS.Core.Interfaces;
using TVS.Domain;
using TVS.UI.Models;
namespace TVS.UI.Controllers
public class homeController : Controller
private readonly IUser _IUser;
public homeController(IUser IUser)
_IUser = IUser;
public ActionResult RedirectAngular()
return View();
public ActionResult Login()
return View();
public ActionResult Login(UserModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (_IUser.IsValidUser(model.Login,model.Password))
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Login, false);
return RedirectToAction("RedirectAngular", "home");
// ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect.");
return View();
public ActionResult LogOff()
return RedirectToAction("Login", "home");
1 个解决方案
You could just put it in a model or ViewBag and render the view if the logon form is actually a page and whatever page you redirect to when authenticated is another. Then just use the model / ViewBag to populate a page / app Setting javascript global or push them into angular value or constant like so:
您可以将它放在模型或ViewBag中,如果登录表单实际上是一个页面,那么渲染视图,以及在进行身份验证时重定向到的另一个页面。然后只需使用模型/ ViewBag填充页面/应用程序设置javascript全局或将它们推入角度值或常量,如下所示:
//Controller Action
public ActionResult Logon(string username, string password) {
//authentication successful...
//using ViewBag, but model will do as well..
ViewBag.UserId = 12; //for example...
ViewBag.UserName = "John Doe";
return View();
@* View
somewhere near end of <body> tag...
<script src=".../angular.js">
//or load this from a file...
angular.module('moduleName', []);
//this need to be in page!!
.value('appSettings', {
userId : @ViewBag.UserId,
userName: '@ViewBag.UserName'
//this can be loaded from file...
angular.controller('controllerName', ctrlFn);
ctrlFn.$inject = ['$log', 'appSettings'];
function ctrlFn($log, appSettings) {
//do something with appSetting here...
$log.info(appSettings.userId, appSettings.userName);
If this is not what you meant, and you are pushing the form info as Ajax and your Angular is actually a SPA then you need to use AJAX to marshal data between server and client side...
Just return a JsonResult like so...
只需返回一个像这样的JsonResult ......
public ActionResult Logon(string username, string password)
//authenticate here... assume succesful...
var user = new { userId = 12, userName = "John Doe" }
return Json(user, "application/json", Encoding.UTF8);
in your angular, just handle whatever getting returned back like so:
.factory('loginSvc', svcFn);
svcFn.$inject = ['$http'];
function svcFn($http) {
var svc = {
login: login
return svc;
function login(username, password) {
return $http.post(
angular.toJson({username: username, password: password});
.controller('controllerName', ctrlFn);
ctrlFn.$inject = ['$log', 'loginSvc'];
function ctrlFn($log, loginSvc) {
var self = this;
self.username = "";
self.password = "";
self.login = login;
function login() {
loginSvc.login(username, password)
function handleLoginSuccess(userInfo) {
$log.info(userInfo); //this should contain logged in user id and username
//some other functions here...
You could just put it in a model or ViewBag and render the view if the logon form is actually a page and whatever page you redirect to when authenticated is another. Then just use the model / ViewBag to populate a page / app Setting javascript global or push them into angular value or constant like so:
您可以将它放在模型或ViewBag中,如果登录表单实际上是一个页面,那么渲染视图,以及在进行身份验证时重定向到的另一个页面。然后只需使用模型/ ViewBag填充页面/应用程序设置javascript全局或将它们推入角度值或常量,如下所示:
//Controller Action
public ActionResult Logon(string username, string password) {
//authentication successful...
//using ViewBag, but model will do as well..
ViewBag.UserId = 12; //for example...
ViewBag.UserName = "John Doe";
return View();
@* View
somewhere near end of <body> tag...
<script src=".../angular.js">
//or load this from a file...
angular.module('moduleName', []);
//this need to be in page!!
.value('appSettings', {
userId : @ViewBag.UserId,
userName: '@ViewBag.UserName'
//this can be loaded from file...
angular.controller('controllerName', ctrlFn);
ctrlFn.$inject = ['$log', 'appSettings'];
function ctrlFn($log, appSettings) {
//do something with appSetting here...
$log.info(appSettings.userId, appSettings.userName);
If this is not what you meant, and you are pushing the form info as Ajax and your Angular is actually a SPA then you need to use AJAX to marshal data between server and client side...
Just return a JsonResult like so...
只需返回一个像这样的JsonResult ......
public ActionResult Logon(string username, string password)
//authenticate here... assume succesful...
var user = new { userId = 12, userName = "John Doe" }
return Json(user, "application/json", Encoding.UTF8);
in your angular, just handle whatever getting returned back like so:
.factory('loginSvc', svcFn);
svcFn.$inject = ['$http'];
function svcFn($http) {
var svc = {
login: login
return svc;
function login(username, password) {
return $http.post(
angular.toJson({username: username, password: password});
.controller('controllerName', ctrlFn);
ctrlFn.$inject = ['$log', 'loginSvc'];
function ctrlFn($log, loginSvc) {
var self = this;
self.username = "";
self.password = "";
self.login = login;
function login() {
loginSvc.login(username, password)
function handleLoginSuccess(userInfo) {
$log.info(userInfo); //this should contain logged in user id and username
//some other functions here...