加载闪光灯时显示加载图标 - 并在闪光灯启动时隐藏它

时间:2021-10-10 10:25:04

I am using a flash slideshow on a page that takes a little while to load - and while it is loading it looks like nothing is there as the div holding the flash element has a transparent background.

我在一个需要一段时间加载的页面上使用Flash幻灯片放映 - 当它加载时,看起来没有任何东西,因为持有flash元素的div具有透明背景。

How can I show a loading icon while flash is loading - and then hide it once the flash starts?

如何在加载闪光灯时显示加载图标 - 然后在闪光灯启动后隐藏它?

I am using jquery in my page head for other pages on the site so something based in jquery would be awesome.


I am a css'er so please excuse my javascript ignorance!


Thanks in advance.


2 个解决方案


I am assuming that you have an HTML page that has a Flash element (your slideshow) being loading in.


You could just cheat and put a loading graphic "behind" the flash element. It will show up when the HTML page loads, but when the Flash loads over the top, the loading graphic will be obscured from view.


Or if you have access to the Flash Slideshow source, you could make an external interface call to a javascript function that hides the loading graphic. To hide the element, just set its CSS "display" attribute to "none".



Use a preloader



I am assuming that you have an HTML page that has a Flash element (your slideshow) being loading in.


You could just cheat and put a loading graphic "behind" the flash element. It will show up when the HTML page loads, but when the Flash loads over the top, the loading graphic will be obscured from view.


Or if you have access to the Flash Slideshow source, you could make an external interface call to a javascript function that hides the loading graphic. To hide the element, just set its CSS "display" attribute to "none".



Use a preloader
