I have many checkboxes. I want when user clicks submit button and he hasn't filled all required fields, these checkboxes that he has checked, to be checked. My code is the following, but when form submit, only last checkbox is cheked.
function teachers_show(yes, no){
$(".toggle, .all_teachers_show, .student, .school, .teacher_school, .teacher, .class, .teacher_class").hide();
if (no)
echo validation_errors();
echo "<div class='container' id='register_container'>";
echo form_open('home/register');
echo "<table border = '0' >";
echo "<tr><td><label> Username:* </label></td><td>";
'name' => 'username',
'class' => form_error('username') ? 'error' : '',
'value' => set_value('username')
echo form_input($data);
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td><label> Password:* </label></td><td>";
'name' => 'password',
'class' => form_error('password') ? 'error' : ''
echo form_password($data);
echo "<tr><td><label> Choose role:* </label> </td><td>";
$selected_role = $this->input->post('role_id'); ?>
<input type="radio" name="role_id" id="radio1" onclick="showHide(this, true)" value="1"
<?php echo '1' == $selected_role ? 'checked="checked"' :
'' ?>/>
<?php echo " Role 1"; ?>
<input type="radio" name="role_id" id="radio2" onclick="showHide(this, true)" value="2"
<?php echo '2' == $selected_role ? 'checked="checked"' :
'' ?>/>
<?php echo " Role 2 "; ?>
<input type="radio" name="role_id" id="radio5" onclick="teachers_show(this, true)" value="5"
<?php echo '5' == $selected_role ? 'checked="checked"' :
'' ?>/>
<?php echo " Role 3 ";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr class='all_teachers_show' style='display:none;'><td><label> Teachers:* </label></td><td>";
<table border='0'>
$ind = 0;
foreach ($all_teachers_show as $row) {
<?php $selected_teachers = $this->input->post('all_teachers_show[]'); echo $selected_teachers; ?>
<input type="checkbox" id='all_teachers_show' <?php echo set_checkbox('all_teachers_show',$row->user_id); ?> name="all_teachers_show[]"
value="<?= $row->user_id ?>" <?php if ( isset($selected_teachers[$row->user_id] ))
echo 'checked="checked"'; ?>><?= $row->first_name . ' ' . $row->last_name ?> <td>
if($ind % 3 == 0)
echo '</tr> <tr>';
} ?>
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</table><br/>";
"name" => 'mysubmit',
'class' => 'btn btn-success ',
'id' => 'reg',
'value' => 'Register'
echo form_submit($data);
That's my whole code. These chechboxes are for Role 3 - radio button with id='radio5'.
这是我的整个代码。这些chechboxes用于角色3 - 带有id ='radio5'的单选按钮。
How could it be my if: <?php echo $selected_teachers == $row->user_id ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ?>
- it returns array and I compare it with $row->user_id
How could be done that?
怎么可能是我的if: user_id? 'checked =“checked”':''?> $ selected_teachers - 它返回数组并将其与$ row-> user_id进行比较怎么做?
1 个解决方案
try this:
foreach ($all_teachers_show as $row)
$userId = $row->user_id;
$first_name = $row->first_name;
$last_name = $row->last_name;
$teacherSelected = ( isset($_POST[$userId]) ) ? true : false;
name="<?php echo $userId; ?>"
if ( $teacherSelected )
echo 'checked="checked"';
value="<?php echo $userId; ?>"
<?php echo $first_name . ' ' . $last_name ?>
try this:
foreach ($all_teachers_show as $row)
$userId = $row->user_id;
$first_name = $row->first_name;
$last_name = $row->last_name;
$teacherSelected = ( isset($_POST[$userId]) ) ? true : false;
name="<?php echo $userId; ?>"
if ( $teacherSelected )
echo 'checked="checked"';
value="<?php echo $userId; ?>"
<?php echo $first_name . ' ' . $last_name ?>