I have a Main VC with a custom tab bar and a container view. I have three buttons in the tab bar that link to 3 different views using a custom segue that switches the views perfectly.
In one of my child views I have a button. I want that button to connect to a parent view however the app crashes when the button is pressed.
I have looked at several answers and only found answers to questions regarding switching childviews using a button in the parent view such as: Linking child view controllers to a parent view controller within storyboard
My structure is as follows:
Main VC --> Child VC within Main VC --> Button
主VC - >主VC内的子VC - >按钮
Button --> Custom Segue --> New Main VC embedded in Nav VC
按钮 - >自定义Segue - > Nav VC中嵌入的新主VC
When I press the button within the child VC to link to a new main VC it crashes.
This is my prepareForSegue code:
H file:
//Name of the parent class linking to
@property (weak, nonatomic) FillUpEntryViewController * fueVC;
M file:
-(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"NewEntrySegue"]) {
self.fueVC = segue.destinationViewController;
Any help would be much appreciated. I don't think it should be as difficult as it is but I am relatively new to this.
EDIT: The child view has it's own class which contains the segue code above. Just to eliminate any confusion.
1 个解决方案
I don't know if I undestand you, you can create a dismiss segue and join the two views in your story board by it, or just use the code in your action:
我不知道如果我不理解你,你可以创建一个dismiss segue并通过它加入你的故事板中的两个视图,或者只是在你的动作中使用代码:
import "DismissSegue.h"
.h file
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface DismissSegue : UIStoryboardSegue
.m file
@implementation DismissSegue
UIViewController *sourceViewCOntroller = self.sourceViewController;
[sourceViewCOntroller.view endEditing:YES];
[sourceViewCOntroller.presentingViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
I hope it help you.
I don't know if I undestand you, you can create a dismiss segue and join the two views in your story board by it, or just use the code in your action:
我不知道如果我不理解你,你可以创建一个dismiss segue并通过它加入你的故事板中的两个视图,或者只是在你的动作中使用代码:
import "DismissSegue.h"
.h file
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface DismissSegue : UIStoryboardSegue
.m file
@implementation DismissSegue
UIViewController *sourceViewCOntroller = self.sourceViewController;
[sourceViewCOntroller.view endEditing:YES];
[sourceViewCOntroller.presentingViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
I hope it help you.