
时间:2021-12-24 08:16:20

I want to be able to embed a UIWebView into a tableview's cell (grouped style).


The web view is long (longer than the screen), and I want it to display it's full length. So there is no scrolling within the web view itself, just on the table.


| a normal table cell  |
| a normal table cell 2|
|   a long webview     |
|  which doesn't scroll|
|  within itself       |
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The web view will have various heights so how can I discover the the height of the webview in order to adjust the height in heightForRowAtIndexPath?


1 个解决方案



Here's how you could do it, but see my caution below:


You could load the web view, then use a javascript function to determine the height of the content. You could then use [myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: ..] to get the height.

您可以加载Web视图,然后使用javascript函数来确定内容的高度。然后,您可以使用[myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:..]来获取高度。

Here's the problem. UIWebViews are fairly slow. The table can't present itself until it knows the heights of the rows, because that's how it determines which table cells to fetch. So scrolling your table view will be jerky, because every time you scroll down to a new cell, the height will need to be computed.

这是问题所在。 UIWebViews相当慢。在知道行的高度之前,表不能呈现自己,因为这就是它如何确定要获取的表单元格。因此,滚动表格视图会不稳定,因为每次向下滚动到新单元格时,都需要计算高度。

There are two approaches you can take:


1) Don't use a UIWebView embedded in a UITableCell. Instead use a UILabel and determine its height using some of the NSString convenience methods for doing this.


2) Use a UIWebView for the entire table. You can very closely simulate a tableview by doing this, and you will get the UI you need. To handle things like clicks, use the URL loading hooks provided by UIWebViewDelegate.




Here's how you could do it, but see my caution below:


You could load the web view, then use a javascript function to determine the height of the content. You could then use [myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: ..] to get the height.

您可以加载Web视图,然后使用javascript函数来确定内容的高度。然后,您可以使用[myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:..]来获取高度。

Here's the problem. UIWebViews are fairly slow. The table can't present itself until it knows the heights of the rows, because that's how it determines which table cells to fetch. So scrolling your table view will be jerky, because every time you scroll down to a new cell, the height will need to be computed.

这是问题所在。 UIWebViews相当慢。在知道行的高度之前,表不能呈现自己,因为这就是它如何确定要获取的表单元格。因此,滚动表格视图会不稳定,因为每次向下滚动到新单元格时,都需要计算高度。

There are two approaches you can take:


1) Don't use a UIWebView embedded in a UITableCell. Instead use a UILabel and determine its height using some of the NSString convenience methods for doing this.


2) Use a UIWebView for the entire table. You can very closely simulate a tableview by doing this, and you will get the UI you need. To handle things like clicks, use the URL loading hooks provided by UIWebViewDelegate.
