
时间:2022-01-25 01:49:23

I have this problem: I have an handler to the mainWindow of a certain application, and I want to simulate a keypress on that application...


I'm using sendMessage/postMessage api calls to do this. The reason why I don't use the .Net SendKeys function or the keybd_event of the win32 api, is that they simulate the keypress at a global level. In my case, the target application is not the top-active one (other application may be running in a higher z-level, hence covering the target app).

我正在使用sendMessage / postMessage api调用来执行此操作。我之所以不使用.Net SendKeys函数或win32 api的keybd_event,是因为它们在全局范围内模拟了按键。在我的情况下,目标应用程序不是最活跃的应用程序(其他应用程序可能在更高的z级别运行,因此覆盖目标应用程序)。

The problem with sendMessage and postMessage is that you must pass the handler of the exact childwindow where you want the key to be pressed. For example, in notepad, if I send the key to the handler of the mainWindow, nothing happens, I have to send the key to the handler of the child window that basically consists of the white canvas where you can write.


Obtaining the handler to the active child window is the problem. In the beginning, I was using the GetTopWindow or GetWindow(GW_CHILD) api calls, as it returns the most active child window. What I was doing was to keep calling the GetWindow(GW_CHILD) until I got a childwindow that had no more childWindows. This works ok for some applications like notepad or paint. However, in some cases (like firefox for example), it doesn't work. The reason for that is that the parent window has the whole firefox area, and its childwindow has the opened WebPage (like google). So, when I ask for the most active child window of the mainWindow, it returns the only child window it has, which is the one corresponding to the Webpage area. It only works if the active window is that one (like if the user is writing something on a textbox of a certain page). But if what is active is, let's say, the address bar, it doesn't work because the active window is not the child window but actually the parent... and I can't get this information programatically.


I actually found a way of doing this, using the GetGUIThreadInfo api call, using the following code:

我实际上使用GetGUIThreadInfo api调用找到了一种方法,使用以下代码:

    // get thread of the main window handle of the process
    var threadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(firefox.MainWindowHandle, IntPtr.Zero);

    // get gui info
    var info = new GUITHREADINFO();
    info.cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(info);
    if (!GetGUIThreadInfo(threadId, out info))
        throw new Win32Exception();

    // send the letter W to the active window
    PostMessage(info.hwndActive, WM_KEYDOWN, (IntPtr)Keys.W, IntPtr.Zero);

And it works very well: If the address bar is active, it sends a "W" letter to the address bar. If the search textBox of google is active, it sends the "W" letter to it... Perfect! However, this method can't be used by me for a simple reason: If the target application is not the active window of the operating system, the ThreadInfo structure comes empty. For example, if I'm targetting firefox, it works if firefox is active (the top-most application, the focused/active one), but if, let's say, notepad is on top of firefox, it doesn't work, it is unable to get the active window handler.


I know I can solve this by using the setForegroundWindow api call to activate the target application and then capture the handler of the active child-window but I didn't want to have to bring the target app to the foreground.

我知道我可以通过使用setForegroundWindow api调用来激活目标应用程序然后捕获活动子窗口的处理程序来解决这个问题,但我不想将目标应用程序带到前台。

I've also tried other techniques like AttachThreadInput() and GetFocus() api calls, which also works, but has the same problem: If the target application is not the active windows application, it doesn't work.


So basically I need to find some way of getting the handler to the active childwindow of an application even if that application is not the top-active one.


Any ideas? Thanks


2 个解决方案


You might want to check out the EnumChildWindows function.



If everything else fails, here is another idea: You might want to consider using a WH_CBT or a WH_CALLWNDPROC hooks to monitor which child window of the target thread has been focused last.


Install a CBT hook (WH_CBT) and listen for the HCBT_SETFOCUS notification. Or use a WH_CALLWNDPROC hook and listen for the WM_SETFOCUS message.


Don't do much in the hook proc or you'll hog down the system resources. Just save the needed information and post yourself a custom message to process it later.

不要在hook proc中做太多事情,否则你会占用系统资源。只需保存所需信息,然后发布自定义消息以便稍后处理。


You might want to check out the EnumChildWindows function.



If everything else fails, here is another idea: You might want to consider using a WH_CBT or a WH_CALLWNDPROC hooks to monitor which child window of the target thread has been focused last.


Install a CBT hook (WH_CBT) and listen for the HCBT_SETFOCUS notification. Or use a WH_CALLWNDPROC hook and listen for the WM_SETFOCUS message.


Don't do much in the hook proc or you'll hog down the system resources. Just save the needed information and post yourself a custom message to process it later.

不要在hook proc中做太多事情,否则你会占用系统资源。只需保存所需信息,然后发布自定义消息以便稍后处理。