
时间:2022-01-05 07:23:49

I have got only one paragraph with few line breaks. Can i indent text after each?


   Some text</br>
   More text</br>
   More text</br>

I have no ability to put <p></p> instead of </br> and use p{text-indent=1em;}


代替 并使用p {text-indent = 1em;}

2 个解决方案



The following works in Chrome, Opera, and Safari. Still trying to figure out a solution for IE and Firefox.


This method assumes you know the maximum number of brs in your source. I'm using </br> like you did, based on your comment that it's that way in the database.

此方法假定您知道源中的最大brs数。我正在使用 ,就像你在数据库中那样评论一样。

br {
  content: '';
  white-space: pre;

br:nth-child(1):after {content: '\A   ';}
br:nth-child(2):after {content: '\A      ';}
br:nth-child(3):after {content: '\A         ';}
br:nth-child(4):after {content: '\A            ';}
br:nth-child(5):after {content: '\A               ';}
br:nth-child(6):after {content: '\A                  ';}
br:nth-child(7):after {content: '\A                     ';}
br:nth-child(8):after {content: '\A                        ';}
br:nth-child(9):after {content: '\A                           ';}
  Some text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>



No, you cannot, because there is no element to apply such styling on. The <br> element has no content, and it is unspecified whether you can use :before and :after pseudo-elements on them—in practice you cannot.

元素没有内容,并且未指定是否可以使用:before和:after伪元素 - 实际上你不能。

You should process the data or change the current processing so that whatever is meant to be a paragraph is marked up as a p element (and your current p markup should be replaced by div, or maybe section). That way the styling problem becomes solvable (and rather easy).




The following works in Chrome, Opera, and Safari. Still trying to figure out a solution for IE and Firefox.


This method assumes you know the maximum number of brs in your source. I'm using </br> like you did, based on your comment that it's that way in the database.

此方法假定您知道源中的最大brs数。我正在使用 ,就像你在数据库中那样评论一样。

br {
  content: '';
  white-space: pre;

br:nth-child(1):after {content: '\A   ';}
br:nth-child(2):after {content: '\A      ';}
br:nth-child(3):after {content: '\A         ';}
br:nth-child(4):after {content: '\A            ';}
br:nth-child(5):after {content: '\A               ';}
br:nth-child(6):after {content: '\A                  ';}
br:nth-child(7):after {content: '\A                     ';}
br:nth-child(8):after {content: '\A                        ';}
br:nth-child(9):after {content: '\A                           ';}
  Some text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>
  More text</br>



No, you cannot, because there is no element to apply such styling on. The <br> element has no content, and it is unspecified whether you can use :before and :after pseudo-elements on them—in practice you cannot.

元素没有内容,并且未指定是否可以使用:before和:after伪元素 - 实际上你不能。

You should process the data or change the current processing so that whatever is meant to be a paragraph is marked up as a p element (and your current p markup should be replaced by div, or maybe section). That way the styling problem becomes solvable (and rather easy).
