Drupal 7 - How to change multiple drop-downs using AJAX?

时间:2022-05-10 07:13:41

I'm new to Drupal & PHP. I have a similar problem to this unanswered question and I could not find one myself.


I need 3 dependent drop-downs where the user need to select:


  • 1st- The Lecturer.
  • 第一 - 讲师。

  • 2nd- one of his related courses.
  • 他的第二个相关课程。

  • 3rd- one of the course chapters.
  • 第3章课程章节之一。

(the data is extracted from a DB)


As individuals they work fine (when I choose a lecturer the course list get updated, when I choose a course the chapters get updated), but when I choose a lecturer the chapter list won't get updated to reflect the changes to the course drop-down.


This is the code I wrote so far:


function test_form($form, &$form_state)
  $form = array();
  $lect_options = drupal_map_assoc(get_lecturer_dropdown_options());
  $selected_lect = isset($form_state['values']['lect']) ? $form_state['values']['lect'] : key($lect_options);

  $form['lect'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Lecturer Name:'),
    '#default_value' => $selected_lect,
    '#options' => $lect_options,
    '#ajax' => array(
       'callback' => 'ajax_dependent_crs_dropdown_callback',
       'wrapper' => 'dropdown-course-replace',

  $course_options = drupal_map_assoc(_ajax_get_crse_dropdown_options($selected_lect));
  $selected_course = isset($form_state['values']['course']) ? $form_state['values']['course'] : key($course_options);

  $form['course'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Courses:'),
    '#prefix' => '<div id="dropdown-course-replace">',
    '#suffix' => '</div>',
    '#options' => $course_options,
    '#default_value' => $selected_course,
    '#ajax' => array(
      'callback' => 'ajax_dependent_chap_dropdown_callback',
      'event' => 'change',
      'wrapper' => 'dropdown-chap-replace',

  $form['chapter'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Chapter:'),
    '#prefix' => '<div id="dropdown-chap-replace">',
    '#suffix' => '</div>',
    '#options' => _ajax_get_chap_dropdown_options($selected_course),

  return $form;

function ajax_dependent_crs_dropdown_callback($form, $form_state) {
  return $form['course'];
function ajax_dependent_chap_dropdown_callback($form, $form_state) {
  return $form['chapter'];

function get_lecturer_dropdown_options()
  $lect_array = array();

  $lect_result = db_query("SELECT Vod_Lectuerers.LecturerID, Vod_Lectuerers.LecFirsName, Vod_Lectuerers.LecLastName FROM Vod_Lectuerers ORDER BY Vod_Lectuerers.LecturerID");

  foreach ($lect_result as $lect_key=>$lect_row)//Get each lecturer data from the query result
    $lect_array[] = $lect_row->lecturerid . '# ' . $lect_row->lecfirsname . ' ' . $lect_row->leclastname;

  return $lect_array;

function _ajax_get_crse_dropdown_options($key) 
  if ($key!='')
    $course_data = array();
    $lect_id = substr($key, 0, 4);//cut the ID for the key recived by function

    $crs_result = db_query("SELECT Vod_Course.CourseID, Vod_Course.CourseName FROM Vod_Course WHERE Vod_Course.LecturerID='$lect_id' ORDER BY Vod_Course.CourseID", array($lect_id));

    foreach ($crs_result as $crs_key=>$crs_row)//Get each course data from the query result
      $course_data[] = $crs_row->courseid . '# ' . $crs_row->coursename;
    return $course_data;
    return array();

function _ajax_get_chap_dropdown_options($key) 
  if ($key!='')
    $chapter_data = array();
    $course_id = substr($key, 0, 1);//cut the ID

    $cptr_result = db_query("SELECT Vod_Chapters.ChapterID, Vod_Chapters.ChapterDescription FROM Vod_Chapters WHERE Vod_Chapters.CourseID='$course_id' ORDER BY Vod_Chapters.ChapterID", array($course_id));

    foreach ($cptr_result as $cptr_key=>$cptr_row)//Get each chapter data from the query result
      $chapter_data[] = $cptr_row->chapterid . '# ' . $cptr_row->chapterdescription;

    return $chapter_data;
    return array();

Any help would be most appreciated.


1 个解决方案



You can use Hierarchical Select module to do that. You should also follow this tutorial to get you started.


Hope this helps... Muhammad.




You can use Hierarchical Select module to do that. You should also follow this tutorial to get you started.


Hope this helps... Muhammad.
