
时间:2022-05-21 07:19:04

I have a sort of shell page that contains filter controls and an iframe for displaying a gridview. When you click the 'filter' button, or when a timer is fired, filter data is collected from the filter controls and fed in the querystring to the gridview iframe, as shown:

我有一种包含过滤器控件的shell页面和一个用于显示gridview的iframe。单击“过滤器”按钮或触发计时器时,将从过滤器控件中收集过滤器数据,并将查询字符串输入到gridview iframe,如下所示:

var URL = "/mypage/gridview.aspx";
var dest = URL + '?' + getFilterData();
var frame = $('#gridiframe');
    type: "HEAD",
    async: true,
    url: dest
}).success(function () {
    frame.attr('src', dest);

My conundrum is this: the gridview can be very costly to render. It performs a HUGE database trip and this method is causing the page to be rendered twice. The first time, the client just looks at the header to make sure the user is authenticated (page returns HTTP unauthorized if session has timed out) and that all the parameters are in a good format. But I don't want to change the iframe source to show an error message, I just want to call loadError which basically just notifies the user what went wrong.


Is there anything I can do with the client code to populate my iframe in only one exchange with the server?


edit: thanks all for your input. At the end of the day, I hate webforms. End of story.


3 个解决方案



Instead of querying the iframe's source URL in the ajax query, query a different endpoint that doesn't run the same DB query. You said it does two things, 1 validate the user's login token is still valid and 2 that the filter parameters are valid. Neither of those validation steps require running the query on the database that get the full query results. So, create a new API endpoint that does your basic validation, and if that returns a success message, then set the iframe source to what you want.


Another option is to return a HTML fragment, rather than a full HTML page, from gridview.aspx. Then your AJAX can replace the contents of a div with the HTML result if successful, rather than setting the iframe src, while still allowing you to handle errors.

另一种选择是从gridview.aspx返回HTML片段,而不是完整的HTML页面。然后,如果成功,您的AJAX可以用HTML结果替换div的内容,而不是设置iframe src,同时仍允许您处理错误。

A more trendy option (not saying it's better or worse, but certainly more aligned with the current web development industry) is to change gridview.aspx to a web service/api that returns the data in simplified json, then use a javascript framework, or template engine to generate the html table on the client itself.

一个更时髦的选择(不是说它更好或更糟,但肯定更符合当前的Web开发行业)是将gridview.aspx更改为以简化的json返回数据的web服务/ api,然后使用javascript框架,或者模板引擎在客户端本身生成html表。



Maybe I'm over-simplifying things, but couldn't you just use a QueryString parameter in the second request?


    type: "HEAD",
    async: true,
    url: dest
}).success(function () {
    frame.attr('src', dest + '&getGrid=true');

And then on the aspx page check if the QueryString is present.


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //validate user always

    if (Request.QueryString["getGrid"] != null)
        //rebuild grid 



Instead of an iFrame you can a normal <div> and load only the gridView from another page as follows:



First, Wrap the gridView around a container in the other page Something like


<div id='grid-wrapper'><!-- GridView here --></div>

Then use your AJAX code like this to retrieve only the grid:


var URL = "/mypage/gridview.aspx";
var dest = URL + '?' + getFilterData();
var div = $('#divId');
    type: "HEAD",
    async: true,
    url: dest
}).success(function (res) {
    div.html($('#grid-wrapper',$(res)).html); //this gets only the contents of grid-wrapper and not the whole page.



Instead of querying the iframe's source URL in the ajax query, query a different endpoint that doesn't run the same DB query. You said it does two things, 1 validate the user's login token is still valid and 2 that the filter parameters are valid. Neither of those validation steps require running the query on the database that get the full query results. So, create a new API endpoint that does your basic validation, and if that returns a success message, then set the iframe source to what you want.


Another option is to return a HTML fragment, rather than a full HTML page, from gridview.aspx. Then your AJAX can replace the contents of a div with the HTML result if successful, rather than setting the iframe src, while still allowing you to handle errors.

另一种选择是从gridview.aspx返回HTML片段,而不是完整的HTML页面。然后,如果成功,您的AJAX可以用HTML结果替换div的内容,而不是设置iframe src,同时仍允许您处理错误。

A more trendy option (not saying it's better or worse, but certainly more aligned with the current web development industry) is to change gridview.aspx to a web service/api that returns the data in simplified json, then use a javascript framework, or template engine to generate the html table on the client itself.

一个更时髦的选择(不是说它更好或更糟,但肯定更符合当前的Web开发行业)是将gridview.aspx更改为以简化的json返回数据的web服务/ api,然后使用javascript框架,或者模板引擎在客户端本身生成html表。



Maybe I'm over-simplifying things, but couldn't you just use a QueryString parameter in the second request?


    type: "HEAD",
    async: true,
    url: dest
}).success(function () {
    frame.attr('src', dest + '&getGrid=true');

And then on the aspx page check if the QueryString is present.


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //validate user always

    if (Request.QueryString["getGrid"] != null)
        //rebuild grid 



Instead of an iFrame you can a normal <div> and load only the gridView from another page as follows:



First, Wrap the gridView around a container in the other page Something like


<div id='grid-wrapper'><!-- GridView here --></div>

Then use your AJAX code like this to retrieve only the grid:


var URL = "/mypage/gridview.aspx";
var dest = URL + '?' + getFilterData();
var div = $('#divId');
    type: "HEAD",
    async: true,
    url: dest
}).success(function (res) {
    div.html($('#grid-wrapper',$(res)).html); //this gets only the contents of grid-wrapper and not the whole page.