
时间:2021-11-24 07:22:35

I used this Pinterest button on my blog


<li><a class='pinterest share-tooltip share-tooltip-top' data-share-tooltip='Share on Pinterest' expr:href='&quot;http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;media=&quot; + data:post.firstImageUrl + &quot;&amp;description=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-pinterest'/>Pinterest</a></li>

as you can see I'm using data:post.firstImageUrl as the source of the image ... but the problem is i made my fist image doesn't show in a full size only a thumbnail (medium size) ... so when i used this data:post.firstImageUrl ... the image that being shared only a thumbnail not the real one

你可以看到我正在使用数据:post.firstImageUrl作为图像的来源...但问题是我的拳头图像没有以完整尺寸显示只有缩略图(中等大小)......所以当我使用这个数据时:post.firstImageUrl ...只共享缩略图而不是真实缩略图的图像

here is the sample of thumbnail URL which i got from data:post.firstImageUrl



and here is the full size image URL that i want



as you can see the different only come to this part xxx://xxx/xxx/s640/xxx and xxx://xxx/xxx/s1600/xxx ...

你可以看到不同的只有这个部分xxx:// xxx / xxx / s640 / xxx和xxx:// xxx / xxx / s1600 / xxx ...

my question is how do i change this URL part s640 into this s1600 and how to assign it into my pinterest button ?


i had been seen someone using a JavaScript to change this URL part /s640/, he used it for auto resize thumbnail, I'm not familiar with JavaScript so I'm not really understand it, here is the code

我曾经看到有人使用JavaScript来改变这个URL部分/ s640 /,他用它来自动调整大小缩略图,我不熟悉JavaScript所以我不是很了解它,这里是代码

img src="'+image_url.replace('/s72-c/','/s'+image_size+'-c/')+'" alt="'+post_title+'"/

1 个解决方案



You can use script from this pastie. But it need a bit change.


<script type='text/javascript'>
function thumbnail_resize(image_url) {
  var image_size = 1600;
  image_tag = image_url.replace('/s640/','/s' + image_size + '/');
  if(image_url != "") {
    return image_tag;
  } else {
    return "";

Here we replaced the URL of image.


<script type='text/javascript'>document.write('&lt;a class=&quot;pinterest share-tooltip share-tooltip-top&quot; data-share-tooltip=&quot;Share on Pinterest&quot; href=&quot;http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=<data:post.url/>&amp;media=' + thumbnail_resize(&quot;<data:post.firstImageUrl/>&quot;) + '&amp;description=<data:post.title/>&quot;&gt;PING&lt;/a&gt;');</script>

And here we pasted the link via JavaScript.




You can use script from this pastie. But it need a bit change.


<script type='text/javascript'>
function thumbnail_resize(image_url) {
  var image_size = 1600;
  image_tag = image_url.replace('/s640/','/s' + image_size + '/');
  if(image_url != "") {
    return image_tag;
  } else {
    return "";

Here we replaced the URL of image.


<script type='text/javascript'>document.write('&lt;a class=&quot;pinterest share-tooltip share-tooltip-top&quot; data-share-tooltip=&quot;Share on Pinterest&quot; href=&quot;http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=<data:post.url/>&amp;media=' + thumbnail_resize(&quot;<data:post.firstImageUrl/>&quot;) + '&amp;description=<data:post.title/>&quot;&gt;PING&lt;/a&gt;');</script>

And here we pasted the link via JavaScript.
