如何从audioscrobbler api获取当前播放的歌曲?

时间:2022-05-26 06:45:43

I am using the zend framework to get info from the audioscrobbler api. The response format is like this:

我正在使用zend框架从audioscrobbler api获取信息。响应格式如下:

  <recenttracks user="RJ">
  <track nowplaying="true">
    <artist mbid="2f9ecbed-27be-40e6-abca-6de49d50299e">Aretha Franklin</artist>
    <name>Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves</name>
    <album mbid=""/>
    <date uts="1213031819">9 Jun 2008, 17:16</date>

I am accessing elements as such:



How can I get the nowplaying value?


3 个解决方案


According to the Zend Framework API Documentation you are getting a SimpleXML object. You can read an attribute of a SimpleXMLElement with it's attributes() method:

根据Zend Framework API文档,您将获得一个SimpleXML对象。您可以使用它的attributes()方法读取SimpleXMLElement的属性:



You can give these a try:






$attributes = $track->attributes();
echo $attributes['nowplaying']

I don't see it in the docs anywhere though.



Not really knowing much about this subject (except for the Audioscrobbler protocol), googling for it seems to indicate that $track->getAttribute("nowplaying") should do the trick. HTH.

对于这个主题并不是很了解(除了Audioscrobbler协议),谷歌搜索似乎表明$ track-> getAttribute(“nowplaying”)应该可以解决问题。 HTH。


According to the Zend Framework API Documentation you are getting a SimpleXML object. You can read an attribute of a SimpleXMLElement with it's attributes() method:

根据Zend Framework API文档,您将获得一个SimpleXML对象。您可以使用它的attributes()方法读取SimpleXMLElement的属性:



You can give these a try:






$attributes = $track->attributes();
echo $attributes['nowplaying']

I don't see it in the docs anywhere though.



Not really knowing much about this subject (except for the Audioscrobbler protocol), googling for it seems to indicate that $track->getAttribute("nowplaying") should do the trick. HTH.

对于这个主题并不是很了解(除了Audioscrobbler协议),谷歌搜索似乎表明$ track-> getAttribute(“nowplaying”)应该可以解决问题。 HTH。