我可以向。net resx文件添加非UTF-8内容吗?

时间:2021-12-24 19:40:09

I'm using resx files to store localized content for some web apps. I've been asked to write a test mechanism to know if those resource files have non UTF-8 content on the values.


The resx files are XML files that on their header specify that they are UTF-8 encoded. So my question (maybe obvious or silly) is, can somebody add non UTF-8 strings into the resource file values?


I've already searched how to get the encoding for some string, but there is not bullet proof method, so I'm not sure if that test that I've been asked to create is either needed or possible...


EDIT Just for clarification, the test should be performed within the localized app, and if the string is not a valid UTF-8 then display a default (localized) value


1 个解决方案



To some degree, yes. You can store plain ASCII text with no difficulty.


Outside of that? Your best bet is to write a test for it. Define some non-UTF8 strings in your code, store them in a .resx file (use ResxRescourceWriter for simplicity) and pull them back out. Print them to the screen and see if they match.


It's certainly possible as well to change the encoding of a resx file. If you do, you can then store strings encoded in that format.


Your best bet is to try and see what happens.


Edit: Based on clarification within a comment.


If you're needing to verify existing values, your best bet is likely to iterate over the resx files, doing a dump of all their text to a .txt file.


If you then open that file in Notepad++, you can specify UTF-8 encoding. Anything that doesn't display readably is not UTF-8 text and will not display correctly when pulled from the resx.




To some degree, yes. You can store plain ASCII text with no difficulty.


Outside of that? Your best bet is to write a test for it. Define some non-UTF8 strings in your code, store them in a .resx file (use ResxRescourceWriter for simplicity) and pull them back out. Print them to the screen and see if they match.


It's certainly possible as well to change the encoding of a resx file. If you do, you can then store strings encoded in that format.


Your best bet is to try and see what happens.


Edit: Based on clarification within a comment.


If you're needing to verify existing values, your best bet is likely to iterate over the resx files, doing a dump of all their text to a .txt file.


If you then open that file in Notepad++, you can specify UTF-8 encoding. Anything that doesn't display readably is not UTF-8 text and will not display correctly when pulled from the resx.
