: Required request body is missing
@RequestMapping(value = "/somewhere", method = POST)
public SomeResponse someHandler(@RequestBody XXXDTO xxxDTO) { ... }
: Required request body is missing: public <<>> ()
at (:154)
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1 @Override 2 protected <T> Object readWithMessageConverters(NativeWebRequest webRequest, MethodParameter parameter, 3 Type paramType) throws IOException, HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException, HttpMessageNotReadableException { 4 5 HttpServletRequest servletRequest = (HttpServletRequest.class); 6 ServletServerHttpRequest inputMessage = new ServletServerHttpRequest(servletRequest); 7 8 Object arg = readWithMessageConverters(inputMessage, parameter, paramType); 9 if (arg == null) { 10 if (checkRequired(parameter)) { 11 throw new HttpMessageNotReadableException("Required request body is missing: " + 12 ().toGenericString()); 13 } 14 } 15 return arg; 16 } 17 18 protected boolean checkRequired(MethodParameter parameter) { 19 return ((RequestBody.class).required() && !()); 20 }
1 public @interface RequestBody { 2 3 /** 4 * Whether body content is required. 5 * <p>Default is {@code true}, leading to an exception thrown in case 6 * there is no body content. Switch this to {@code false} if you prefer 7 * {@code null} to be passed when the body content is {@code null}. 8 * @since 3.2 9 */ 10 boolean required() default true; 11 12 }
看上图,默认是true.我们只需要@RequestBody (required=false)
1)@RequestBody (required=false)
2) 不要让DTO对象为空