c++ stl 获取最小值
Given a vector and we have to minimum/smallest element using C++ STL program.
给定一个向量,我们必须使用C ++ STL程序最小/最小元素。
寻找向量的最小元素 (Finding smallest element of a vector)
To find a smallest or minimum element of a vector, we can use *min_element() function which is defined in <algorithm> header. It accepts a range of iterators from which we have to find the minimum / smallest element and returns the iterator pointing the minimum element between the given range.
要找到向量的最小或最小元素 ,我们可以使用在<algorithm>标头中定义的* min_element()函数 。 它接受一定范围的迭代器,我们必须从中查找最小/最小元素,然后返回指向给定范围之间的最小元素的迭代器。
Note: To use vector – include <vector> header, and to use *min_element() function – include <algorithm> header or we can simply use <bits/stdc++.h> header file.
注意:要使用vector –包含<vector>头文件,并使用* min_element()函数 –包含<algorithm>头文件,或者我们可以简单地使用<bits / stdc ++。h>头文件。
*min_element(iterator start, iterator end);
Here, iterator start, iterator end are the iterator positions in the vector between them we have to find the minimum value.
在这里, 迭代器开始,迭代器结束是它们之间向量中的迭代器位置,我们必须找到最小值。
vector<int> v1{ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 25, 15 };
cout << *min_element((), ()) << endl;
C ++ STL程序查找向量的最小或最小元素 (C++ STL program to find minimum or smallest element of a vector )
//C++ STL program to find minimum or smallest
//element of a vector
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<int> v1{ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
//printing elements
cout << "vector elements..." << endl;
for (int x : v1)
cout << x << " ";
cout << endl;
//finding the minimum element
int min = *min_element((), ());
cout << "minimum/smallest element is: " << min << endl;
return 0;
vector elements...
10 20 30 40 50
minimum/smallest element is: 10
翻译自: /stl/
c++ stl 获取最小值