Android TV based on Android-x86
Step 1:
Copy the "common" inside the device folder to androidtv-x86/device/generic/ and overwrite any existing files
Step 2:
Copy the google folder inside the device folder of your work directory.
Add the following line to the default manifest:
and repo sync again.
Step 3:
Find latest version of Launcher binary in following link.
Before doing Android build step, Extract the binary package on top of the Android source, Then LeanbackLauncher apk will be placed on the path below.
Source: /peyo-hd/device_brcm_rpi2/wiki#how-to-apply-android-tv-leanback-launcher
Step 4:
Copy and Replace to packages/apps/TVSettings/Settings/src/com/android/tv/settings/
And then follow the normal Android-x86 build process