一、Premature end of file.
Caused by: : Failed to parse mapping resource: 'file [E:\githubproject\rong_system\target\classes\mapping\rong\boke\read\]'; nested exception is : Error creating document instance. Cause: ; Premature end of file.
按照字面意思是“文件提前结束”,问题出现在这个。网上说原因是因为有没有正确结束的标签。但是所有的基础代码都是用generator插件自动生成的,没做任何改动,不会出现语法错误。分析一下,原来是因为我注释掉了这个文件。当时为了解决其他错误,缩小排查范围,直接注释掉了整个文件。springBoot 扫描的时候,能扫描到文件名,但是文件内容是空白的,因此直接报错。
二、more than one 'primary' bean found among candidates
Caused by: : Error creating bean with name 'systemReadDataSource' defined in class path resource [com/byk/rong/system/config/]: Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is : Error creating bean with name 'dataSourceInitializer': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is : No qualifying bean of type [] is defined: more than one 'primary' bean found among candidates: [bokeWriteDataSource, bokeReadDataSource, systemWriteDataSource, systemReadDataSource]
三、required a single bean, but 4 were found
Parameter 0 of method sqlSessionFactory in required a single bean, but 4 were found:
- bokeWriteDataSource: defined by method 'dataSource' in class path resource [com/byk/rong/boke/config/]
- bokeReadDataSource: defined by method 'dataSource' in class path resource [com/byk/rong/boke/config/]
- systemWriteDataSource: defined by method 'dataSource' in class path resource [com/byk/rong/system/config/]
- systemReadDataSource: defined by method 'dataSource' in class path resource [com/byk/rong/system/config/]
Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the consumer to accept multiple beans, or using @Qualifier to identify the bean that should be consumed
字面意思“要求有一个单独的bean ,但是找到了四个”,就是说springboot已经分不清需启动时需要加载哪个bean了。最下面也给出了修改意见,加一个@Primary或者@Qualifier注解。