http://***/get?$filter=(CreatedOn ge datetime'2016-07-21T00%3A00%3A00') and (SortFlag eq 'A') and(PhoneNo eq '13486391009') and (Execution eq '02' or Execution eq'03')&$top=1&$skip=0&$expand=NavCustomerPurchaseOrder
public Map getDriverFreightOrder(@RequestParam(value="$filter",required=true) String filter,
@RequestParam(value="$top",required=false) Integer top,
@RequestParam(value="$skip",required=false) Integer skip,
@RequestParam(value="$TorId",required=false) String torId) {
通过这样解析之后,变量都可以获取对应的值,现在的问题就是对filter=(CreatedOn ge datetime'2016-07-21T00%3A00%3A00') and (SortFlag eq 'A') and(PhoneNo eq '13486391009') and (Execution eq '02' or Execution eq'03')这个字符串进行解析
String filter = "(CreatedOn ge datetime'2016-07-21T00%3A00%3A00') and (SortFlag eq 'A-A') and (PhoneNo eq '15717177064') and (Execution eq '0-2' or Execution eq '0-3') and (ProcessStatus eq '20' or ProcessStatus eq '1-0' or ProcessStatus eq '3---0')";
String PhoneNo = null;
String Execution = null;
String SortFlag = null;
String startDateString = null;
String endDateString = null;
String tempProcessStatus = null;
if (("PhoneNo eq")) {
int b = ("PhoneNo eq");
String tempString = (b);
PhoneNo = (12, 23);
2、后来接口调用的时候出问题了,因为方法一是按照固定长度取值的,比如说PhoneNo eq '13486391009',一点长度发生变化,比如变成PhoneNo eq '134',长度不一致,接口妥妥滴会报错。后来改进了这个方法,示例如下:通过定位左右单引号来定位字符串,就不会出现长度取值错误的情况了。
filter=(CreatedOn ge datetime'2016-07-21T00%3A00%3A00') and (SortFlag eq 'A') and(PhoneNo eq '13486391009') and (Execution eq '02' or Execution eq'03')
String tempString = null;
if (("PhoneNo eq")) {
//截取为PhoneNo eq '10000000000001') and (Execution eq '0-2' or Execution eq '0-3')
tempString = (("PhoneNo eq"));
//截取为10000000000001') and (Execution eq '0-2' or Execution eq '0-3')
//tempString = (("'")+1);
tempString = ("PhoneNo eq '", "");
PhoneNo = (0,("'"));
if (("Execution eq")) {
tempString = (("Execution eq"));
tempString = (("'")+1);
Execution = (0,("'"));
if (("SortFlag eq")) {
tempString = (("SortFlag eq"));
tempString = (("'")+1);
SortFlag = (0,("'"));
if (("CreatedOn ge")) {
tempString = (("CreatedOn ge"));
tempString = (("'")+1);
startDateString = (0,("'"));
startDateString = ("T", " ");
if (("CreatedOn le")) {
tempString = (("CreatedOn le"));
tempString = (("'")+1);
endDateString = (0,("'"));
endDateString = ("T", " ");
// 对$ProcessStatus的解析
List<String> processStatusList = new ArrayList<String>();
while (("ProcessStatus eq")) {
tempString = (("ProcessStatus eq"));
tempString = (("'")+1);
tempProcessStatus = (0,("'"));
filter = ("ProcessStatus eq", " ");
filter=(CreatedOn ge datetime'2016-07-21T00%3A00%3A00') and (SortFlag eq 'A') and(PhoneNo eq '13486391009') and (Execution eq '02' or Execution eq'03')
String[] list = (" and ");
List<String> processStatusList = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String tempString:list ){
if (("PhoneNo eq")) {
PhoneNo = ().replace("(PhoneNo eq '", "").replace("')", "");
if (("Execution eq")) {
Execution = ().replace("(Execution eq '", "").replace("')", "").substring(0,2);
if (("SortFlag eq")) {
SortFlag = ().replace("(SortFlag eq '", "").replace("')", "");
if (("CreatedOn ge")) {
startDateString = ().replace("(CreatedOn ge datetime'", "").replace("')", "");
startDateString = ("T", " ");
if (("CreatedOn le")) {
endDateString = ().replace("(CreatedOn le datetime'", "").replace("')", "");
endDateString = ("T", " ");
while (("ProcessStatus eq")) {
int b = ("ProcessStatus eq");
tempProcessStatus = (b + 18, b + 20);
tempString = ("ProcessStatus eq", " ");
package ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String filter = "(CreatedOn ge datetime'2016-07-21T00%3A00%3A00') and (SortFlag eq 'A-A') and (PhoneNo eq '15717177064') and (Execution eq '0-2' or Execution eq '0-3') and (ProcessStatus eq '20' or ProcessStatus eq '1-0' or ProcessStatus eq '3---0')";
String PhoneNo = null;
String Execution = null;
String SortFlag = null;
String startDateString = null;
String endDateString = null;
String tempProcessStatus = null;
if (("PhoneNo eq")) {
int b = ("PhoneNo eq");
String tempString = (b);
PhoneNo = (12, 23);
String[] list = (" and ");
List<String> processStatusList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String a : list) {
if (("PhoneNo eq")) {
PhoneNo = ().replace("(PhoneNo eq '", "")
.replace("')", "");
if (("Execution eq")) {
Execution = ().replace("(Execution eq '", "")
.replace("')", "").substring(0, 3);
if (("SortFlag eq")) {
SortFlag = ().replace("(SortFlag eq '", "")
.replace("')", "");
if (("CreatedOn ge")) {
startDateString = ()
.replace("(CreatedOn ge datetime'", "")
.replace("')", "");
startDateString = ("T", " ");
if (("CreatedOn le")) {
endDateString = ()
.replace("(CreatedOn le datetime'", "")
.replace("')", "");
endDateString = ("T", " ");
while (("ProcessStatus eq")) {
int b = ("ProcessStatus eq");
tempProcessStatus = (b + 18, b + 20);
a = ("ProcessStatus eq", " ");
// (());
// String[] list = (" and ");
// List<String> processStatusList = new ArrayList<String>();
* for(String tempString:list ){ if (("PhoneNo eq"))
* { PhoneNo = ().replace("(PhoneNo eq '",
* "").replace("')", ""); } if (("Execution eq")) {
* Execution = ().replace("(Execution eq '",
* "").replace("')", "").substring(0,2); } if
* (("SortFlag eq")) { SortFlag =
* ().replace("(SortFlag eq '", "").replace("')", ""); }
* if (("CreatedOn ge")) {
* (tempString); startDateString =
* ().replace("(CreatedOn ge datetime'",
* "").replace("')", ""); startDateString = ("T",
* " "); } if (("CreatedOn le")) { endDateString =
* ().replace("(CreatedOn le datetime'",
* "").replace("')", ""); endDateString = ("T",
* " "); } while (("ProcessStatus eq")) {
* (tempString); int b =
* ("ProcessStatus eq"); tempProcessStatus =
* (b + 18, b + 20);
* (tempProcessStatus); tempString =
* ("ProcessStatus eq", " "); } }
String tempString = null;
if (("PhoneNo eq")) {
// 截取为PhoneNo eq '10000000000001') and (Execution eq '0-2' or
// Execution eq '0-3')
tempString = (("PhoneNo eq"));
// 截取为10000000000001') and (Execution eq '0-2' or Execution eq
// '0-3')
// tempString = (("'")+1);
tempString = ("PhoneNo eq '", "");
// 截取为10000000000001
PhoneNo = (0, ("'"));
if (("Execution eq")) {
tempString = (("Execution eq"));
tempString = (("'") + 1);
Execution = (0, ("'"));
if (("SortFlag eq")) {
tempString = (("SortFlag eq"));
tempString = (("'") + 1);
SortFlag = (0, ("'"));
if (("CreatedOn ge")) {
tempString = (("CreatedOn ge"));
tempString = (("'") + 1);
startDateString = (0, ("'"));
startDateString = ("T", " ");
if (("CreatedOn le")) {
tempString = (("CreatedOn le"));
tempString = (("'") + 1);
endDateString = (0, ("'"));
endDateString = ("T", " ");
// 对$ProcessStatus的解析
//List<String> processStatusList = new ArrayList<String>();
while (("ProcessStatus eq")) {
tempString = (("ProcessStatus eq"));
tempString = (("'") + 1);
tempProcessStatus = tempString
.substring(0, ("'"));
filter = ("ProcessStatus eq", " ");