/collections/download_collections.cgi 此包目前最新的版本是3.2.1
为Java标准的Collections API提供了相当好的补充。在此基础上对其常用的数据结构操作进行了很好的封装、抽象和补充。保证性能的同时大大简化代码。
Bag -- 在包中定义的接口,它extends ,而它的 实现类 都被放在下面的bag包中。 HashBag 是Bag接口的一个标准实现。而 BagUtils 提供一组static的方法让调用者获取经过不同装饰后的Bag实例.具体用法见代码样例
Buffer -- 定义在包下面的接口,用于表示按一定顺序除去成员对象的collection如队列等。具体的 实现类 在 包下可以找到。最简单直接的Buffer实现类是 UnboundedFifoBuffer ,提供先进先出的大小可变的队列。而 BoundedFifoBuffer 则是对其大小进行了限制,是固定大小的先进先出队列。 BlockingBuffer 要在多线程的环境中才能体现出它的价值,尤其是当我们需要实现某种流水线时这个BlockingBuffer很有用:每个流水线上的组件从上游的BlockingBuffer获取数据,处理后放到下一个BlockingBuffer中依次传递。BlockingBuffer的核心特色通俗点说就是如果你向它要东西,而它暂时还没有的话,你可以一直等待直至拿到为止。 PriorityBuffer 则提供比一般的先进先出Buffer更强的控制力:我们可以自定义Comparator给它,告诉它怎么判定它的成员的先后顺序,优先级最高的最先走。此外还有执行类型检查的 TypedBuffer 、或者不可改变的 UnmodifiableBuffer 等等
Map -- 在的基础上扩展的接口和类。 BidiMap ,直译就是双向Map,可以通过key找到value,也可以通过value找到key,这在我们日常的代码-名称匹配的时候很方便:因为我们除了需要通过代码找到名称之外,往往也需要处理用户输入的名称,然后获取其代码。需要注意的是BidiMap当中不光key不能重复,value也不可以。 MultiMap ,就是说一个key不在是简单的指向一个对象,而是一组对象,add()和remove()的时候跟普通的Map无异,只是在get()时返回一个Collection,利用MultiMap,我们就可以很方便的往一个key上放数量不定的对象,也就实现了一对多。 LazyMap ,意思就是这个Map中的键/值对一开始并不存在,当被调用到时才创建。
Collection -- 用也各collection之间的类型转换。典型的是 TypedCollection ,它实际上的作用就是提供一个decorate方法,我们传进去一个Collection和需要的类型甄别信息,它给我们创建一个全新的强类型的Collection。(暂无样例代码,以后补充)
Comparator -- 提供了一些Comparator的实现类(都在包下面) BooleanComparator – 用于排序一组Boolean对象,指明先true还是先false; ComparableComparator – 用于排序实现了接口的对象(我们常用的Java类如String、Integer、Date、Double、File、Character等等都实现了Comparable接口); ComparatorChain – 定义一组Comparator链,链中的Comparator对象会被依次执行; FixedOrderComparator – 用于定义一个特殊的顺序,对一组对象按照这样的自定义顺序进行排序; NullComparator – 让null值也可参与比较,可以设定为先null或者后null;
ReverseComparator – 将原有的Comparator效果反转; TransformingComparator – 将一个Comparator装饰为具有Transformer效果的Comparator。
Predicate -- 它以一个Object对象为参数,处理后返回一个boolean值,检验某个对象是否满足某个条件。Commons Collections也提供了一组定义好的Predicate类供我们使用,这些类都放在包中。当然,我们也可以自定义Predicate,只要实现这个Predicate接口即可。
Transformer -- 我们有时候需要将某个对象转换成另一个对象供另一组方法调用,而这两类对象的类型有可能并不是出于同一个继承体系的,或者说出了很基本的Object之外没有共同的父类,或者我们根本不关心他们是不是有其他继承关系,甚至就是同一个类的实例只是对我们而言无所谓,我们为了它能够被后续的调用者有意义的识别和处理,在这样的情形,我们就可以利用Transformer。除了基本的转型Transformer之外,Commons Collections还提供了Transformer链和带条件的Transformer,使得我们很方便的组装出有意义的转型逻辑。
Closure -- 这一组接口和类提供一个操作对象的execute方法,为我们在处理一系列对象时可以将处理逻辑分离出来。 ChainedClosure 可以包装一组Closure作为整体执行;IfClosure在创建时需要提供给它一个Predicate和两个Closure,执行时先做Predicate判定再决定执行哪一个Closure; SwitchClosure 跟SwitchTransformer类似,根据创建时传入的Predicate组和Closure组对应执行; WhileClosure 则根据创建时传入的Predicate做判断,如果为true则执行Closure,直到Predicate返回false;等等。
Iterator -- 接口定义了标准的Collection遍历方法,但是如果不做改变的使用它,我们得到的是从头到尾一次性的遍历。假如我们需要循环遍历,假如我们需要遍历某一段,假如我们需要遍历满足某些条件的元素,等等等等,我们就不能完全依赖于这个Iterator的标准实现了。除非我们宁可在此基础上在调用的代码中多加一些判断,不过这样的话代码就会显得混乱,时间长了就容易变得难以维护。Commons Collections的这一组Iterator为我们带来了便利。
- /** */
- import ;
- import ;
- public class Book {
- private String name;
- private String isbn;
- private double retailPrice;
- public Book() {}
- public Book(String name, String isbn, double retailPrice) {
- this.name = name;
- this.isbn = isbn;
- this.retailPrice = retailPrice;
- }
- public String toString() {
- return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE)
- .append("name", name)
- .append("ISBN", isbn)
- .append("retailPrice", retailPrice)
- .toString();
- }
- public String getIsbn() {
- return isbn;
- }
- public void setIsbn(String isbn) {
- this.isbn = isbn;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- this.name = name;
- }
- public double getRetailPrice() {
- return retailPrice;
- }
- public void setRetailPrice(double retailPrice) {
- this.retailPrice = retailPrice;
- }
- }
- /** */
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- public class BagUsage {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- demoBagUsage();
- }
- public static void demoBagUsage() {
- ((" demoBagUsage ", 40, "="));
- // data setup
- Book book1 = new Book("Refactoring Workbook", "7-5083-2208-8", 29.8);
- Book book2 = new Book("J2EE Design Patterns", "7-5083-3099-4", 45);
- Book book3 = new Book("Agile Software Development", "7-5083-1503-0", 59);
- // create a bag
- Bag myBag = (new HashBag(), Book.class);
- (book1, 360); //Bag, add 360 book1s into myBag
- (book2, 500); //Bag,add function
- (book3, 170); //Bag,add function
- // calculations for a bag
- double price1 = ();
- double price2 = ();
- double price3 = ();
- int book1Count = (book1);//the count should be 360
- int book2Count = (book2);//the count should be 500
- int book3Count = (book3);//the count should be 170
- double totalValue = (price1 * book1Count) + (price2 * book2Count)
- + (price3 * book3Count);
- // dispaly results
- ("There are " + book1Count + " copies of "
- + () + ".");
- ("There are " + book2Count + " copies of "
- + () + ".");
- ("There are " + book3Count + " copies of "
- + () + ".");
- ("The total value of these books is: " + totalValue);
- ();
- }
- }
============= demoBagUsage =============
There are 360 copies of Refactoring Workbook.
There are 500 copies of J2EE Design Patterns.
There are 170 copies of Agile Software Development.
The total value of these books is: 43258.0
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- public class BufferUsage {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- demoBufferUsage();
- }
- public static void demoBufferUsage() {
- ((" demoBagUsage ", 40, "="));
- // data setup
- Book book1 = new Book("Refactoring Workbook", "7-5083-2208-8", 29.8);
- Book book2 = new Book("J2EE Design Patterns", "7-5083-3099-4", 45);
- Book book3 = new Book("Agile Software Development", "7-5083-1503-0", 59);
- Book book4 = new Book("Professional JSP", "7-5053-8005-2", 100);
- // create a Buffer
- Buffer buffer =
- (new BoundedFifoBuffer(3), Book.class); //key line1
- (book1);
- (book2);
- (book3);
- Book removed = (Book) ();//key line2
- ("Removed:");
- (removed);
- (book4);//key line3
- // get items in buffer
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- (());
- ();
- }
- (("=", 40));
- }
- }
============= demoBagUsage =============
name=Refactoring Workbook
name=J2EE Design Patterns
name=Agile Software Development
name=Professional JSP
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- public class MapUsage {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- demoBidiMap();
- demoMultiMap();
- demoLazyMap();
- }
- public static void demoBidiMap() {
- ((" demoBidiMap ", 40, "="));
- BidiMap bidiMap = new DualHashBidiMap();
- ("BJ", "Beijing");
- ("SH", "Shanghai");
- ("GZ", "Guangzhou");
- ("CD", "Chengdu");
- ("Key-Value: BJ = " + ("BJ"));
- ("Value-Key: Chengdu = " + ("Chengdu"));
- (("=", 40));
- }
- public static void demoMultiMap() {
- ((" demoMultiMap ", 40, "="));
- MultiMap multiMap = new MultiHashMap();
- ("Sean", "C/C++");
- ("Sean", "OO");
- ("Sean", "Java");
- ("Sean", ".NET");
- ("Sean", "C/C++");
- ("Sean's skill set: " + ("Sean"));
- (("=", 40));
- }
- public static void demoLazyMap() {
- ((" demoLazyMap ", 40, "="));
- // borrowed from Commons Collection's Javadoc
- Factory factory = new Factory() {
- public Object create() {
- return new Date();
- }
- };
- Map lazy = (new HashMap(), factory);
- (("NOW"));
- (("=", 40));
- }
- }
============= demoBidiMap ==============
Key-Value: BJ = Beijing
Value-Key: Chengdu = CD
============= demoMultiMap =============
Sean's skill set: [OO, Java, .NET]
============= demoLazyMap ==============
Wed Aug 03 12:44:56 CST 2005
- import ;
- import ;
- public class Issue {
- private long id;
- private String severity;
- private String owner;
- public Issue() {}
- public Issue(long id, String severity, String owner) {
- this.id = id;
- this.severity = severity;
- this.owner = owner;
- }
- public String toString() {
- return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE)
- .append("id", id)
- .append("severity", severity)
- .append("owner", owner)
- .toString();
- }
- public long getId() {
- return id;
- }
- public void setId(long id) {
- this.id = id;
- }
- public String getOwner() {
- return owner;
- }
- public void setOwner(String owner) {
- this.owner = owner;
- }
- public String getSeverity() {
- return severity;
- }
- public void setSeverity(String severity) {
- this.severity = severity;
- }
- }
- /** */
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- public class ComparatorUsage {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- demoComparator();
- }
- public static void demoComparator() {
- ((" demoComparator ", 40, "="));
- // data setup
- Issue[] issues = new Issue[] {
- new Issue(15102, "Major", "John"),
- new Issue(15103, "Minor", "Agnes"),
- new Issue(15104, "Critical", "Bill"),
- new Issue(15105, "Major", "John"),
- new Issue(15106, "Major", "John"),
- new Issue(15107, "Critical", "John"),
- new Issue(15108, "Major", "Agnes"),
- new Issue(15109, "Minor", "Julie"),
- new Issue(15110, "Major", "Mary"),
- new Issue(15111, "Enhancement", "Bill"),
- new Issue(15112, "Minor", "Julie"),
- new Issue(15113, "Major", "Julie")
- };
- // comparators setup
- String[] severityOrder = {"Critical", "Major", "Minor", "Enhancement"};
- Comparator severityComparator = new FixedOrderComparator(severityOrder);//key line1
- ComparatorChain compChain = new ComparatorChain();//key line2
- (new BeanComparator("owner"));
- (new BeanComparator("severity", severityComparator));
- (new BeanComparator("id"));
- // sort and display
- (issues, compChain);//key line3
- for (int i = 0; i < ; i++) {
- (issues[i]);
- }
- (("=", 40));
- }
- }
============ demoComparator ============
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- public class PredicateUsage {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- demoPredicates();
- }
- public static void demoPredicates() {
- ((" demoPredicates ", 40, "="));
- Predicate p1 = new InstanceofPredicate(String.class); //key line1
- Predicate p2 = (); //key line2
- Predicate p3 = new Predicate() { //key line3
- public boolean evaluate(Object obj) {
- String str = (String) obj;
- return (str)
- && () >= 6
- && () <= 10;
- }
- };
- Predicate p4 = (new Predicate[]{p1, p2, p3}); //key line4
- String input = "ABCD1234";
- Object[] raw = new Object[] {
- "Is '",
- input,
- "' a valid input? ",
- ((input)),
- "."
- };
- ((raw));
- (("=", 40));
- }
- }
============ demoPredicates ============
Is 'ABCD1234' a valid input? yes.
- /** */
- package ;
- import ;
- import ;
- public class Applicant {
- private String name;
- private int age;
- private String applyFor;
- public Applicant() {}
- public Applicant(String name, int age, String applyFor) {
- this.name = name;
- this.age = age;
- this.applyFor = applyFor;
- }
- public String toString() {
- return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE)
- .append("name", name)
- .append("age", age)
- .append("applyFor", applyFor)
- .toString();
- }
- public int getAge() {
- return age;
- }
- public void setAge(int age) {
- this.age = age;
- }
- public String getApplyFor() {
- return applyFor;
- }
- public void setApplyFor(String applyFor) {
- this.applyFor = applyFor;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- this.name = name;
- }
- }
- /** */
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- public class Employee {
- private String name;
- private int age;
- private Date dateJoined;
- private String grade;
- private double salary;
- public Employee() {}
- public Employee(String name, int age, Date dateJoined, String grade, double salary) {
- this.name = name;
- this.age = age;
- this.dateJoined = dateJoined;
- this.grade = grade;
- this.salary = salary;
- }
- public String toString() {
- return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE)
- .append("name", name)
- .append("age", age)
- .append("dateJoined", (dateJoined, "yyyy-MM-dd"))
- .append("grade", grade)
- .append("salary", salary)
- .toString();
- }
- public int getAge() {
- return age;
- }
- public void setAge(int age) {
- this.age = age;
- }
- public Date getDateJoined() {
- return dateJoined;
- }
- public void setDateJoined(Date dateJoined) {
- this.dateJoined = dateJoined;
- }
- public String getGrade() {
- return grade;
- }
- public void setGrade(String grade) {
- this.grade = grade;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- this.name = name;
- }
- public double getSalary() {
- return salary;
- }
- public void setSalary(double salary) {
- this.salary = salary;
- }
- }
- /** */
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- public class TransformerUsage {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- demoTransformerUsage();
- }
- public static void demoTransformerUsage() {
- ((" demoTransformerUsage ", 40, "="));
- // data setup
- Applicant[] applicants = new Applicant[] {
- new Applicant("Tony", 26, "Developer"),
- new Applicant("Michelle", 24, "Tester"),
- new Applicant("Jack", 28, "Project Manager")
- };
- List appList = (applicants);
- // predicate setup
- Predicate isDeveloper = new Predicate() {
- public boolean evaluate(Object obj) {
- Applicant app = (Applicant) obj;
- return "Developer".equalsIgnoreCase(());
- }
- };
- Predicate isTester = new Predicate() {
- public boolean evaluate(Object obj) {
- Applicant app = (Applicant) obj;
- return "Tester".equalsIgnoreCase(());
- }
- };
- Predicate isPM = new Predicate() {
- public boolean evaluate(Object obj) {
- Applicant app = (Applicant) obj;
- return "Project Manager".equalsIgnoreCase(());
- }
- };
- Predicate[] checkApplyFor = new Predicate[] {
- isDeveloper,
- isTester,
- isPM
- };
- // transformer setup
- Transformer developerTransformer = new Transformer() {
- public Object transform(Object obj) {
- Applicant app = (Applicant) obj;
- return new Employee(
- (), (), new Date(), "E4", 2000
- );
- }
- };
- Transformer testerTransformer = new Transformer() {
- public Object transform(Object obj) {
- Applicant app = (Applicant) obj;
- return new Employee(
- (), (), new Date(), "E4", 2000
- );
- }
- };
- Transformer pmTransformer = new Transformer() {
- public Object transform(Object obj) {
- Applicant app = (Applicant) obj;
- return new Employee(
- (), (), new Date(), "E5", 3000
- );
- }
- };
- Transformer[] transformers = new Transformer[] {
- developerTransformer,
- testerTransformer,
- pmTransformer
- };
- // transform
- Transformer employTransformer = new SwitchTransformer(
- checkApplyFor, transformers, null
- );
- Collection employed = (appList, employTransformer);
- // output
- ("Applicants: ");
- Iterator iter1 = ();
- while (()) {
- (());
- }
- ("Employed: ");
- Iterator iter2 = ();
- while (()) {
- (());
- }
- (("=", 40));
- }
- }
========= demoTransformerUsage =========
Applicant[name=Jack,age=28,applyFor=Project Manager]
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- public class ClosureUsage {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- demoClosureUsage();
- }
- public static void demoClosureUsage() {
- ((" demoClosureUsage ", 40, "="));
- // data setup
- Employee[] employees = new Employee[] {
- new Employee("Tony", 26, new Date(), "E4", 2000),
- new Employee("Michelle", 24, new Date(), "E4", 2000),
- new Employee("Jack", 28, new Date(), "E5", 3000)
- };
- Collection empColl = (employees);
- printColl("Before salary increase:", empColl);
- // closure setup
- Closure salaryIncreaseClosure = new Closure() {//key line1
- public void execute(Object obj) {
- Employee emp = (Employee) obj;
- (() * 1.20);
- }
- };
- // salary increase
- (empColl, salaryIncreaseClosure);//key line2
- printColl("After salary increase:", empColl);
- (("=", 40));
- }
- public static void printColl(String label, Collection c) {
- if ((label)) {
- (label);
- }
- Iterator iter = ();
- while (()) {
- (());
- }
- }
- }
=========== demoClosureUsage ===========
Before salary increase:
After salary increase:
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- import ;
- public class IteratorUsage {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- demoIteratorUsage();
- }
- public static void demoIteratorUsage() {
- ((" demoClosureUsage ", 40, "="));
- // data setup
- String[] weekDays = {
- "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
- "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"
- };
- List weekDayList = (weekDays);
- // workdays
- Iterator iter1 = new ArrayListIterator(weekDays, 0, 5);//key line1
- printColl("Partial:", iter1, 5);
- // loop
- Iterator iter2 = new LoopingIterator(weekDayList);//key line2
- printColl("Loop:", iter2, 10);
- // looping workdays
- Predicate notWeekendPredicate = new Predicate() {
- public boolean evaluate(Object obj) {
- String str = (String) obj;
- if ("Saturday".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) {
- return false;
- }
- if ("Sunday".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
- Iterator iter3 = new FilterIterator(//key line3
- new LoopingIterator(weekDayList),
- notWeekendPredicate
- );
- printColl("No Weekends loop:", iter3, 12);
- (("=", 40));
- }
- public static void printColl(String label, Iterator iter, int maxCount) {
- if ((label)) {
- (label);
- }
- int i = 0;
- while (() && i < maxCount) {
- ("# " + () + " #");
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
=========== demoClosureUsage ===========
# Monday #
# Tuesday #
# Wednesday #
# Thursday #
# Friday #
# Monday #
# Tuesday #
# Wednesday #
# Thursday #
# Friday #
# Saturday #
# Sunday #
# Monday #
# Tuesday #
# Wednesday #
No Weekends loop:
# Monday #
# Tuesday #
# Wednesday #
# Thursday #
# Friday #
# Monday #
# Tuesday #
# Wednesday #
# Thursday #
# Friday #
# Monday #
# Tuesday #