easyexcel进行模版数据填充并导出遇到的“Create workbook failure”

时间:2025-03-18 15:01:00


公司的一个小的报表填报和导出的演示demo。项目采用springboot搭建,导出功能使用alibaba的EasyExcel工具包进行excel报表模版读取并填充后导出,使用过程中出现两个名称为“Create workbook failure”的错误。


1. 读取resource目录的数据的时候,出现“: Unexpected record signature: 0XEFBDBFEF”问题,日志如下:

: Create workbook failure
	at .<init>(:98)
	at .<init>(:36)
	at .<init>(:39)
	at (:133)
	at (:149)
	at (:137)
	at (:116)
	at $$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$(<generated>)
	at (:218)
	at $DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept(:687)
	at $$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$(<generated>)
	at (:187)
	at $$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$(<generated>)
	at (:218)
	at $CglibMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(:771)
	at (:163)
	at $CglibMethodInvocation.proceed(:749)
	at (:95)
	at (:186)
	at $CglibMethodInvocation.proceed(:749)
	at $DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept(:691)
	at $$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$(<generated>)
	at .invoke0(Native Method)
	at (:62)
	at (:43)
	at (:498)
	at (:190)
	at (:138)
	at (:105)
	at (:878)
	at (:792)
	at (:87)
	at (:1040)
	at (:943)
	at (:1006)
	at (:898)
	at (:626)
	at (:883)
	at (:733)
	at (:231)
	at (:166)
	at (:53)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:61)
	at (:108)
	at (:137)
	at (:125)
	at (:66)
	at (:108)
	at (:137)
	at (:125)
	at (:66)
	at (:450)
	at $1.call(:365)
	at (:90)
	at (:83)
	at (:387)
	at (:362)
	at (:125)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:92)
	at (:119)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:124)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:88)
	at (:119)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:100)
	at (:119)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:93)
	at (:119)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:93)
	at (:119)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:201)
	at (:119)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:202)
	at (:97)
	at (:542)
	at (:143)
	at (:92)
	at (:78)
	at (:343)
	at .http11.(:374)
	at (:65)
	at $ConnectionHandler.process(:868)
	at $SocketProcessor.doRun(:1590)
	at (:49)
	at (:1149)
	at $Worker.run(:624)
	at $WrappingRunnable.run(:61)
	at (:748)
Caused by: .: No valid entries or contents found, this is not a valid OOXML (Office Open XML) file
	at .(:145)
	at ..<init>(:49)
	at ..<init>(:106)
	at .(:307)
	at (:47)
	at .<init>(:309)
	at (:35)
	at .<init>(:96)
	... 104 more
Caused by: : Unexpected record signature: 0XEFBDBFEF
	at (:260)
	at .(:141)
	... 111 more

1.1. 解决方式


<!-- 避免font文件的二进制文件格式压缩破坏 -->

2. 读取文件没问题后,又出现另外一个问题,“The supplied data appears to be in the OLE2 Format. You are calling the part of POI that deals with OOXML (Office Open XML) Documents. You need to call a different part of POI to process this data (eg HSSF instead of XSSF)”,日志如下:

: Create workbook failure
	at .<init>(:98)
	at .<init>(:36)
	at .<init>(:39)
	at (:133)
	at (:149)
	at (:137)
	at (:116)
	at $$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$(<generated>)
	at (:218)
	at $DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept(:687)
	at $$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$(<generated>)
	at (:187)
	at $$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$(<generated>)
	at (:218)
	at $CglibMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(:771)
	at (:163)
	at $CglibMethodInvocation.proceed(:749)
	at (:95)
	at (:186)
	at $CglibMethodInvocation.proceed(:749)
	at $DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept(:691)
	at $$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$(<generated>)
	at .invoke0(Native Method)
	at (:62)
	at (:43)
	at (:498)
	at (:190)
	at (:138)
	at (:105)
	at (:878)
	at (:792)
	at (:87)
	at (:1040)
	at (:943)
	at (:1006)
	at (:898)
	at (:626)
	at (:883)
	at (:733)
	at (:231)
	at (:166)
	at (:53)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:61)
	at (:108)
	at (:137)
	at (:125)
	at (:66)
	at (:108)
	at (:137)
	at (:125)
	at (:66)
	at (:450)
	at $1.call(:365)
	at (:90)
	at (:83)
	at (:387)
	at (:362)
	at (:125)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:92)
	at (:119)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:124)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:88)
	at (:119)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:100)
	at (:119)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:93)
	at (:119)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:93)
	at (:119)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:201)
	at (:119)
	at (:193)
	at (:166)
	at (:202)
	at (:97)
	at (:542)
	at (:143)
	at (:92)
	at (:78)
	at (:343)
	at .http11.(:374)
	at (:65)
	at $ConnectionHandler.process(:868)
	at $SocketProcessor.doRun(:1590)
	at (:49)
	at (:1149)
	at $Worker.run(:624)
	at $WrappingRunnable.run(:61)
	at (:748)
Caused by: ..OLE2NotOfficeXmlFileException: The supplied data appears to be in the OLE2 Format. You are calling the part of POI that deals with OOXML (Office Open XML) Documents. You need to call a different part of POI to process this data (eg HSSF instead of XSSF)
	at .(:147)
	at .(:175)
	at ..<init>(:104)
	at .(:307)
	at (:47)
	at .<init>(:309)
	at (:35)
	at .<init>(:96)
	... 104 more

2.1. 解决方式


try (InputStream inputStream = classPathResource.getInputStream();
             ServletOutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream()) {
 } catch (Exception e) {


    public void exportXls(TongtechResultDto tongtechResult, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        List<String> ids = Lists.newArrayList();
        TongtechResultXls resultXls = getExcelData(tongtechResult, ids);

        // 配置响应流,
        // 这里可以防止中文乱码 当然和easyexcel没有关系
        String fileName = URLEncoder.encode("*******统计表", "UTF-8");
        response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName + ".xls");
        ClassPathResource classPathResource = new ClassPathResource("/templates/*******统计表.xls");
        try (InputStream inputStream = classPathResource.getInputStream();
             ServletOutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream()) {
        } catch (Exception e) {