Could not fetch/save url /linux/centos/ to file /etc/

时间:2025-03-18 09:57:39
#First, create a systemd drop-in directory for the Docker service: mkdir /etc/systemd/system/ #Now create a file called /etc/systemd/system// that adds the HTTP_PROXY environment variable: # 换成自己的代理ip [Service] Environment="HTTP_PROXY=:80/" #If you have internal Docker registries that you need to contact without proxying you can specify them via the NO_PROXY environment variable: Environment="HTTP_PROXY=:80/" Environment="NO_PROXY=localhost,," #Flush changes: $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload #Verify that the configuration has been loaded: $ sudo systemctl show --property Environment docker #output: Environment=HTTP_PROXY=:80/ #Restart Docker: $ sudo systemctl restart docker