package ;
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import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
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import ;
import ;
* 通过拦截<code>StatementHandler</code>的<code>prepare</code>方法,重写sql语句实现物理分页。
* 签名里要拦截的类型只能是接口。
* @author jeff he
* @Intercepts是mybatis的注解,@Intercepts用于表明当前的对象是一个Interceptor,而@Signature则表明要拦截的接口、方法以及对应的参数类型。
@Intercepts({ @Signature(type = , method = "prepare", args = { }) })
public class AutoBuildInterceptor implements Interceptor {
private static final ObjectFactory DEFAULT_OBJECT_FACTORY = new DefaultObjectFactory();
private static final ObjectWrapperFactory DEFAULT_OBJECT_WRAPPER_FACTORY = new DefaultObjectWrapperFactory();
* 正则匹配变量,用于拦截sql方法
private static final String UPDATE_MATCHER = "^.*update.*";
private static final String INSERT_MATCHER = "^.*insert.*";
private static final String BATCH_UPDATE_MATCHER = "^.*batchUpdate.*";
private static final String BATCH_INSERT_MATCHER = "^.*batchInsert.*";
private static final String DELETEBYID_MATCHER = "^.*deleteById.*";
private static final String GETBYID_MATCHER = "^.*getById.*";
private static final String LIST_MATCHER = "^.*list.*";
private static final String FINDBYPAGE_MATCHER = "^.*findByPage";
public static void main(String[] args) {
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
// ("auto");
StatementHandler statementHandler = (StatementHandler) invocation
MetaObject metaStatementHandler = (
// 分离代理对象链(由于目标类可能被多个拦截器拦截,从而形成多次代理,通过下面的两次循环可以分离出最原始的的目标类)
while (("h")) {
Object object = ("h");
metaStatementHandler = (object,
// 分离最后一个代理对象的目标类
while (("target")) {
Object object = ("target");
metaStatementHandler = (object,
* 上面的代码基本上是固定的
MappedStatement mappedStatement = (MappedStatement) metaStatementHandler
String sqlId = ();
BoundSql boundSql = (BoundSql) metaStatementHandler
// 获得参数
Object parameterObject = ();
String sql = ();
// 重写sql
sql = (SqlBulider
else if ((UPDATE_MATCHER))
sql = (SqlBulider
sql = (parameterObject);
sql = (parameterObject);
else if ((LIST_MATCHER)
sql = (parameterObject);
sql = (sql);
sql = (sql);
("", sql);
// 将执行权交给下一个拦截器
return ();
public Object plugin(Object target) {
// 当目标类是StatementHandler类型时,才包装目标类,否者直接返回目标本身,减少目标被代理的次数
if (target instanceof StatementHandler) {
return (target, this);
} else {
return target;
public void setProperties(Properties properties) {
package ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
public class SqlBulider {
private static SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
// 重写插入语句不含log
public static String buildRawInsertSql(Object obj)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
Class<?> clz = ();//获取实体类
String clzName = (); //获取操作的表名/实体类名
String _clzName = (clzName);//命名转换
StringBuilder rawInsertSql = new StringBuilder("insert into `"
+ _clzName + "` ");
StringBuilder columnsStr = new StringBuilder("(");
StringBuilder valuesStr = new StringBuilder("(");
// 获取本身的属性
Field[] localFields = ();
// 获取继承的属性(必须为public的)
Field[] inheritFields = ();
String _name;
String fName;
Object value;
for (Field field : inheritFields) {//遍历继承的属性
* 抑制Java的访问控制检查 如果不加上上面这句,将会Error: TestPrivate can not access a
* member of class PrivateClass with modifiers "private"
fName = ();//属性名
_name = (fName);//转换命名方式
value = (obj);//获取属性值
// 如果id为""就替换掉,easyui的form表单提交会默认提交个""进来
if (("id") && ("")){
value = ().toString();
(_name + ",");
// 跳过null
if (value != null) {
if (() == && value != null)
("'" + value + "',");
else if (() == )
("'" + (() value)
+ "'");
(value + ",");
for (Field field : localFields) {
* 抑制Java的访问控制检查 如果不加上上面这句,将会Error: TestPrivate can not access a
* member of class PrivateClass with modifiers "private"
fName = ();
_name = (fName);
value = (obj);
if (() == && value != null)
("'" + value + "'");
else if (() == && value != null)
.append("'" + (() value) + "'");
if (field == localFields[ - 1]) {
} else {
(columnsStr + " values " + valuesStr);
return ();
// 构建原生更新语句
public static String buildRawUpdateSql(Object obj)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException {
Class<?> clz = ();
String clzName = ();
String _clzName = (clzName);
StringBuilder rawUpdateSql = new StringBuilder("update `" + _clzName
+ "` set");
// 获取本身的属性
Field[] fields = ();
// 获取继承的属性(必须为public的)
Field[] inheritFields = ();
String _name;
String fName;
Object value;
for (Field field : inheritFields) {
// 跳过主键
if (().equals("id"))
* 抑制Java的访问控制检查 如果不加上上面这句,将会Error: TestPrivate can not access a
* member of class PrivateClass with modifiers "private"
fName = ();
_name = (fName);
value = (obj);
if (() == && value != null)
(" " + _name + " = '" + value + "',");
else if (() == && value != null)
(" " + _name + " = '"
+ (() value) + "',");
else if (value != null)
(" " + _name + " = " + value + ",");
for (Field field : fields) {
// 跳过主键
if (().equals("id"))
* 抑制Java的访问控制检查 如果不加上上面这句,将会Error: TestPrivate can not access a
* member of class PrivateClass with modifiers "private"
fName = ();
_name = (fName);
value = (obj);
// 跳过null
if (value != null) {
if (() == )
(" " + _name + " = '" + value + "',");
else if (() == )
(" " + _name + " = '"
+ (() value) + "',");
(" " + _name + " = " + value + ",");
// 删除最后一个多余的逗号
(() - 1);
// 获取主键
Field idField = ("id");
Object id = (obj);
if (() == )
(" where id = '" + id + "'");
(" where id = " + id);
return ();
// 构建删除语句
public static String buildDeleteByIdSql(Object id) {
String clzName = ();
String _clzName = (clzName);
StringBuilder deleteByIdSql = new StringBuilder("delete from `"
+ _clzName + "` where id = ");
if (() == && id != null)
("'" + id + "'");
else if (id != null)
return ();
// 构建getById语句
public static String buildGetByIdSql(Object id) {
String clzName = ();
String _clzName = (clzName);
StringBuilder getByIdSql = new StringBuilder("select * from `"
+ _clzName + "` where id = ");
if (id == null)
throw new SqlSessionException("Id 不能为 null");
else if (() == )
("'" + id + "'");
return ();
// 构建默认query语句
public static String buildQuerySql(Object obj)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
Class<?> clz = ();
String clzName = ();
String _clzName = (clzName);
StringBuilder querySql = new StringBuilder("select * from `" + _clzName
+ "` where id is not null");
// 获取本身的属性
Field[] fields = ();
// 获取继承的属性(必须为public的)
Field[] inheritFields = ();
String _name;
String fName;
Object value;
for (Field field : inheritFields) {
* 抑制Java的访问控制检查 如果不加上上面这句,将会Error: TestPrivate can not access a
* member of class PrivateClass with modifiers "private"
fName = ();
_name = (fName);
value = (obj);
if (() == && value != null)
(" and " + _name + " = '" + value + "'");
else if (value != null)
(" and " + _name + " = " + value);
for (Field field : fields) {
fName = ();
_name = (fName);
value = (obj);
if (() == && value != null)
(" and " + _name + " = '" + value + "'");
else if (value != null)
(" and " + _name + " = " + value);
return ();
// 重写插入语句
public static String buildLogInsertSql(String sql) {
StringBuilder insertSql = new StringBuilder(sql);
String createId = ();
((")"), ",create_dt,create_id");
((")"), ",now(),'" + createId
+ "'");
return ();
// 重写更新语句
public static String buildLogUpdateSql(String sql) {
StringBuilder updateSql = new StringBuilder(sql);
String updateId = ();
if (updateId != null)
",update_dt=now(),update_id='" + updateId + "' ");
",update_dt=now(),update_hljs-string">" ");
return ();
// 为批量更新加入log字段
public static String buildBatchUpdateSql(String sql) {
sql = ();
StringBuilder updateSql = new StringBuilder(sql);
String updateId = ();
String addStr;
if (updateId != null)
addStr = ",update_dt=now(),update_id='" + updateId + "' ";
addStr = ",update_dt=now(),update_id= null ";
int fromIndex = 0;
int index = 0;
while (fromIndex < ()
&& (index = ("where", fromIndex)) != -1) {
(index, addStr);
fromIndex = index + () + 1;
return ();
// 为批量插入加入log字段
public static String buildBatchInsertSql(String sql) {
sql = ().replaceAll("uuid\\(\\)", "uuid");
StringBuilder insertSql = new StringBuilder(sql);
String createId = ();
int fromIndex = 0;
int index2 = 0;
int index1 = 0;
String addStr1 = ",create_dt,create_id";
String addStr2 = ",now(),'" + createId + "'";
if (createId != null)
addStr2 = ",now(),'" + createId + "'";
addStr2 = ",now(),null";
index1 = (")", fromIndex);
(index1, addStr1);
fromIndex = index1 + () + 1;
while (fromIndex < ()
&& (index2 = (")", fromIndex)) != -1) {
(index2, addStr2);
fromIndex = index2 + () + 1;
return ().replaceAll("uuid", "uuid()");
package ;
public class MybatisContext {
private static ThreadLocal<String> userId = new ThreadLocal<String>();
private static ThreadLocal<String> ip = new ThreadLocal<String>();
private static ThreadLocal<String> url = new ThreadLocal<String>();
private static ThreadLocal<String> clzName = new ThreadLocal<String>();
public static void clearContext() {
public static String getClzName() {
return clzName.get();
public static void setClzName(String _clzName) {
public static void removeClzName() {
public static String getUserId() {
return userId.get();
public static void setUserId(String _userId) {
public static void removeUserId() {
public static String getIp() {
return ip.get();
public static void setIp(String _ip) {
public static void removeIp() {
public static String getUrl() {
return url.get();
public static void setUrl(String _url) {
public static void removeUrl() {
package ;
* 驼峰命名转下划线
* @author jeff he
public class NameConverter {
public static String conver(String name) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
if (name != null && () > 0) {
// 将第一个字符处理成小写
((0, 1).toLowerCase());
// 循环处理其余字符
for (int i = 1; i < (); i++) {
String s = (i, i + 1);
// 在大写字母前添加下划线
if ((())
&& !((0))) {
// 其他字符直接转成大写
return ();
package ;
import ;
import .List;
public interface BaseMapper<T, ID extends Serializable> {
int deleteById(ID id);
int insert(T t);
int update(T t);
T getById(ID id);
List<T> list(T t);
List<T> findByPage(T t);
<mapper namespace="">
<resultMap type="User" id="userRM">
<!-- 上面是一个整体 -->
<insert id="insert" parameterType="User">
<delete id="deleteById" parameterType="String">
<update id="update" parameterType="User">
<select id="getById" parameterType="String" resultType="User">
<select id="list" parameterType="User" resultMap="userRM">
<select id="findByPage" parameterType="User" resultMap="userRM">