linux gcc编译参数顺序问题

时间:2025-03-17 17:59:46

初学Linux C编程遇到编译出错


gcc -g -W -Wall -pthread  -lcrypto -o httpd


/tmp/: In function `md5test':
/home/rivulet/work/Tinyhttpd-master/:666: undefined reference to `MD5_Init'
/home/rivulet/work/Tinyhttpd-master/:667: undefined reference to `MD5_Update'
/home/rivulet/work/Tinyhttpd-master/:668: undefined reference to `MD5_Final'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [httpd] Error 1


gcc -g -W -Wall -o httpd -lssl -lcrypto 

编译时候,-l所知识的库需要跟在.c文件的后面,表明依赖关系,库与库的之间的依赖关系需要通过顺序定义好,写在前面的库依赖于 写在后边的库


The traditional behavior of linkers is to search for external functions from left to right in the libraries specified on the command line. This means that a library containing the definition of a function should appear after any source files or object files which use it. This includes libraries specified with the short-cut -l option, as shown in the following command:

$ gcc -Wall  -lm -o calc   (correct order)

With some linkers the opposite ordering (placing the -lm option before the file which uses it) would result in an error,

$ cc -Wall -lm  -o calc    (incorrect order)
: In function `main':
(.text+0xf): undefined reference to `sqrt'

because there is no library or object file containing sqrt after ''. The option -lm should appear after the file ''.

When several libraries are being used, the same convention should be followed for the libraries themselves. A library which calls an external function defined in another library should appear before the library containing the function.

For example, a program '' using the GNU Linear Programming library '', which in turn uses the math library '', should be compiled as,

$ gcc -Wall  -lglpk -lm

since the object files in '' use functions defined in ''.

Most current linkers will search all libraries, regardless of order, but since some do not do this it is best to follow the convention of ordering libraries from left to right.

This is worth keeping in mind if you ever encounter unexpected problems with undefined references, and all the necessary libraries appear to be present on the command line.


链接器的传统行为是在命令行中指定的库中从左到右搜索外部函数。这意味着包含函数定义的库应该出现在使用它的任何源文件或目标文件之后。这包括使用short-cut -l选项指定的库,如以下命令所示:

$ gcc -Wall -lm -o calc(正确的顺序)

$ cc -Wall -lm -o calc(错误的顺序)
(.text + 0xf):对'sqrt'的未定义引用



$ gcc -Wall -lglpk -lm

