
时间:2025-03-13 07:23:52
import numpy as np def trainDecisionTree(np_label, np_attrs): print("Data shape: " + str(np.shape(np_attrs))) # To decide whether an attribute is discrete b_discrete = [] TH_DISCRETE = 10 for i in range(0,np.shape(np_attrs)[1]): s = set() b_discrete.append(True) col = np_attrs[:,i] for x in col: s.add(x) if(len(s) > TH_DISCRETE): b_discrete[-1] = False node = TreeNode() processTreeNode(node, np_label, np_attrs, b_discrete) return node def compareEqual(left, right): return left == right # def compareNotEqual(left, right): # return left != right def compareLessOrEqual(left, right): return left <= right # def compareBiggerOrEqual(left, right): # return left >= right class TreeNode: def __init__(self): self.label = None self.lChild = None self.rChild = None self.compareIndexAttr = None self.compareValue = None self.compareMethod = None def accept(self, attrs): attr = attrs[self.compareIndexAttr] if self.compareMethod(attr, self.compareValue): return True return False def predict(self, attrs): if(self.label != None): return self.label if self.lChild.accept(attrs): return self.lChild.predict(attrs) else: return self.rChild.predict(attrs) # Impossible! print("TreeNode Error: no child accept!") print("arrts is: " + attrs) exit(-1) def devide(np_label, np_attrs, compareIndexAttr, compareMethod, compareValue): left_label = [] left_attrs = [] right_label = [] right_attrs = [] for i in range(0,np.shape(np_attrs)[0]): value = np_attrs[i][compareIndexAttr] label = np_label[i] attr = np_attrs[i] if(compareMethod(value, compareValue)): left_label.append(label) left_attrs.append(attr) else: right_label.append(label) right_attrs.append(attr) left_np_label = np.array(left_label) left_np_attrs = np.array(left_attrs) right_np_label = np.array(right_label) right_np_attrs = np.array(right_attrs) return left_np_label, left_np_attrs, right_np_label, right_np_attrs def countDistinctValues(np_values): s = dict() for v in np_values: if v in s: s[v] += 1 else: s[v] = 1 return s def findDevidePoint(np_label, np_attrs, indexAttr, bDiscrete): if bDiscrete: compareMethod = compareEqual candidateValue = countDistinctValues(np_attrs[:,indexAttr]) else: compareMethod = compareLessOrEqual sorted_a = (np_attrs[np_attrs[:,indexAttr].argsort()])[:,indexAttr] candidateValue = [] for i in range(0, len(sorted_a) - 1): v = (sorted_a[i] + sorted_a[i+1]) / 2 candidateValue.append(v) minGiniIndex = 1 for v in candidateValue: l_label, l_attr, r_label, r_attr = devide(np_label, np_attrs, indexAttr, compareMethod, v) ls_label = [l_label, r_label] theGiniIndex = giniIndex(ls_label) if theGiniIndex < minGiniIndex: minGiniIndex = theGiniIndex compareValue = v return compareMethod, compareValue, minGiniIndex def processTreeNode(node, np_label, np_attrs, b_discrete): if len(np_label) != len(np_attrs): print("Error: label size != attr size") exit(-1) if len(np_label) <= 0: print("Error: label size <= 0!") exit(-1) if np.shape(np_attrs)[1] != len(b_discrete): print("Error: numbers of attrs != length of b_discrete!") exit(-1) if isArrayElementIdentity(np_label): node.label = np_label[0] return NUM_END = 5; if len(np_label) <= NUM_END: node.label = getMostElement(np_label) return if len(np_label) > 1000: print("Current recursion data size: " + str(len(np_label))) # Find the best attribute to divide. minGiniIndex = 1 # ls_thread = [] for i in range(0, np.shape(np_attrs)[1]): compareMethod, compareValue, giniIndex = findDevidePoint(np_label, np_attrs, i, b_discrete[i]) if giniIndex < minGiniIndex: minGiniIndex = giniIndex chooseAttrIndex = i chooseCompareMethod = compareMethod chooseCompareValue = compareValue # Divide the dataset l_label, l_attrs, r_label, r_attrs = devide(np_label, np_attrs, chooseAttrIndex, chooseCompareMethod, chooseCompareValue) # Generate subtrees node.lChild = TreeNode() node.lChild.compareIndexAttr = chooseAttrIndex node.lChild.compareMethod = chooseCompareMethod node.lChild.compareValue = chooseCompareValue if np.shape(l_label)[0] == 0: node.lChild.label = getMostElement(np_label) else: processTreeNode(node.lChild, l_label, l_attrs, b_discrete) node.rChild = TreeNode() if np.shape(r_label)[0] == 0: node.rChild.label = getMostElement(np_label) else: processTreeNode(node.rChild, r_label, r_attrs, b_discrete) def isArrayElementIdentity(np_array): e = np_array[0] for x in np_array: if x != e: return False return True def getMostElement(np_array): dictCount = {} for x in np_array: if x in dictCount.keys(): dictCount[x] += 1 else: dictCount[x] = 1 max = -1 result = None for key in dictCount: if dictCount[key] > max: result = key max = dictCount[key] return result def gini(ls_p): result = 1 for p in ls_p: result -= p*p return result def giniIndex(ls_devide_np_label): countTotal = 0 for np_label in ls_devide_np_label: countTotal += np.shape(np_label)[0] result = 0 for np_label in ls_devide_np_label: countValues = countDistinctValues(np_label) ls_p = [] for v in countValues: p = countValues[v] / np.shape(np_label)[0] ls_p.append(p) result += gini(ls_p) * np.shape(np_label)[0] / countTotal return result