anaconda 常用命令,清理多余包

时间:2025-03-12 12:48:01

anaconda 清除无用的包,节省空间

conda --version
conda create -n env_name环境名称 python=版本号
activate env_name
conda deactivate
conda env list 显示当前所有环境


conda create --name new_env_name --clone copied_env_name


conda remove --name env_name -all


conda serach --full-name package_full_name


package_full_name 被查找包全名

conda search text


conda list  当前环境中已安装包
conda install --name env_name package_name
conda install package_name   在当前环境下安装包
pip install package_name 当conda install 无法安装时
conda remove --name env_name package_name 
conda remove package_name  卸载当前环境中的包
conda update --all  或 conda upgrade --all
conda update package_name 或 conda upgrade package_name

清除conda 里多余的包

conda clean -a
(base) C:\Users\Administrator>conda clean -h
usage:  clean [-h] [-a] [-i] [-p] [-t] [-f] [-c TEMPFILES [TEMPFILES ...]] [-d] [--json] [-q] [-v] [-y]

Remove unused packages and caches.


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.

Removal Targets:
  -a, --all             Remove index cache, lock files, unused cache packages, and tarballs.
  -i, --index-cache     Remove index cache.
  -p, --packages        Remove unused packages from writable package caches. WARNING: This does not check for packages
                        installed using symlinks back to the package cache.
  -t, --tarballs        Remove cached package tarballs.
  -f, --force-pkgs-dirs
                        Remove *all* writable package caches. This option is not included with the --all flag.
                        WARNING: This will break environments with packages installed using symlinks back to the
                        package cache.
                        Remove temporary files that could not be deleted earlier due to being in-use. Argument is
                        path(s) to prefix(es) where files should be found and removed.

Output, Prompt, and Flow Control Options:
  -d, --dry-run         Only display what would have been done.
  --json                Report all output as json. Suitable for using conda programmatically.
  -q, --quiet           Do not display progress bar.
  -v, --verbose         Can be used multiple times. Once for INFO, twice for DEBUG, three times for TRACE.
  -y, --yes             Do not ask for confirmation.


    conda clean --tarballs