大模型压力测试 evalscope

时间:2025-03-11 16:54:34
  1. evalscope
/ 性能 /





evalscope perf --help
usage: evalscope <command> [<args>] perf [-h] --model MODEL [--url URL] [--connect-timeout CONNECT_TIMEOUT] [--read-timeout READ_TIMEOUT] [-n NUMBER] [--parallel PARALLEL] [--rate RATE]
                                       [--log-every-n-query LOG_EVERY_N_QUERY] [--headers KEY1=VALUE1 [KEY1=VALUE1 ...]] [--wandb-api-key WANDB_API_KEY] [--name NAME] [--debug] [--tokenizer-path TOKENIZER_PATH]
                                       [--api API] [--max-prompt-length MAX_PROMPT_LENGTH] [--min-prompt-length MIN_PROMPT_LENGTH] [--prompt PROMPT] [--query-template QUERY_TEMPLATE] [--dataset DATASET]
                                       [--dataset-path DATASET_PATH] [--frequency-penalty FREQUENCY_PENALTY] [--logprobs] [--max-tokens MAX_TOKENS] [--n-choices N_CHOICES] [--seed SEED] [--stop STOP] [--stream]
                                       [--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--top-p TOP_P]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --model MODEL         The test model name.
  --url URL
  --connect-timeout CONNECT_TIMEOUT
                        The network connection timeout
  --read-timeout READ_TIMEOUT
                        The network read timeout
  -n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
                        How many requests to be made, if None, will will send request base dataset or prompt.
  --parallel PARALLEL   Set number of concurrency request, default 1
  --rate RATE           Number of requests per second. default None, if it set to -1,then all the requests are sent at time 0. Otherwise, we use Poisson process to synthesize the request arrival times. Mutual exclusion
                        with parallel
  --log-every-n-query LOG_EVERY_N_QUERY
                        Logging every n query.
  --headers KEY1=VALUE1 [KEY1=VALUE1 ...]
                        Extra http headers accepts by key1=value1 key2=value2. The headers will be use for each  can use this parameter to specify http authorization and other header.
  --wandb-api-key WANDB_API_KEY
                        The wandb api key, if set the metric will be saved to wandb.
  --name NAME           The wandb db result name and result db name, default: {model_name}_{current_time}
  --debug               Debug request send.
  --tokenizer-path TOKENIZER_PATH
                        Specify the tokenizer weight path, used to calculate the number of input and output tokens,usually in the same directory as the model weight.
  --api API             Specify the service api, current support [openai|dashscope]you can define your custom parser with python, and specify the python file path, reference api_plugin_base.py,
  --max-prompt-length MAX_PROMPT_LENGTH
                        Maximum input prompt length
  --min-prompt-length MIN_PROMPT_LENGTH
                        Minimum input prompt length.
  --prompt PROMPT       Specified the request prompt, all the query will use this prompt, You can specify local file via @file_path, the prompt will be the file content.
  --query-template QUERY_TEMPLATE
                        Specify the query template, should be a json string, or local file,with local file, specified with @local_file_path,will will replace model and prompt in the template.
  --dataset DATASET     Specify the dataset [openqa|longalpaca|line_by_line]you can define your custom dataset parser with python, and specify the python file path, reference dataset_plugin_base.py,
  --dataset-path DATASET_PATH
                        Path to the dataset file, Used in conjunction with dataset. If dataset is None, each line defaults to a prompt.
  --frequency-penalty FREQUENCY_PENALTY
                        The frequency_penalty value.
  --logprobs            The logprobs.
  --max-tokens MAX_TOKENS
                        The maximum number of tokens can be generated.
  --n-choices N_CHOICES
                        How may chmpletion choices to generate.
  --seed SEED           The random seed.
  --stop STOP           The stop generating tokens.
  --stop-token-ids      Set the stop token ids.
  --stream              Stream output with SSE.
  --temperature TEMPERATURE
                        The sample temperature.
  --top-p TOP_P         Sampling top p.


 Total requests: 10
 Succeed requests: 10
 Failed requests: 0
 Average QPS: 0.256
 Average latency: 3.859
 Throughput(average output tokens per second): 23.317
 Average time to first token: 0.007
 Average input tokens per request: 21.800
 Average output tokens per request: 91.100
 Average time per output token: 0.04289
 Average package per request: 93.100
 Average package latency: 0.042
 Percentile of time to first token: 
     p50: 0.0021
     p66: 0.0023
     p75: 0.0025
     p80: 0.0030
     p90: 0.0526
     p95: 0.0526
     p98: 0.0526
     p99: 0.0526
 Percentile of request latency: 
     p50: 3.9317
     p66: 3.9828
     p75: 4.0153
     p80: 7.2801
     p90: 7.7003
     p95: 7.7003
     p98: 7.7003
     p99: 7.7003


您可以在查询模板中设置请求参数,并使用(--stop、--stream、--temperature 等),参数将替换或添加到请求中。


示例请求 llama3 vllm openai 兼容接口。

evalscope perf --url '' --parallel 128 --model 'qwen' --log-every-n-query 10 --read-timeout=120 --dataset-path './datasets/open_qa.jsonl' -n 1 --max-prompt-length 128000 --api openai --stream --stop '<|im_end|>' --dataset openqa --debug

evalscope perf ' http://host:port/v1/chat/completions ' --parallel 128 --model 'qwen' --log-every-n-query 10 --read-timeout=120 -n 10000 --max-prompt-length 128000 --tokenizer-path "THE_PATH_TO_TOKENIZER/Qwen1.5-32B/" --api openai --query-template '{"model": "%m", "messages": [{"role": "user","content": "%p"}], "stream": true,"skip_special_tokens": false,"stop": ["<|im_end|>"]}' --dataset openqa --dataset-path 'THE_PATH_TO_DATASETS/open_qa.jsonl'



evalscope perf --url '' --parallel 12 --model 'llama3' --log-every-n-query 10 --read-timeout=120 -n 1 --max-prompt-length 128000 --api openai --query-template '{"model": "%m", "messages": [], "stream": true, "stream_options":{"include_usage": true},"n": 3, "stop_token_ids": [128001, 128009]}' --dataset openqa --dataset-path './datasets/open_qa.jsonl'


# test openai service
evalscope perf --url '/v1/chat/completions' --parallel 1 --headers 'Authorization=Bearer YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY' --model 'gpt-4o' --dataset-path 'THE_DATA_TO/open_qa.jsonl'  --log-every-n-query 10 --read-timeout=120  -n 100 --max-prompt-length 128000 --api openai --stream --dataset openqa
##### open qa dataset and 
#### dataset address: /datasets/Hello-SimpleAI/HC3-Chinese/blob/main/open_qa.jsonl
evalscope perf --url 'http://IP:PORT/v1/chat/completions' --parallel 1 --model 'qwen' --log-every-n-query 1 --read-timeout=120 -n 1000 --max-prompt-length 128000 --tokenizer-path "THE_PATH_TO_TOKENIZER/Qwen1.5-32B/" --api openai --query-template '{"model": "%m", "messages": [{"role": "user","content": "%p"}], "stream": true,"skip_special_tokens": false,"stop": ["<|im_end|>"]}' --dataset openqa --dataset-path 'THE_PATH_TO_DATASETS/open_qa.jsonl'
如何将指标记录到 wandb

--wandb-api-key'你的_wandb_api_key'--name'wandb_and_result_db 的名称'


--debug 使用--debug选项,我们将输出请求和响应。



import sqlite3
import base64
import pickle
import json
result_db_path = 'db_name.db'
con = (result_db_path)
query_sql = "SELECT request, response_messages, prompt_tokens, completion_tokens \
                FROM result WHERE success='True'"
# how to save base64.b64encode((benchmark_data["request"])).decode("ascii"), 
with con:
    rows = (query_sql).fetchall()
    if len(rows) > 0:
        for row in rows:
            request = row[0]
            responses = row[1]
            request = base64.b64decode(request)
            request = (request)
            responses = base64.b64decode(responses)
            responses = (responses)
            response_content = ''
            for response in responses:
                response = (response)
                response_content += response['choices'][0]['delta']['content']
            print('prompt: %s, tokens: %s, completion: %s, tokens: %s' % (request['messages'][0]['content'], row[2], response_content, row[3]))
支持 API

目前支持 openai、dashscope、zhipu API 请求。您可以使用 --api 指定 api。您可以使用 --query-template 自定义您的请求,您可以指定一个 json 字符串:'{"model": "%m", "messages": [{"role": "user","content": "%p"}], "stream": true,"skip_special_tokens": false,"stop": ["<|im_end|>"]}' 或使用 @to_query_template_path 指定本地文件。我们将 %m 替换为 model,%p 替换为 prompt。


要扩展 api,您可以创建 的子类ApiPluginBase,使用 @register_api("name_of_api") 注释,并通过模型、提示和查询模板使用 build_request 构建请求。您可以参考 opanai_api.py parse_responses 返回 number_of_prompt_tokens 和 number_of_completion_tokens。

class ApiPluginBase:
    def __init__(self, model_path: str) -> None:
        self.model_path = model_path
    def build_request(self, messages: List[Dict], param: QueryParameters)->Dict:
        """Build a api request body.

            messages (List[Dict]): The messages generated by dataset.
            param (QueryParameters): The query parameters.

            NotImplementedError: Not implemented.

            Dict: The api request body.
        raise NotImplementedError
    def parse_responses(self, 
                        responses: List, 
                        request: Any=None,
                        **kwargs:Any) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        """Parser responses and return number of request and response tokens.

            responses (List[bytes]): List of http response body, for stream output,
                there are multiple responses, each is bytes, for general only one. 
            request (Any): The request body.

            Tuple: (Number of prompt_tokens and number of completion_tokens).
        raise NotImplementedError  

目前支持逐行,longalpaca 和 openqa 数据集。逐行,每行作为提示。longalpaca 将获取 item['instruction'] 作为提示。openqa 将获取 item['question'] 作为提示。


要扩展 api,您可以创建 的子类DatasetPluginBase,用 @register_dataset('name_of_dataset') 注释,实现 build_prompt api 返回提示。

class DatasetPluginBase:
    def __init__(self, query_parameters: QueryParameters):
        """Build data set plugin

            dataset_path (str, optional): The input dataset path. Defaults to None.
        self.query_parameters = query_parameters

    def __next__(self):
        for item in self.build_messages():
            yield item
        raise StopIteration

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.build_messages()
    def build_messages(self)->Iterator[List[Dict]]:
        """Build the request.

            NotImplementedError: The request is not impletion.

            Iterator[List[Dict]]: Yield request messages.
        raise NotImplementedError
    def dataset_line_by_line(self, dataset: str)->Iterator[str]:
        """Get content line by line of dataset.

            dataset (str): The dataset path.

            Iterator[str]: Each line of file.
        with open(dataset, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            for line in f:
                yield line
    def dataset_json_list(self, dataset: str)->Iterator[Dict]:
        """Read data from file which is list of requests.
           Sample: /datasets/Yukang/LongAlpaca-12k

            dataset (str): The dataset path.

            Iterator[Dict]: The each request object.
        with open(dataset, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            content = ()
        data = (content)
        for item in data:
            yield item