mysql 绑定内网ip 允许指定ip访问 新增用户 授权 修改密码

时间:2025-03-11 06:56:29
1、新建用户 MySQL -u root -p CREATE USER 'test'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '1234'; #本地登录 CREATE USER 'test'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '1234'; #远程登录 quit mysql -u test -p #测试是否创建成功 2. 授权test用户拥有testDB数据库的所有权限 grant all privileges on testDB.* to “test”@”localhost” identified by “1234”; flush privileges; #刷新系统权限表 3.指定部分权限给用户: grant select,update on testDB.* to “test”@”localhost” identified by “1234”; flush privileges; #刷新系统权限表 4.授权test用户拥有所有数据库的某些权限 grant select,delete,update,create,drop on . to test@”%” identified by “1234”; #”%” 表示对所有非本地主机授权,不包括localhost flush privileges; 5.修改指定用户密码 update set authentication_string=password(“新密码”) where User=”test” and Host=”localhost”; flush privileges;