
时间:2025-03-09 09:47:40
package ;/**
 * Created by TongGuoBo on 2019/6/14.

import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;

import .*;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;

 * @ClassName Examples
 * @Description TODO
 * @Author TongGuoBo
 * @Date 2019/6/14 8:55
public class Examples {
    private static final String ACCESS_KEY = "your_access_key";
    private static final String ACCESS_SECRET = "your_access_secret";

    public static final String PROTOCOL = "https";
    public static final String HOST = "";

    public static void main(String... args) {
        Examples examples = new Examples();
        EnvContext context = new EnvContext(ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET);
        String zoneKey = "pek3b";
        String bucketName = "test-in-2018-08-08-by-chengww";
        Bucket bucket = new Bucket(context, zoneKey, bucketName);
        (bucket, bucketName);

    public void testAll(Bucket bucket, String bucketName) {

        long start = ();

        try {
            // Create a new Bucket
             output = ();
            if (() == 201) {
                ("Put Bucket OK");


                putBucketPolicy(bucket, bucketName);





                String uploadFileName = "";
                try {
                    putObject(bucket, "folder/" + uploadFileName, "/Users/chengww/Downloads/vpn/" + uploadFileName);
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

                String multiPartUploadFileName = "";
                String filePath = "/Users/chengww/Downloads/backup/";
                putObjectAuto(bucket, filePath);

                getObject(bucket, "folder/" + uploadFileName, "/Users/chengww/Desktop/");

                putObjectCopy(bucket, "/" + bucketName + "/folder/" + uploadFileName, "folder-copied/" + uploadFileName);
                putObjectMove(bucket, "/" + bucketName + "/folder/" + uploadFileName, "folder-moved/" + uploadFileName);
                putObjectFetch(bucket, "/static/assets/images/icons/common/footer_logo.svg", "folder-fetched/qingcloud_footer_logo.svg");

                headObject(bucket, "folder-copied/" + uploadFileName);
                optionsObject(bucket, "folder-copied/" + uploadFileName);

                listObjects(bucket, null, null);

                deleteObject(bucket, "folder-copied/" + uploadFileName);

                List<String> objectKeys = new ArrayList<>();
                ("folder-moved/" + uploadFileName);
                deleteMultpieObjects(bucket, objectKeys);
            } else {
        } catch (QSException e) {

        ("End: Time = " + (() - start) + " ms");

     * Delete Multpie Objects once
     * @param bucket     bucket
     * @param objectKeys a string list of the objectKey
     *                   objectKey looks like this: "folder/fileName".<br/>
     *                   If objectKey = "fileName", means the object is in the bucket's root folder.
     * @throws QSException exception will be thrown if (objectKeys == null || () < 1)
    public void deleteMultpieObjects(Bucket bucket, List<String> objectKeys) throws QSException {
        if (objectKeys == null || () < 1) {
            throw new QSException("ObjectKeys list must contains at least one key.");

         deleteInput = new ();
        List<> keyList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String key : objectKeys) {
             keyModel = new ();
         output = (deleteInput);
        if (() == 200 || () == 204) {
            // Deleted
            ("Delete Multpie Objects: Deleted.");
            ("Delete Multpie Objects: Keys = \n" + new Gson().toJson(keyList));
        } else {
            // Failed
            ("Failed to delete multpie objects.");

     * Delete Object
     * @param bucket    bucket
     * @param objectKey looks like this: "folder/fileName".<br/>
     *                  If objectKey = "fileName", means the object is in the bucket's root folder.
    public void deleteObject(Bucket bucket, String objectKey) {
        try {
             output = (objectKey);
            if (() == 204) {
                // Deleted
                ("Delete Object: Deleted. ");
                ("Delete Object: Object key = " + objectKey);
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to delete " + objectKey);
                ("StatueCode = " + ());
                ("Message = " + ());
                ("RequestId = " + ());
                ("Code = " + ());
                ("Url = " + ());
        } catch (QSException e) {

     * Head Object
     * @param bucket    bucket
     * @param objectKey looks like this: "folder/fileName".<br/>
     *                  If objectKey = "fileName", means the object is in the bucket's root folder.
    public void headObject(Bucket bucket, String objectKey) {
        try {
             input = new ();
             output = (objectKey, input);
            if (() == 200) {
                ("Head Object success.");
                ("ObjectKey = " + objectKey);
                ("ContentLength = " + ());
                ("ContentType = " + ());
                ("ETag = " + ());
                ("LastModified = " + ());
                ("XQSEncryptionCustomerAlgorithm = " + ());
                ("XQSStorageClass = " + ());
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Head Object failed.");
                ("ObjectKey = " + objectKey);

        } catch (QSException e) {

     * Get(Download) an object from the bucket.
     * @param bucket        bucket
     * @param objectKey     looks like this: "folder/fileName".<br/>
     *                      If objectKey = "fileName", means the object is in the bucket's root folder.
     * @param localKeptPath the object will be kept in this path.
    public void getObject(Bucket bucket, String objectKey, String localKeptPath) {
        try {
             input = new ();
             output = (objectKey, input);
            InputStream inputStream = ();
            if (() == 200) {
                if (inputStream != null) {
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(localKeptPath);
                    int len;
                    byte[] bytes = new byte[4096];
                    while ((len = (bytes)) != -1) {
                        (bytes, 0, len);
                    ("Get object success.");
                    ("ObjectKey = " + objectKey);
                    ("LocalKeptPath = " + localKeptPath);
                } else {
                    ("Get object status code == 200, but inputStream is null, skipped.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to get object.");
            if (inputStream != null) ();
        } catch (QSException | IOException e) {

    public void putObjectMove(Bucket bucket, String moveSource, String newObjectKey) {
        try {
             input = new ();
            (moveSource); // MoveSource looks like this: "/bucketName/folder/fileName"
             output = (newObjectKey, input); // NewObjectKey looks like this: "folder-moved/fileName"
            if (() == 201) {
                // Created
                ("Put Object Move: Moved.");
                ("From " + moveSource + " to " + newObjectKey);
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Put Object Move: Failed to move.");
                ("From " + moveSource + " to " + newObjectKey);
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void putObjectCopy(Bucket bucket, String copySource, String newObjectKey) {
        try {
             input = new ();
            (copySource); // CopySource looks like this: "/bucketName/folder/fileName"
             output = (newObjectKey, input); // NewObjectKey looks like this: "folder-copied/fileName"
            if (() == 201) {
                // Created
                ("Put Object Copy: Copied.");
                ("From " + copySource + " to " + newObjectKey);
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Put Object Copy: Failed to copy.");
                ("From " + copySource + " to " + newObjectKey);
        } catch (QSException e) {


    public void putObjectFetch(Bucket bucket, String fetchSource, String newObjectKey) {
        try {
             input = new ();
            (fetchSource); // Fetch source looks like this: "protocol://host[:port]/[path]"
             output = (newObjectKey, input); // NewObjectKey looks like this: "folder-fetched/fileName"
            if (() == 201) {
                // Success
                ("Put Object - Fetch success.");
                ("From " + fetchSource + " to " + newObjectKey);
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Put Object - Fetch failed.");
                ("From " + fetchSource + " to " + newObjectKey);
        } catch (QSException e) {

     * Put a file to the bucket.
     * @param bucket    bucket
     * @param objectKey looks like this: "folder/fileName".<br/>
     *                  If objectKey = "fileName", we will put the object into the bucket's root.
     * @param filePath  local file path
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if file does not exist, the exception will occurred.
    public void putObject(Bucket bucket, String objectKey, String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException {
        File file = new File(filePath);
        if (!() || ())
            throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist or it is a directory.");

         input = new ();
        // Using the JDK1.7 self-bringing method to get content type(Requires JDK 1.7+, linux requires GLib.)
        try {
            String contentType = ((filePath));
            ("Put Object: ContentType = " + contentType);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            ("Put Object: Get file's content type error.");
        try {
             output = (objectKey, input);
            if (() == 201) {
                ("PUT Object OK.");
                ("key = " + objectKey);
                ("path = " + filePath);
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to PUT object.");
                ("key = " + objectKey);
        } catch (QSException e) {


    public void putObjectAuto(Bucket bucket, String filePath) {
        UploadManager uploadManager = new UploadManager(bucket, null, new UploadProgressListener() {
            public void onProgress(String objectKey, long currentSize, long totalSize) {
                float progress = (float) currentSize * 100 / totalSize;
                (objectKey + ": uploading = " + ("%.2f", progress) + " %");
        }, null, new UploadManagerCallback() {
            public void onAPIResponse(String objectKey, OutputModel output) {
                if (() == 200 || () == 201) {
                    ("Upload success.");
                } else if (() == QSConstant.REQUEST_ERROR_CANCELLED) {
                } else {

        try {
            (new File(filePath));
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void putBucketACL(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             input = new ();
             acl = new ();
             gm = new ();
            List<> lstACL = new ArrayList<>();
             output = (input);
            if (() == 200) {
                ("Put bucket ACL OK.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to put bucket ACL.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

     * List objects start with prefix(folderName), after a object named marker. Limit up to 100 data.
     * 列取所有前缀为 prefix(folderName) ,在 marker 之后的对象。每次最多 100 条数据。
     * @param bucket bucket
     * @param prefix prefix(folderName)
     * @param marker View the data on the next page. The marker is the value of next_marker returned by the last Response
     *               查看下一页的数据。marker 为上一次 Response 返回的 next_marker 的值
     * @return next_marker
    public String listObjects(Bucket bucket, String prefix, String marker) {
         input = new ();
        if (null != prefix && !"".equals(prefix)) {
            // Only show objects name start with 'prefix'

        if (null != marker && !"".equals(marker)) {
            // Sort by name after a object named marker

        (100); // Default 200, max 1000
        try {
             output = (input);
            if (() == 200) {
                // Success
                ("List Objects success.");

                ("=======List Objects:Folders======");
                List<String> commonPrefixes = ();
                for (String folderName : commonPrefixes) {
                    ("folderName = " + folderName);
                ("=======List Objects:Files======");
                List<> keys = ();
                if (keys != null && () > 0) {
                    ("keys = " + new Gson().toJson(keys));

                return ();
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("List Objects failed.");
        } catch (QSException e) {
            // NetWork exception

        return null;

    public void getBucketACL(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 200) {
                // Success
                 owner = ();
                if (owner != null) {
                    ("owner = {'name': " + () + ", 'ID': " + () + "}");
                } else {
                    ("owner = null");
                ("=======Get Bucket ACL======");
                List<> acls = ();
                if (acls != null && () > 0) {
                    ("ACLs = " + new Gson().toJson(acls));
                } else {
                    ("ACLs is empty.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to Get Bucket ACL.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void listMultipartUploads(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             input = new ();
            // See Request Parameters to set input
             output = (input);
            if (() == 200) {
                // Success
                ("=======List Multipart Uploads======");
                ("Name = " + ());
                List<> uploads = ();
                if (uploads != null && () > 0) {
                    ("Uploads = " + new Gson().toJson(uploads));
                } else {
                    ("Uploads is empty.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to List Multipart Uploads.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void getBucketStatistics(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 200) {
                // Success
                ("Get Bucket Statistics success.");
                ("Name = " + ());
                ("Created = " + ());
                ("Location = " + ());
                ("Status = " + ());
                ("URL = " + ()); // The method is different of ().
                ("Count = " + ());
                ("Size = " + ());
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to Get Bucket Statistics.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void headBucket(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 200) {
                ("Head Bucket success.");
                // You can print http headers/parameters you defined here.
                // See [Get/Set HTTP Headers/Parameters Of A Request](./get_set_http_headers.md)
                ("You can access the Bucket.");
                ("You can print http headers/parameters you defined here.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Head Bucket: You cannot access the Bucket or it does not exist.");

        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void deleteBucket(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 204) {
                // Deleted
                ("Delete Bucket: Deleted.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to Delete Bucket.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void putBucket(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 201) {
                // Created
                ("Put Bucket: Created.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to Put Bucket.");

        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void deleteBucketPolicy(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 204) {
                ("The policy of bucket deleted.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to delete bucket policy.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void getBucketPolicy(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 200) {
                ("====Get Bucket Policy====");
                List<> statements = ();
                if (statements != null && () > 0) {
                    ("Statements = " + new Gson().toJson(statements));
                } else {
                    ("Statement list is empty, Policy is empty.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to Get Bucket Policy.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void putBucketPolicy(Bucket bucket, String bucketName) {
        try {
             input = new ();
            List<> statement = new ArrayList<>();
             statementModel = new ();
            // ID
            ("allow certain site to get objects");
            // User
            List<String> user = new ArrayList<>();
            // Action
            List<String> action = new ArrayList<>();
            // Effect
            // Resource
            List<String> resource = new ArrayList<>();
            (bucketName + "/*");
            // Condition
             conditionModel = new ();
             stringLikeModel = new ();
            List<String> referer = new ArrayList<>();

             output = (input);
            if (() == 200) {
                ("PUT Bucket Policy OK.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("PUT Bucket Policy failed.");

        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void deleteBucketCORS(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 204) {
                ("Delete bucket CORS OK.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to delete bucket CORS.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void getBucketCORS(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 200) {
                ("====Get Bucket CORS====");
                List<> corsRules = ();
                if (corsRules != null && () > 0) {
                    ("CorsRules = " + new Gson().toJson(corsRules));
                } else {
                    ("CorsRules list is empty, CORS is empty.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to GET Bucket CORS.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void putBucketCORS(Bucket bucket) {
         input = new ();
        List<> corsRuleModels = new ArrayList<>();
         corsRuleModel = new ();
        // Allowed_origin
        // Allowed_methods
        List<String> allowed_methods = new ArrayList<>();
        // Allowed_headers
        List<String> allowed_headers = new ArrayList<>();
        // Max_age_seconds
        // Expose_headers
        List<String> expose_headers = new ArrayList<>();

        try {
             output = (input);
            if (() == 200) {
                ("PUT Bucket CORS OK.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("PUT Bucket CORS failed.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void deleteBucketLifecycle(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 204) {
                ("Delete bucket lifecycle OK.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to delete bucket lifecycle.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void getBucketLifecycle(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 200) {
                ("======GET Bucket Lifecycle=======");
                List<> rules = ();
                if (rules != null && () > 0) {
                    ("Rules = " + new Gson().toJson(rules));
                } else {
                    ("GET Bucket Lifecycle: Rules is empty.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to GET Bucket Lifecycle.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void putBucketLifecycle(Bucket bucket) {
         input = new ();
        List<> rules = new ArrayList<>();
         rule = new ();
        // ID
        // Status
        // Filter
         filter = new ();
        // Expiration
         expiration = new ();
        try {
             output = (input);
            if (() == 200) {
                ("Put bucket lifecycle OK.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to put bucket lifecycle.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void deleteBucketNotification(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 204) {
                ("The notification of bucket deleted.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to delete bucket notification.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void getBucketNotification(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 200) {
                ("=======GET Bucket Notification======");
                List<> notifications = ();
                if (notifications != null && () > 0) {
                    ("Notifications = " + new Gson().toJson(notifications));
                } else {
                    ("GET Bucket Notification: Notifications is empty.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to GET Bucket Notification.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void putBucketNotification(Bucket bucket) {
         input = new ();
        List<> notifications = new ArrayList<>();
         notification = new ();
        // Cloudfunc
        // EventTypes
        List<String> eventTypes = new ArrayList<>();
        // ID
        // ObjectFilters: List or String
        List<String> objectFilters = new ArrayList<>();
        // NotifyURL
        try {
             output = (input);
            if (() == 200 || () == 201) {
                ("Put bucket notification OK.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to put bucket notification.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void deleteBucketExternalMirror(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 204) {
                ("Delete bucket external mirror OK.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to delete bucket external mirror.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void getBucketExternalMirror(Bucket bucket) {
        try {
             output = ();
            if (() == 200) {
                String sourceSite = ();
                ("GET Bucket External Mirror: SourceSite = " + sourceSite);
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to GET Bucket External Mirror.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void putBucketExternalMirror(Bucket bucket) {
         input = new ();
        try {
             output = (input);
            if (() == 200) {
                ("PUT Bucket External Mirror OK.");
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to PUT Bucket External Mirror.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

     * Options Object
     * @param bucket    bucket
     * @param objectKey looks like this: "folder/fileName".<br/>
     *                  If objectKey = "fileName", means the object is in the bucket's root folder.
    public void optionsObject(Bucket bucket, String objectKey) {
        try {
             input = new ();
             output = (objectKey, input);
            if (() == 200) {
                // Success
                ("Options Object success.");
                ("AccessControlAllowOrigin = " + ());
                ("AccessControlMaxAge = " + ());
                ("AccessControlAllowMethods = " + ());
                ("AccessControlAllowHeaders = " + ());
                ("AccessControlExposeHeaders = " + ());
            } else {
                // Failed
                ("Failed to Options Object.");
        } catch (QSException e) {

    public void handleError(OutputModel output) {
        if (output == null) return;
        ("StatusCode = " + ());
        ("Message = " + ());
        ("RequestId = " + ());
        ("Code = " + ());
        ("Url = " + ());

    private void listBuckets(EnvContext context) {
        QingStor stor = new QingStor(context);
        try {
             output = (null);
            if (() == 200) {
                ("Count = " + ());

                List<> buckets = ();
                ("buckets = " + new Gson().toJson(buckets));

            } else {
        } catch (QSException e) {