
时间:2025-03-06 10:07:55
001 <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
002 <html>
003 <head>
004 <title> new document </title>
005 <meta name="generator" content="editplus">
006 <meta name="author" content="">
007 <meta name="keywords" content="">
008 <meta name="description" content="">
009 </head>
010 <style type="text/css">
011     *{
012         padding:0;
013         margin:0;
014     }
015     body{
016         text-align:center;
017     }
018     #canvas{
019         margin:0 auto;
020     }
021 </style>
022 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
023 <!--
024     // 金币对像
025     var five = new Image();
026      = "";
027      = 5;
028      = 5;
029     var ten = new Image();
030      = "";
031      = 10;
032      = 10;
033     var twenty = new Image();
034      = "";
035      = 20;
036      = 20;
038     var heroImg = new Image();
039      = "";
041     var bg = new Image();
042      = "";
044     // 金币类;
045     function Money(x,y,speed,img){
046         // 没次循环增加的像素数
047         this.speed = speed;
048         this.x = x;
049         this.y = y;
050         this.width = ;
051         this.height = ;
052         this.img = img;
053         this.value = ;
054     }
055      = {
056         draw:function(ctx){
057             (this.img,this.x,this.y);
058         },
059         move:function(){
060             this.y += this.speed;
061         }
062     }
063     // 娃娃脸
064     function Hero(x,y,img){
065         this.grade = 0;
066 = 5;
067         this.x = x;
068         this.y = y;
069         this.img = img;
070         this.width = ;
071         this.height = ;
072     }
073      = {
074         draw:function(ctx){
075             (this.img,this.x,this.y);
076         },
077         touch:function(other){
078             if( this.x + this.width > && this.x < + &&
079                 this.y + this.height > && this.y < + ){
080                 this.grade += ;
081                 return true;
082             }
083             return false;
084         }
085     }
086     var App = {
087         // 对象
088         elements:[],
089         backImg:bg,
090         imgs:[five,ten,twenty],
091         hero:null,
092         // 画布
093         canvas:null,
094         // 绘制工具
095         context:null,
096         // 定时器
097         timer:null,
098         // 速度(更新间隔speed * 10)
099         speed:0,
100         pause:false,
101         // 绘制对象
102         draw:function(){
103             // 清屏
104             this.(0,0,this.,);
105             // 绘制背景
106             this.(this.backImg,0,0);
107             // 绘制娃娃脸
108             this.(this.context);
109             // 绘制金币
110             for(var i=0;i<this.;i++){
111                 var o = this.elements[i];
112                 // 清理屏幕外的对象
113                 if( > this. || < 0 || > this. || < 0){
114                     this.(i,1);
115                     this.--;
116                 }else if(this.(o)){
117                     this.(i,1);
118                 }else{
119                     (this.context);
120                 }
121             }
122             // 绘制生命值及得分
123             this. = "left";
124             this. = 'normal 10px Arial';
125             this. = "#fff";
126             this.("Life:" + this.,5,15);
127             this.("Grade:" + this.,5,35);
128         },
129         // 循环处理
130         loop:function(){
131             var me = App;
132             if(){
133                 return;
134             }
135             for(var i=0;i<;i++){
136                 [i].move();
137             }
138             var chance = () * 1000;
139             // 1/10的对象添加概率
140             if(chance < 100){
141                 var img = [parseInt(chance%)];
142                 var x = ()*( - [parseInt(chance%)].width);
143                 var y = 0;
144                 var speed = ;
145                 var money = new Money(x,y,speed,img);
146                 (money);
147             }
148             ();
149             if( == 0){
150                 ();
151             }
152         },
153         // 开始游戏
154         gameStart:function(id,speed){
155             var me = this;
156              = (id);
157              = ("2d");
158              = speed;
159              = new Hero(( - )/2, - ,heroImg);
160             if(this.timer != null) ();
161              = function(e){
162                 e = || e;
163                 var x = - - /2;
165                 if(x > 0 && x < - ){
166                      = x;
167                 }
168             }
169              = setInterval(, * 10);
170         },
171         // 暂停游戏
172         gamePause:function(){
173             this.pause = true;
174             this. = "center";
175             this. = "#f00";
176             this. = 'bold 50px Arial';
177             this.("Pause!",this./2,this./2);
178             this. = 'bold 20px Arial';
179             this.("Press space key to continue...",this./2,this./2 + 40);
180         },
181         // 结束游戏
182         gameOver:function(){
183             clearInterval(this.timer);
184             this.elements = [];
185             this.pause = false;
186             this.timer = null;
187             this. = "center";
188             this. = "#f00";
189             this. = 'bold 40px Arial';
190             this.("Game Over!",this./2,this./2);
191         },
192         // 添加对象
193         addElement:function(o){
194             this.(o);
195         }
196     }
198      = function (){
199         var can = $("canvas");
200         var ctx = $("canvas").getContext("2d");
201         (bg,0,0);
202         (heroImg,( - )/2, - );
203          = "center";
204          = "#f00";
205          = 'bold 20px Arial';
206         ("Press space key to start...",/2,/2);
207          = function(e){
208             if( != 32){
209                 return;
210             }
211             if( == null){
212                 ("canvas",6);
213             }else if(){
214                  = false;
215             }else{
216                 ("canvas",6);
217             }
218         }
219     }
220     function $(id){
221         return (id);
222     }
223 //-->
224 </SCRIPT>
225 <body>
226 <canvas width=300 height=450 id="canvas" style="border:1px solid #ccc;background:url('')">
227 </canvas>
228 </body>
229 </html>