什么是 MirrorMaker?
运行 MirrorMaker方法
-- ./ -- ./ -- 8 --whitelist ".*"
root@DESKTOP-I0EG1MJ:~/kafka-client/mirror-maker# cat
root@DESKTOP-I0EG1MJ:~/kafka-client/mirror-maker# cat
root@DESKTOP-I0EG1MJ:~/kafka-client/mirror-maker# cat
-- ./ -- ./ -- 5000 -- 2 --whitelist "test0428"
-- 消费者的配置文件(要消费的集群)
-- 指定生产配置文件(要发送到的目标集群)
--whitelist 要同步的topic白名单,可以匹配正则,也可以指定具体topic
-- 消费端提交offset时间间隔
-- MirrorMaker 要创建多少个 KafkaConsumer 实例
更多可以使用 --help查看
root@DESKTOP-I0EG1MJ:~/kafka-client/mirror-maker# --help This tool helps to continuously copy data between two Kafka clusters. Option Description ------ ----------- -- <String: Stop Configure the mirror maker to exit on the entire mirror maker when a send a failed send. (default: true) failure occurs> -- <String: config file> Embedded consumer config for consuming from the source cluster. -- <String: The consumer rebalance listener to use A custom rebalance listener of type for mirror maker consumer. ConsumerRebalanceListener> --help Print usage information. -- <String: A custom Message handler which will process message handler of type every record in-between consumer and MirrorMakerMessageHandler> producer. -- <String: Arguments used by custom message Arguments passed to message handler handler for mirror maker. constructor.> -- DEPRECATED Use new consumer in mirror maker (this is the default so this option will be removed in a future version). -- <Integer: Number of Number of consumption streams. threads> (default: 1) -- <Integer: Offset commit interval in ms. offset commit interval in (default: 60000) millisecond> -- <String: config file> Embedded producer config. -- <String: Arguments used by custom rebalance Arguments passed to custom rebalance listener for mirror maker consumer. listener constructor as a string.> --version Display Kafka version. --whitelist <String: Java regex Whitelist of topics to mirror. (String)>
WARNING: The default partition assignment strategy of the mirror maker will change from 'range' to 'roundrobin' in an upcoming release (so that better load balancing can be achieved). If you prefer to make this switch in advance of that release add the following to the corresponding config: '='
主要是说是MirrorMaker使用的消费策略是 Range ,以后可能改成 “轮训策略” ,我们可以手动指定“轮询策略”