mysql 1317_Query execution was interrupted, error #1317

时间:2025-03-03 18:09:56

What I have is a table with a bunch of products (books, in this case). My point-of-sale system generates me a report that has the ISBN (unique product number) and perpetual sales.

I basically need to do an update that matches the ISBN from one table with the ISBN from the other and then add the sales from the one table to the other.

This needs to be done for about 30,000 products.

Here is the SQL statement that I am using: UPDATE `inventory`,`sales` SET `inventory`.`numbersold` = `sales`.`numbersold` WHERE `inventory`.`isbn` = `sales`.`isbn`;

I am getting MySQL Error: #1317 SQLSTATE: 70100 (ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED) Query execution was interrupted

I am using phpMyAdmin provided by