phpMyAdmin "Cannot start session without errors"

时间:2025-03-02 09:01:15
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'cookie';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
phpMyAdmin "Cannot start session without errors"
转载自: /suping/blog/item/
Yesterday one of my customers reported their phpMyAdmininstall was showing the error message "Cannot start session withouterrors" and they were unable to even get to the phpMyAdmin loginpage. This post looks at what caused the issue and how to fixit.

The error message in question looks like this:

phpMyAdmin - Error

Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given inyour PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHPinstallation properly.

Clearly there's something wrong with the way sessions are beingused. I checked the Apache error log file and it didn't actuallyshow any error messages and I don't have PHP logging errorsseparately.

The next step was to have a look at the file and seewhat the session settings are. This is on a CentOS 5 webserver witha default install. I've removed all the unecessary commentsetc:


session.save_handler = files

session.save_path = "/var/lib/php/session"

session.use_cookies = 1


session.auto_start = 0

session.cookie_lifetime = 0

session.cookie_path = /

session.cookie_domain =

session.serialize_handler = php

session.gc_probability = 1

session.gc_divisor     = 1000

session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440

session.bug_compat_42 = 0

session.bug_compat_warn = 1

session.referer_check =

session.entropy_length = 0

session.entropy_file =

session.cache_limiter = nocache

session.cache_expire = 180

session.use_trans_sid = 0

session.hash_function = 0

session.hash_bits_per_character = 5

I couldn't see anything wrong there, so I figured the nextlogical step was to check the directory specified by thesession.save_path option as follows:

ls -l /var/lib/php

total 2

drwxrwx--- 2 root apache 2048 Jul 17 11:56 session

That shows us that the session directory is owned by "root", theuser is "apache" and it can be written to by both user and groupbut no one else. That all looks fine but we run this particularwebserver as a user other than "apache".

It would therefore appear that when I did an upgrade of PHP alittle while back it restored the user permissions back toroot:apache instead of leaving them root:myusername (myusernameisn't the actual username in question - just an example). I ammaking an assumption here because there shouldn't be any otherreason for the permissions to have changed.

A simple chown is all that's required:

sudo chown -R root:myusername /var/lib/php/session

and then the error in phpMyAdmin went away and we were able tolog in again.

So, assuming I am correct that a PHP upgrade on CentOS restoredthe PHP session directory default permissions, if you run Apache onCentOS as a user other than "apache" you need to make sure youcheck the permissions of your PHP session directory afterupgrading. This will affect any websites using PHP file basedsessions, not just phpMyAdmin.





phpMyAdmin – Error
Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given inyour PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHPinstallation properly.


1.在php的目录建立个文件夹Temp,设置Temp属性为IIS_Users组除完全控制的所有权限。(IIS_Users为IIS匿名用户组),在找到session.save_path这一行,设成session.save_path = “D:/host/php/Temp”(把分号去掉)。
在找到session.save_path 这一行,设成session.save_path =“D:/host/php/Temp” (把分号去掉)
找到 $cfg['blowfish_secret'] 将后面的赋值,加入数字和字母组合。
2.在 hosts 中添加记录   
然后使用 /phpmyadmin/来访问,这下就OK了!也就是说,不可以用IP地址的形式来访问。
